
light as air
i feel them flutter there...
flying through my mind,
unheeding of any time...

from the past
to even now, where i at last
begin to see...
just how much these
memories mean to me...

for a moment, we can be
just like butterflies in spring,
flittering from flower to flower...
only we hover over
memory for this hour...

memories that include
the good and the bad,
the funny and the sad...
just trying to recall
what it had all
meant to us before...

to know, to understand,
our lives are in God's mighty hand...

we remember, then, not to
live in memory's land...
but just to visit, so that we can fix our
eyes on our now...

the memories we recall
must inspire our lives, after all,
for, we, too, are like
butterflies, 'tis true...
fragile as morning dew
that evaporates as the day passes by
and that's the reason why
we must continue  living for today,
yet with memory in our view,

fluttering in our hearts, now and then--
and just like butterflies are apt to do,
dancing delicately in the air...
then...suddenly, no longer there...
      I Didn't Know

I didn't know...
     having children would be
     so '
awful' hard!

Watching them grow--
     seeing those little faces
     lose all the traces
     of precious babyhood...

I just didn't know...
     how difficult it would be
     to watch them leave me.
But, that's the way
     it's meant to end--
That's what the Lord
     really did intend!

Baby grows up and becomes
     independence grown...
I just didn't know
     it would make me feel
      so terribly alone!

I didn't know
     I'd feel so adrift...
     parted from this gift
     of God's great love.
For it's true that a child
     is God's dearest blessing!

I just didn't know
     that it was also a testing
     of learning about resting
            and trusting in Him
                so completely.

For, in raising and loving a child,
     then learning how to let go...
Well...I just didn't know
      it was simply God's way
     of teaching His child--
              me--how to grow!

Poems written by
            Cathy J. Montgomery
Well, here's a little look into the past.  This was also in the "Memories" booklet from 1993.  In June of 1996,  Matt was still alive at that year's  family reunion. month later he committed suicide.  There was no indication to any of us that he would do such a thing.  All had appeared well with him.  If only...       
Turning Thirty
Cathy J. Montgomery
I remember my 30th birthday (oh, so long ago!!)  I had been experiencing some "growing older" pains for several weeks.  It seemed everything I heard or saw was geared exclusively to the despised topic of aging!  Even my favorite raido station seemed to conspire against me,!  For every time I switched it on, a particular song would blast out--
"Turnnnning Thhhhurteee!"

So I really wasn't too happy about celebrating my birthday.  But, Mom persuaded me, it was there in the warm, nurturing atmosphere of my loving mother's home, I faced the cold, cruel reality of my vanishing youth!

There we all were...sitting around Mom's table--Randy and his family, Mom, Mitch,  John and my little family.  In front of me was a birthday cake with a few brightly burning candles (
No 30 candles for me!!).  My nephew Matt, 6 at the time,  solemnly looked at the cake and candles, then quickly glanced at my face.  How could I have ever anticipated that this darling child would inflict the fatal blow?!

"Aunt Cathy, how old are you?"
I squinted my eyes, ignoring him, thinking he would forget the question.  No such luck.
"Aunt old are you?!"
I took a deep, ragged breath, hesitating to speak THAT number!
"Uh...mmm..."  I gulped, weakly whispering, "I'm thirty..."
Matt's little face grew even more solemn.
In an intensely serious tone, he said, "About ready to die, aren't ya?!"

"Turning Thurrteee!!" reverberated through my head for weeks and weeks.  Fortunately, I finally realized thirty wasn't so terribly old , after all!  In fact, it's a wonderful age!  Unfortunately, I didn't realize how wonderful until I turned forty!  Now...I'm wondering if they'll come out with a song called "Turning FIFFFFTEEEE!"   It's not so faraway.  Might as well start clearing my throat and practice humming.  Only then...please Matt...don't ask your Aunt Cathy how old she is!  Yes, it's true getting old depends on a person's frame of mind.  However, Matt, in my case, it all depends on my unreal sense of time!!  Let me have some illusions--puhleeze!!   

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