You enter the porthole to be thrown out on a soft sandy beach.
"Hello" a voice purrs you turn round and come face to face with a cat like creature it is wearing a purple robe with green hemings has golden coloured fur and mane. It seems to struggle with speaking in english and has a heavily accented voice a very cat like voice.
"Hello my name is M'rell I am a caitian I am here to look after shadows children. come I will show you round to where they stay." you follow the creature she walks calmly infront of you her tail swaying as she moves you pass a small clump of trees blowing about in the warm breeze the sand underneath you is pleasantly warm. a small gull flys over head silently the clear blue sparkling water laps on the shore. she reaches where the beach is thickest infront of you is the sea all foamy on the edges and behind you is a forest with tall green trees wich the sun shines through making patterns on the ground. A bush rustles you turn round a bush behind you rustles again you turn round a small rainbow coloured dragon slithers its way towards you
"Hello" it says
"Got ya" another voice yells a gold dragon jumps out at you you can see remains of shells on the ground.
"Hello" the rainbow dragon states again my name is .....
the gold dragon pushes in front
"My name is R'hilo." states the gold in a important voice. the rainbow shoves past
"And my name is Ogica"
"hey I was talking to the human" says the gold "Do you want to play."
"Sure" you reply "what are you playing?"
"Hetrith." he replies
"But I don't want to play that." says Ogical "can't we play gritus"
"no we are playing Hetrith." replies R'hilo
"Oh" sighs Ogica
" look why don't you play grithus ogica and R'hilo comes for his hunting lesson." purrs M'rell
"YESSSSSSSSS!!!!" yells R'hilo.
"Lets just speak to the visitor first.
"Ohh I want to go hunting." R'hilo cries.
"Lets see the visitor first" says M'rell
"Hello goodbye" says R'hilo turning away from you
"Thats no way to treat a guest who has come to see you."
"me they want to see me well thats different then." he runs up to you "want to see my hunting?" he asks "Dont worry what I hunt isn't real it is a simulation."
Ogica is playing with a cocoanut "then we will see what ogica can do" you reply Ogica looks up and runs up to you
"GREAT" she yells
you look round
"What is this place." you ask
"This" replies M'rell  "is where it is allways summer and warm it never rains but all life is sustained by a magical substance in the air which forms water where needed. here in this one part of the beach the sea never reaches high tide it is never much further in than it is now." you look towards the sea it is in running distance but would take a few minutes to get there. "This is paradise." you mutter. 
Caitians are copywrite of star trek and paramount pictures
names meaning: strong willed
gender: male
Shadow and Maxine
Caretakers: M'rell and Alice
Adopted at: Dragon Shadows
Colour: rainbow
Names meaning: logical
Gender: female
Shadow and Maxine
Cartakers:M'rell and alice
Adopted at: Dragon Shadows