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The Pilgrimage
At Easter, the most dedicated of the Catjenists will undertake a much anticipated long awaited Pilgrimage to Jenland, the Motherland, also known as a sand dune in Morocco. As Catjenists are charitable folk, the Pilgrimage will be greatly beneficial, not just to those Catjenists involved, but also to lots of little children in Africa (who will hopefully grow up to one day be Catjenists themselves). This is because the first part of the pilgrimage (Leeds to Morocco) will incorporate a great deal of hitch-hiking in aid of Link Community Development. Obviously once we reach Moroccan shores, the hitch hiking is abandoned, in favour of the Catjenist favourite - the Camel!
The journey to Jenland will then be made, we will visit the ancient capital city - Catitol, and converse with the natives in Freddish, before kneeling in awe at the feet of the sacred OX, which balances atop the sand dune.
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NB. As the Morocco hitch is for charity, and Cat and Jen both have to raise loads of money to be able to make this pilgrimage and fulfil their destiny, we would be extremely grateful of any sponsorship you could offer us. All sponsors will soon be awknowledged on our website, so you get to be famous too, and seen to be a kind and generous person - a true catjenist. So if you can offer us any support, please email us. Thankyou for your support. You are ace!
The Hitch
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