We gots to stop here! It's a costume shop! Stop, E.T.!


C'mon, let's go see what Halloween costumes dey gots!

Ginger: I found a Tinker Bell costume, but it's kinda big fur me. An kinda *gulp* short. No way I'd wear dis.

Phelicity: An it's kinda green, too. *mewgiggles* I found a bluuuuue one, but I doesn't know what it is an da pants is too long.

Ginger: E.T., what are mew doing up der?

E.T.: I found a stool to stand on. Lookit all da animal masks. Dese are cool but I dunno how I'd see where I was going!

Phelicity. I likes dis hat, but.... Let's look aroun sommore.

Ginger: Dis is good! I like Super Girl. An da boots are comfy.

Phelicity: I'm not sure bout dis Bat Girl. It's awfur slippery. Ginger....*gulp* ...what's dat behind us?

Ginger: Oh, dat's juss ........Darth Vader! Eeeeeek!

Phelicity: *Shreeeeek!*

E.T.: Sheesh, girls, it's juss me. Lookit dis cool cape! Lookit dis ...... uh, ..where'd dey go?

Ginger and Phelicity: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!

E.T.: I guess it might be a liddle skeery. Mewhaha!

E.T.: How bout Davy Crockett? I get a nice long rifle wiff dis one. Da hat's a liddle itchy, tho.

Ginger: Dey used to call dis a car hop! What fun! I get to roller skate while I carry a tray of ..... hmmmmm..... Ooopsie.

Phelicity: I luffs dis pirate girl, lookit, I gots a parrot! An I luffs da hat! Mew think I might trip in dis long coat? Hmmm.

Phelicity: But I luffs da pink flamingo! I luffs all da pink feathers! We could all be birds!

Ginger: Nope, I'm not gonna wear dis dorky parrot costume. It flaps.

Phelicity: But I nefur saw so many pink feathers! Didn't dey got a parrot wif feathers?

E.T.: Uh .... Phelicity .... I don't think birds are gonna work. I dunno if dis costume is a bird or a scarecrow. It's juss itchy.

Phelicity: But dis one is so purrty! Well ... cept fur da mask wif dat beak. I'm not wearin dat.

Ginger: It really is purrty, but mew would be droppin feathers all night. An I'd be flappin.

E.T.: An what if it gets windy? Mew might blow away. An I'd be itchin.

Phelicity: But .... *sigh*..... Can we go to KFC on da way home?

Phelicity: Ooooh, dese are niiiice. I'd luff bein a space cadet! A silvery one!

E.T.: Me too, wiff dis cool laser gun. We'll be from a star ship.

Ginger Yeah .... from fur fur away, like in da future. Uh .... is dat da same thing?

E.T: Sure is, an we're comin back to dis Halloween nite!

Happy Halloween, efurykitty! Stay safe, stay indoors, an haff fun!

Please take our card wiff mew!

How exciting! We got Honorable Mention in the Costume Contest! Thank mew!

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Click here to visit Phelicity's Pages.

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Visit our furriends Hunky an Dorie here