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"While there is life there is happiness.  There is a great deal, a great deal before us."
- War and Peace

"I don't want to have to wear shoes without memories"
- Kay Boyle

"Our dreams are our own, and only we can know the effort required to keep them alive."
- Paulo Coelho

"It is all very well to play for a while with fools - slacken the cord and they rise into the air, vast and imponderable, like elephant-balloons; pull the cord, and down they drop to the level of the earth, where they gyrate distractedly, or bounce about in response to every jerk upon the string: but fools must be changed fairly often, or the entertainment becomes tiresome."
- Sartre
Travel page - photos and stories of my trips around California and the world

Marin Headlands
PCNC cart demo - Event Tickets, Sports Tickets, Broadway Tickets And Concert Tickets.