Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

The bishops in session.


Paul VI
John Paul I
John Paul II
Pope who called the Second Vatican Council. He was a meek, humble and quiet man, and his pontificate was predicated by all to be uneventful, thus it was a great shock to the world when he called the council. He died in 1963.

Reconvened the council after his election, brought it to a close, and was responsible for the first implementations. He is most remembered for commissioning a team to re-write the Mass which he issued in 1969.

Elected in 1978 and reigned for only 34 days before suddenly passing away. He did not accept the papal tiara as had all his predecessors for the past millenium. John Paul II, his successor, did not accept it either.
Still reigning. Has made some remarkably revolutionary gestures that have rocked the traditionalist boat over the years such as calling on all the world's religions to worship their own gods at Assisi, Italy.