Novena to St. Jude

Oh holy St. Jude, apostle and martyr, rich in virtue, great in miricles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your aid, to you do I come in my hour of need. To you, to whom God has given such great powers do I come with my present, most urgent petition. I ask that you intercede for me and see to it's granting. In return, I promise to make your name known to others and cause others to be aware of your greatness.

My request is: (make request)

Say this for nine days. Follow each time with 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and 3 Glorias. Publication or notification to others must be promised.

Novena to St. Jude
(A slightly different variation)

Oh, Holy St. Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich miracles.  Near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance.  Help me in my present, urgent petition. (make request).  In return, I promise to make you name known and cause you to be invoked.

Say 3 Our Father's, 3 Hail Mary's and 3 Glorias.  St. Jude , pray for me an all who invoke your aid, humbly in need of your intercession.  Amen  (This novena has never been known to fail.  This novena must be said on nine consecutive days.  Publications/distributions must be promised.)

Novena to St. Jude

Say this prayer for 9 days, 9 times each day.  "May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and  preserved throughout the world now and forever.  Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us.  St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us."  on the eighth day you prayers will be answered.  It has never failed.  Publication must be promised.

Novena to St. Jude

Come to my aid O God; O Lord, make haste to help me. Thou, O Lord, shall open my lips; And my tongue shall proclaim thy praise. Glory be ...

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the gift of the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who has said, "Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you;" grant, we beg You, to us who ask, the gift of Your most Divine love, that with all our heart, words, and works, we may love You, and never cease to praise You. Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Your Most Holy Name, for You never fail to govern those Whom You solidly establish in your love. You, Who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Most holy Apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of His enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the True Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable and alone; make use, I implore you, of this particular privilege accorded to you by God, to bring visible and speedy help, where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need, so that I may receive the consolations and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (...), and that I may bless God with you and all the Communion of Saints throughout eternity. I promise you, O blessed apostle St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted to me by God, never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.

1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's, 1Glory be

St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us and for all who invoke thine aid.

Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee.

St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid me in my distress.

O God, Who through Your blessed apostle St. Jude has brought us unto the knowledge of Your Name; grant us both to celebrate his eternal glory by making progress in virtue, and by celebrating his glory to advance in virtue, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, You have made Your Name known to us through the Apostles. By the intercession of St. Jude, let Your Church continue to grow with an increased number of believers. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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