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Chapter 56

Wheres that girl when you need her! Masako grumbles as she looks at the clock. Whos going to take out the trash?

By the time the clock hits 10, it becomes obvious she is the most likely candidate. That weirdo is probably not home yet! I dont hear his voice. I cant be this unlucky!

Meanwhile Nakai has dragged out the trash to the bins. Earlier on when he passed by Masakos door, he had looked at it and smiled happily to himself. After squeezing the whole bag into the cans, he sits down on side of the pavement and lights a cigarette. He tells himself he needs a rest, but subconsciously, he is waiting for Masako to come.

Soon his mind wanders off to Rei chan and Takuya. No matter how easy going he appears regarding this matter, his heart still aches from time to time. But he knows that was the best solution for the three of them. It would not be right to hurt the two persons he loves the most. But does this mean I dont love myself? He muses unhappily.

Theres a sudden crash and a soft curse behind him. Turning sharply, he sees Masako bending over to pick up the metal lid she had probably dropped.

I didnt hear you! When did you arrive? Nakai asks curiously as he picks up the lid and hands it to her.

Well, you do realize that I am not an elephant by nationality! Masako snaps rudely as she snatches the lid out of his hands and claps it back down onto the cans.

Well, you sure had me fooled! Nakai replies sarcastically. I can swear you are one by the way you created this commotion!

Anything is better compared to you! Masako sneers.

What do you mean? Nakai asks furiously.

Old, lonely, pathetic! She replies with relish.

You stupid woman! Nakai chides. You are cowardly, clumsy, airy!

Masakos face grows redder as her anger grows. She leans forward and thrusts her face at him. Nakai nearly bursts out laughing at her bulging eyes and flaring nostrils.

Elephant! He teases further, enjoying the sight of her flushed face and distorted features. He thrusts his face forward towards her as a clear indication of his enjoyment.

You~ you~ you~ you ugly monkey! She yells at his smirking face.

A young boy on his bicycle comes down the slope at an uncontrollable speed towards Masako. To avoid ramming into her, he stretches out his hand and pushes into the small of her back. As he passes, she falls forward from the impact and before Nakai can react, their faces have smashed into each other, lips locking firmly.

Their eyes shot open in shock but neither thought of pulling away. The moment passes and they begin to enjoy the kiss. Masako closes her eyes in anticipation and Nakai follows suit. For a few precious moments there is only silence and the thumping of their hearts.

Mmm~ hmm~ hmm~ Nakai starts to laugh. The difficulty in breathing made him pull away but he cant stop laughing. Masakos jaw drops open and she slowly turns pale. Haahaahaa~ hohoho~

You crack me up! Nakai exclaims happily still laughing although he is getting quite breathless. Masako glares at him with a look of disbelief and starts to run towards the entrance.

Hey! Wait! Nakai called after her but she only runs faster.

Chapter 57

Hey! The holidays are here! Shingo exclaims excitedly over dinner one night.

Ah, ah, time to clean the house! Goro remarks absentmindedly. Shingo groans loudly to state his protest.

I have a day off! Nakai announces happily.

Me too! Takuya adds brightly.

Lets do something fun! Shingo suggests.

Cleaning. Goro insists. Thats something.

Thats just something, not something fun. Shingo retorts. I need a break! Not break my back!

Nakai and Takuya watch the bickering with amusement. Tsuyoshi smiles lightly to himself as he watches in silence.

Lets have a picnic at the beach! Takuya suggests suddenly.

Oh yes! Shingo cheers loudly.

Cleaning! Goro insists impatiently. Shingo glares angrily at him and he glares back challengingly.

Ok! Ok! Cleaning and then picnic! Nakai says hurriedly to break up the impending fight.

Fine. Goro replies in his nonchalant manner.

Fine! Shingo replies angrily and sticks out his tongue at his spoilsport brother.

Chapter 58

Pails? Goro reads off his list.

Yep! Nakai replies cheerfully waving the buckets in his hands.


Here! Takuya shows a whole bag filled with cloth rags


I have them. Tsuyoshi replies softly.

Hair bands?

I have got them! Shingo replies and starts handing one to each of them

Ok, Nakai and Takuya do the dusting, Ill do the windows and doors. Tsuyoshi and Shingo do the polishing! Goro assigns each of his brothers a chore. Get moving!

Nakai starts humming and Takuya starts singing. Very soon Shingo joins in and the whole house is filled with harmonized out of tune singing and loud laughter.

By lunchtime all the cleaning is done. Takuya and Tsuyoshi had made sandwiches for lunch and start packing a picnic basket for their outing.

What are you packing? Shingo asks curiously after coming out from his bath.

Riceballs. Takuya replies simply.

I want to make them too! Shingo cries excitedly and ousts Tsuyoshi from his position by the sink as he grabs the cooked rice from the rice cooker.

Tsuyoshi, go get your bath! Nakai suggests after seeing what had happened.

Are you going to wear that? Goro asks Nakai as he eyes the tie-dyed sleeveless tee Nakai is wearing with his jeans.

Yes. Nakai beams. Its hot out there!

You will get sun burnt if you dont cover up! Goro warns. Nakai studies the long sleeve shirt Goro is wearing over a white tee.

Forget it. Ill stick to this. Nakai announces finally, after serious consideration.

Shingo! Takuya can be heard bellowing. Stop fooling around!

Oops! Shingo exclaims playfully and makes a face at his frustrated brother. Goro shakes his head in resignation as Nakai goes up to Shingo and brings his fist down on his head with a resounding whack. Shingo drops the rice ball in his hands and starts howling in pain.

Thats supposed to be eaten! Nakai warns severely. Waste anymore and it is coming out of your allowance!

Finally, after an hour they are ready to go. Grabbing all the stuff they want to bring along, Nakai locks the windows and does a final round of inspection before they leave.

OK! Lets go!

Goro, Hold it like this!

Huh? Oh, ok!

Here, let me help you.

This is too heavy! Why do I have to carry everything?

The sea is the shade of blue that is both pleasing to the eyes and soothing to the soul. A light sea breeze is blowing towards the beach. As expected, the place is completely occupied with people seeking solace from the summer heat.

As the brothers look around for a place to sit down, they step over sunbathing bodies and scantily clad couples.

Wow! Look at that body!

Good grief! Where do all these people come from?

Arent this people afraid of getting skin cancer?

Oops! Sorry!

Some one help me with these! Its so heavy! Oops!

At long last, they found a small alcove like space under a cliff. Nakai pulls off his shirt and runs for the water with both his arms held high up. Takuya sits down cross-legged on the beach blanket that Tsuyoshi had helped to spread out on the sand. Goro chooses the inner darkest corner to rest. Immediately, he takes out a book and starts reading. Shingo dumps everything onto the blanket and runs off with Tsuyoshi to join Nakai in the sea.

Takuya takes out a bottle of sunblock after pulling off his tee and starts slathering it all over his exposed torso. He cocks an eyebrow and looks at Goro from the corner of his eye. Goro is engrossed in his reading and has his nose buried in the book he is holding in his hands. Mischievously, Takuya pushes the sunblock towards Goro and rams his nose with the plastic bottle.

Hey! Goro protests angrily.

Takuya turned his back to him and points at his exposed back. Obediently, Goro takes the bottle and starts applying the oily mixture on the thin but broad back.

Ne~ Goro, it has been hard on you. Takuya says suddenly

Eh? Goros hand stops and he looks at his brother in surprise. Takuya starts to laugh and Goro gives him a dark look, as his hand starts moving again.

You could have gone further but because we couldnt afford to send you for further studies. Takuya explains feelingly. He can feel the hand on his back stiffen. And now you are just a salaryman when you could had been someone great

Goro sighs lightly instead of replying. Takuya can feel his disappointment welling from within.

Someone great? Like an idol? Goro sneers.

You know what I mean. Takuya replies calmly.

I am someone great when I am with my brothers. Goro replies. I dont need anyones recognition when I have my familys.

Takuya reaches behind and pats Goros hand. At this moment, these two brothers reach an unspoken understanding between each other.

Tsuyoshi and Shingo swim out further to sea, leaving Nakai bobbing happily near the shore. As they swim further, they realize that they are alone. Shingo sinks silently into the sea while Tsuyoshi stares quietly at the blue sky.

Ne~ Tsuyoshi, Shingo remarks casually. How are things between Ryo and you?

What do you mean?

The whole school knows you and Ryo are an item! Shingo teases. After the both of you confronted Miss Cant-keep-her-hands-to-herself the other day, you told her Ryo is your girlfriend.

The whole school knows? Tsuyoshi turns pale.

Yep! Shingo replies happily. Tsuyoshi groans lightly. Whats wrong?

Goro saw us holding hands. He doesnt approve of us.

He told you?

You know he always speaks subtly. Tsuyoshi replies quietly. He told me to concentrate on being a student for now.

I see.

And that goes for you too!


You and Momoko. Tsuyoshi says pointedly. Shingo widens his eyes in surprise then starts laughing loudly.

Me and Momoko? We are just good friends! I never thought of her as a romantic interest!

Really? Tsuyoshi asks, as he cocks his eyebrow skeptically. Thats good.

Dont worry. Momoko is just a sister to me. Shingo replies lightly.

After the swim and a huge meal, all of them lie down in the shade to rest. Tsuyoshi and Shingo are quick to drop off to sleep while Goro continues to read his book in silence. Nakai and Takuya set off for a walk by themselves by the beachfront.

Have you seen Rei chan lately? Nakai asks. How is she?

Takuya shakes his head lightly and looks up at the sky. His eyes narrow against the glare from the sun. I havent seen her since.

Since that time? Nakai asks curiously.

Yes. Takuya replies with a bitter smile.


I dont have the guts to see her. Takuya replies with a shrug of his shoulders. I just cant face her again.

You do know that she means a lot to you. Nakai reminds lightly. You should give yourself a break.

I just cant bring myself to do it. Takuya insists. Nakai knows that it is time to stop forcing his stubborn brother.

They continue their walk in silence with Takuya looking out to sea constantly and Nakai looking down at his feet. Penny for your thoughts? Takuya asks at last.

Nothing. Just reflecting on the past ten years after dad and mom died. Nakai replies inaudibly.

Its a miracle we survived. Takuya remarks.

Yes, it is. Nakai agrees. I am fortunate to have you as a brother to help me through all the tough times.

Dont say that. Takuya chides gently. You made it because you can.

Remember right after Dad and Mom died, the welfare people came to take us away? Nakai asks.

Yeah, Takuya smiles. Shingo was crying so hard he actually blacked out for a few minutes. Takuyas face darkens as he remembers what came next.

All of us had to kneel down to beg them not to separate us. Takuya says in a harsh whisper.

Yeah, I had never spoken so fast in my life. They couldnt have left 4 young kids in my care. I was also just a boy back then. Nakai smiles ironically. They were touched by our determination to stay together.

Thats the first and only time I kneeled before someone.

Nakai sits in thoughtful silence. Ne~ All of us did so much to stay together. Nakai remarks, with feeling, while Takuya nods without a word.

Chapter 59

Momoko chan! Momoko chan! Shingo calls out happily at the small figure hurrying ahead of him towards the school gates.

Shingo kun! She cries happily when she stopped and turned to find him behind her.

Where are you off to in such a hurry?

Its my sisters birthday today so I am hurrying to the shops to get her a cake! Momoko smiles.

Its Masako chans birthday? Shingo exclaims excitedly. Why dont you make her one?

I cant bake! Momoko pouts. Shingo rolls his eyes thoughtfully for a moment.

I can help you! We can do it at my house! Shingo suggests. We can do a steamed cake for her instead!

Really? You would help me? Momoko jumps up and down with joy.

Come on, lets go get the ingredients!

When they reach home from the shops, the house is empty. Shingo puts down his bag and starts rolling up his sleeves. Momoko waits in anticipation as he gets everything ready.

You look just like a real chef! Momoko remarks when she sees the serious look on Shingos face as he does the preparations. Shingo reddens and nearly drops the bowl in his hand.

Come and give me a hand! Shingo urges embarrassingly.

For half an hour there was only silence as the two youngsters struggle to put a cake together. Momoko could only help to pass whatever ingredients or utensils he needed as she looked on while he mixed and stirred with much fervor. He only manages a sigh of relief when the cake is finally sitting snugly in the pan over the fire cooking.

I am so tired! Momoko wails and plops down on the floor to rest. Shingo eyes her with disbelief but refrains from answering back.

Are you hungry? He asks. Want something to eat?

What do you have?

Shingo opens the fridge and spots his favorite food. Mayonnaise!

Huh? What do you eat it with?

I eat it straight from the bottle! Shingo waves the bottle in his hand happily.

Momokos face starts to twist with shock. Thats not how we eat it normally!

Thats how I eat it! Shingo argues. Try it! You will like it!

No! Momoko pouts. She watches with her mouth open as he pushes the bottle opening into his mouth and starts sucking it merrily.

Yum! He exclaims and smacks his lips. Then he pushes the bottle towards her and gestures for her to try, pleading with his pair of large puppy eyes.

Momoko takes the bottle from him nervously and puts it carefully into her mouth. Then she presses the bottle lightly. Before she can taste anything, Shingo is jumping up and down merrily shouting. Contact kissing! Contact kissing!

Angrily, she takes the bottle out of her mouth and throws it at him. He jumps out of the flying bottle and continues to laugh at her merrily.

Contact kissing! Contact kissing! He continues to tease.

If I want to kiss you, I will just do it mouth to mouth! Momoko says spitefully, stopping Shingos antics totally. He cocks his eyebrows mischievously as he cooks up an idea.

Really? He asks in deliberate tones.

Needless to say! Momoko retorts angrily.

I dare you! Shingo challenges.

You are on! Momoko snaps stubbornly. Immediately, her hand flies to her mouth but it is too late!

Shingo grins devilishly. But ~ but only if you smear mayonnaise on your lips!

I dare you to do it now! Shingo teases further, picking up the fallen bottle of mayonnaise. Happily he smears some mayonnaise onto his lips much to her disbelief. Totally defeated she stands up and walks into his outspread arms, letting him guide her closer and closer to him.

As she nears, she feels his body warmth and smells his soap. She recognizes the kind of soap he uses but it seems he smells so much nicer than anyone she knows whom uses the same kind of soap.

Ready? He asks in a gentle voice she has never heard him use before. Holding her arms lightly, he stares at her with soft eyes. Momoko nods nervously as he bends closer and closer towards her. When the distance between them becomes too much to bear, she closes her eyes. Within seconds, she feels his lips on hers. The smell of mayonnaise invades her nostrils; at the same time, she tastes it escaping through her slightly parted lips.

He is right. Mayonnaise does taste nice! She says to herself dreamily. Her legs are starting to turn soft but she knows he will hold her up. Its sweet!


Momoko is rudely awakened from her dream as Shingo pulls away suddenly with a hard jerk. She is confused to see him jumping away from her. Then she sees him looking behind her and follows his gaze.

Takuya and Goro are standing by the opened main door, staring at them. Goro is frowning silently but it is the murderous look on Takuyas face that frightens Momoko so much so that her immediate reaction is to run away.

Shingo lowers his head and stares guiltily at his feet. The silence in the room is eating into him and he starts to twiddle his fingers to distract himself. Thats why he does not see Takuya rushing towards him and is unable to dodge the punch aimed at his face. The walls begins to shudder as Takuya attacks Shingo repeatedly, hitting him and throwing him against the walls and floor while Goro looks on, still frozen in his position.

Takuya could not articulate his anger as he concentrates on hitting his brother. Shingo being bigger in physique proves to be quite a challenge to beat up. But he dares not fight back, giving Takuya the chance to give him a good hiding. He tries to curl up into a ball thinking that it will be less painful but it only serves to anger Takuya more that he starts to kick him viciously.

Finally, Goro feels that Shingo has taken the maximum beating he can handle. Putting down his briefcase, he moves forward to pull Takuya away. To his surprise, Takuyas strength throws him off balance and he is flung against the far wall.

Theres a loud bang as his head knocked against a corner of the low table sitting against the wall. Suddenly his world bursts into sliver stars and he is unable to sit up, but seeing Takuya raining kicks on Shingo made him struggle up onto his feet and once again he tries to pull away his mad bull of a brother.

Locking his arms around Takuyas waist with both arms, he exerts all the strength he can muster to hold onto Takuyas slim body, which to Goro feels like a slippery eel right now as he struggles to maintain his balance and grip simultaneously.

At last, feeling exhausted and also obliging his frail brother, Takuya allow himself to be pulled away. Goro quickly stands between the both of them in case Takuya changes his mind.

Enough! Goro warns plainly and Takuya nods breathlessly to show that he will comply. The latter walks away and sits down near the front door hugging his knees to his chest.

Goro approaches the shivering ball on the floor and bends down to help Shingo sit up. He observes the grimaces on Shingos face as he tries to sit up properly. The bruises on his faces are starting to show up on his fair face too.

Didnt we warn you before? Goro questions calmly.

I wasnt doing anything with her! Shingo argues tearfully.

Then what do you call that? Play acting? Takuya shouts at the top of his lungs despite his breathlessness. Goro turns to look at him with a warning eye and he turns away angrily.

Ah~! Goro groans again and falls to his knees. His hand reaches up to his head as he bends over in pain. Shingo watches frozen with fear while Takuya jumps up on his feet swiftly and hurries over to help his brother up.

Whats wrong? Takuya asks worriedly.

Ah~! Goro moans lowly. Takuya had to pry off his hand and thats when he sees the bleeding cut on Goros left temple. Theres a heavy bruise surrounding the cut too.

How did you got so badly hurt? Takuya asks heart achingly.

Just now I knocked into the table. Goro replies through gritted teeth. Takuyas head shoots up and he glares at Shingo.

It looks serious. Come on, Ill bring you to the hospital.

Its not serious. Ill be fine after a rest. Goro protests.

Ok, ok. Takuya agrees hurriedly seeing that his brother is about to sprawl on the floor from his injury. Quickly grabbing the pillows piled a corner; he tries to create a softer surface for him to lie on.

Do something useful! Takuya growls fiercely at Shingo who is still sitting stiffly in the corner.

I~ I dont know what to do! Shingos voice trembles as he replies fearfully.

Forget it, hes scared out of his mind. Goro urges breathlessly as Takuya helps him lie down flat on the floor.

Chapter 60

When Nakai arrives home expecting dinner, a strange sight greets him. Takuya is cooking as usual but the subdued expression does not escape Nakais sharp instincts. Shingo is sitting huddled in a corner with his face bruised and his eyes lowered a clear sign of guilt.

Whats wrong with Goro? Nakai demands to know when he sees Goro lying on the floor, asleep.

Sssh! Tsuyoshi responds immediately. He is wiping Goros forehead gently with a towel. He just fell asleep.

Whats wrong? Nakai asks in a harsh whisper as he bends down to see. Tsuyoshi points to the swollen bump on Goros temple.

Hes having a fever. Tsuyoshi replies.

What happened to him? How did he get so badly hurt? Nakai demands loudly in a fit of anger.

Ssssh! Tsuyoshi reminds him again.

Nakai looks from Takuya to Shingo but no one answers him. Are you two going to tell me or do I have to wake Goro up and ask him myself?

Takuya quickly makes his way to Nakais side and whispers into his ear. When he finishes, Nakai glares at Shingo who cowls further in his corner. Ill deal with you later. Nakai promises with controlled fury. Goros condition looks pretty bad, shouldnt we get him to a hospital?

He said he will be fine after a rest. Takuya replies frowning slightly.

Well see how it goes tonight. Nakai concludes. Ill take care of him tonight.

Ill split the shift with you. You need some sleep too!

The four brothers ate dinner in silence. Takuya turns around frequently to watch over Goro even though his brother is sleeping perfectly still. Finally he puts down his bowl and stands up to get a basin of water.

Arent you eating anymore? Nakai asks eyeing the bowl of unfinished rice. Takuya shakes his head silently as he gently wipes away the perspiration on Goros forehead.

Shingo, come with me. Nakai says suddenly. He has lost his appetite too. As he leads the way out of the house, Shingo follows meekly.

Why? Nakai asks calmly when they are outside on the sidewalk. Shingo dares not come too close to his eldest brother whom he knows can beat him up just as bad as Takuya had done.

It was only a game! Shingo protests. It did not mean anything.

Nakais eyes flashes angrily as he stares at his youngest sibling. Who thought you to be so irresponsible?

If you feel nothing for her, why did you take advantage of her?

She started it first! Shingo argues feeling unjust and frightened of Nakai at the same time.

It doesnt matter who started it! Nakai snaps. You have the responsibility to make sure you dont disgrace our family!

Thats not fair! Shingo cries angrily. I cant be myself just because you want to look good?

Goro is seriously hurt now. Are you being fair to him? Nakai asks quietly.

When Nakai finally returns with a subdued looking Shingo, Tsuyoshi is hard at work with his studies. Takuya is sitting next to Goro with his feet drawn under him and his eyes fixated on his sleeping face. Shingo makes his way to their side and kneels down silently.

I am sorry for being so wayward. Please forgive me. He apologizes. Takuya eyes him without a word.

Takuya. Nakai urges.

Go and get your bath then go to bed early. Takuya finally concedes with a smile. Shingo reflects his smile happily. Ill get you a boiled egg for your bruises.