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Chapter 61


Nakai jolts awake from his light nap when he hears the faint moaning. Quickly he leaves his corner and hurries to Goro's side.

"Goro? Goro? Are you feeling better?" Nakai whispers anxiously.

Goro turns his head from side to side for a couple of times before his eyes open, looking around him as if he could not recognize the place.

"Goro?" Nakai frowns worriedly.

"I am ok." Goro gasps thickly. "Can I have a glass of water?"

Nakai jumps up and rushes to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. The small commotion wakes the other brothers and they gather around Goro.

"Are you feeling ok?" Takuya asks while Tsuyoshi and Shingo look on in silence.

"I am fine." Goro assures as Nakai comes back with the water. Takuya helps to pull Goro up into a sitting position and lets him lean against him as Nakai feeds him the water.

"I am so sorry, Goro." Shingo apologizes sadly. Goro's head keeps flopping backwards onto Takuya's shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Tsuyoshi asks worriedly upon observing that.

"I am very tired." Goro mumbles deliriously. "I want to sleep."

Takuya lays him down carefully but he is already fast asleep. The four brothers look at each other worriedly. "Someone must stay home with him tomorrow." Nakai says.

"I'll stay." Shingo volunteers immediately.

"No. You have school tomorrow. I'll stay." Takuya disagrees.

"Get some sleep, all of you." Nakai urges firmly. "I'll stay up till morning."

Chapter 62

"Is Goro better?" Tsuyoshi asks over the phone during his break. He has to know, because when he left home in the morning, his brother did not look at all fine.

Shingo sits beside him, moping in silence. He is feeling depressed but he has no idea that his brothers are too. The day just feels gray without the 5 of them waking up and rushing about to leave the house.

"How is he?" Nakai asks during his hourly phone call home.

"He hasn't woken up since last night." Takuya relates softly. "I am getting worried."

"Maybe we really should bring him to the doctor." Nakai suggests. Suddenly he hears loud retching sounds in the background. "What's happening? Takuya!"

All he hears is a loud bang as Takuya drops the phone in a hurry to help Goro up. His brother is starting to throw up in his unconsciousness.

"Takuya! What's happening? Takuya!" Nakai screams into the phone as he listens in on the commotion at the other end.

"Goro! Wake up! Wake up!" Takuya cries frantically as he wipes the white foam coming out of his brother's mouth. "Goro!"

For the first time in his life, Takuya felt fear. None of his brothers have ever been so ill before. He strives to keep a clear mind so he can think properly.

"Nakai! Goro needs to go to the hospital! He is in a really bad condition!" Takuya barks into the phone. "But we are out of cash for this month!"

"I'll borrow from my boss! You bring him there now! I'll come with the money!" 0Nakai assures. He is answered with a hasty click as he puts down the phone too.

"Come on Goro, I am bringing you to the hospital!" Takuya mutters to himself as he drags the sagging uncooperative body off the mattress. "Help me out here!"

Although Goro is the lightest of them all, he is only 3 kilograms lighter than the slim Takuya. Now he feels like deadweight in Takuya's arms.

Heaving with all his might, Takuya manages to pull Goro onto his back. "Hang on there, brother!" Takuya cries through gritted teeth as he heads for the door. He hears Goro's cell phone ringing away but he chooses to ignore it, as he slams shut the door on his way out.

Chapter 63

Tsuyoshi and Shingo run clumsily along the empty hospital corridor. Fear and anxiety is tripping them up as they hurry toward the ward Goro is in.

Suddenly, Tsuyoshi catches sight of the room and slows down into a brisk walk but Shingo continues to run forward. When he bursts into the silent room, Tsuyoshi follows in quietly. Nakai and Takuya are standing next to the high hospital bed looking somberly at the form lying on it.

"How is he?" Shingo asks brusquely.

"His fever is still raging. " Nakai replies gravely. "He has a concussion."

"Will he be ok?" Tsuyoshi asks as Shingo burst into tears. His loud cries fill the small room. Without warning, Takuya rushes at him and throws a fist at his face.

"It's all your fault! You are useless!" Takuya shouts fiercely.

Nakai and Tsuyoshi run forward to break up the fight; Nakai pulls Takuya apart while Tsuyoshi stands before Shingo shielding him.

"...." Shingo mumble tearfully.

"Enough!" Nakai shouts into Takuya's ear. "Do you want Shingo to get badly hurt too?"

Takuya shakes Nakai loose and walks to a far corner of the room where he buries his face against the wall. Tsuyoshi quickly turns to examine Shingo's new bruise. Nakai sighs frustratingly as he returns to his position by Goro's side. He stares at the white bandages wound tightly around his forehead and he sighs again.

"Is Mi chan informed?" Tsuyoshi asks suddenly.

"She went for a short trip with her father." Nakai replies. "Won't be back till next week."

Tsuyoshi nods without a word. "What did the doctor say?"

"We'll need to wait and see if his fever will subside by tonight." Nakai explains slowly. "Tsuyoshi, Shingo, both of you go home and rest. You have school tomorrow. Takuya, go home and get some rest too. Change out of that shirt."

Takuya stares thoughtfully at the wet patch on his shoulder. On the way to the hospital, white foamy liquid had consistently dripped out of Goro's mouth onto his shirt. With one swift pull, Takuya pulls off his shirt and throws it to one corner. "I am staying!" He announces firmly.

"I want to stay too!" Shingo bawls.

"We can't sleep even if we go home." Tsuyoshi explains.

Nakai sighs again as a sign of relenting. "Tsuyoshi, go home and get some dinner with Shingo then come back with a shirt for Takuya."

Chapter 64

"You sure scared the living daylights out of us!"

Goro stares silently at his brothers with half closed eyes. His eyeballs roll about as he looks from one to another. He cannot bend forward to look but he can feel Mi chan holding tightly to his hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy." He manages to spit out the word gruffly, much to the relief of his audience. His voice has gotten quite rough from non-usage for the 3 days that he was unconscious.

"He's going to be ok!" Nakai cries happily. Tsuyoshi smiles discreetly while Shingo starts weeping again.

"It must be tiring for you to rush down the moment you arrived home." Nakai says apologetically to Mi chan while seeing her out of the hospital.

Mi chan shakes her head and smiles wanly. "I won't have it any other way. It is kind of you to inform me."

"We tried contacting you when he was initially admitted." Nakai informs.

"Nakai kun." Mi chan stops in her tracks suddenly and turns to face him squarely. Nakai waits quietly for her to continue. "Nakai kun, being boys and being close, I can understand that this is the best way you can think of to settle problems."

"But now all of you are grown men."

"Mi chan, I can understand your concern. I admit that it is wrong to injure Goro so badly. He is my brother, I feel the pain too."

"I am sorry." Mi chan hurriedly apologizes when she realizes that she had been rude and brash. "I shouldn't interfere with the way you run the family."

Nakai could not think of anything to say in return so they continue to walk the rest of the way in silence.

"You must be very angry with us for letting Goro get so badly injured." Nakai remarks suddenly.

"Nakai kun, Goro kun is your brother. You must be feeling angrier than me." Mi chan replies without looking at him. Her reply once again renders him speechless.

Tsuyoshi and Shingo finally go to school with a smile. The past 3 days had been a nightmare to the both of them and attending classes was a torture.

"Shingo kun!" Momoko chan calls from afar the moment she spots him walking in through the school gates, stopping him in his tracks. She catches up with them quickly and gives them the breeziest smile. Tsuyoshi gives his brother a cautioning look and walks away without a word.

"Shingo kun, shall we study together today?" Momoko chan asks eagerly.

"I ~ I ~ no, I'm busy." Shingo stutters uneasily.

"What's wrong?" Momoko chan asks with a frown.

"Goro got hurt after you left the other day." Shingo replies unintelligently. "We can't ~ I better go!"

"Shingo kun? Shingo kun!" Momoko chan cries, but Shingo seems to be in a real hurry as he runs for his dear life. Staring at his retreating figure, her eyes start to ache. "I thought the kiss meant something."She mutters tearfully.

"Yoz!" Ryo greets Tsuyoshi cheerfully.

Tsuyoshi looks up from the book he is reading, but there isn't the usual smile for her on his lean face. Ryo begins to frown at such an unusual reaction.

"I didn't see you in school for the past few days." Ryo remarks casually. "Were you sick?"

"No. I came but I left early." Tsuyoshi replies dully.

"What's wrong?"

Tsuyoshi does not reply her. He is trying to make a fast decision. "What's wrong?" Ryo persists with an ominous feeling that her life is about to take a headlong crash.

"Ryo, we have to stop seeing each other." Tsuyoshi says firmly. He ignores the shocking expression creeping up her face as he continues to do what he feels is necessary. "I am sorry but we cannot go on like this."

"Go on like this? Go on like what?" Ryo questions anxiously. "What's going on?"

"I ~" Tsuyoshi starts to waver as sadness and responsibility overtake him.

"You can't just leave me with a 'We can't go on like this' and go away!" Ryo argues tearfully. "I am not a toy! I have feelings! I want to know why I am discarded like a damaged doll!"

Tsuyoshi's strong front begins to crumble as he watches Ryo rage over his cruelty. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He mumbles repeatedly.

"I don't want your apologies! I want an explanation!" Ryo demands angrily.

"I'm sorry! I can't!" Tsuyoshi apologizes for the last time and leaves quickly before he regrets his decision.

Chapter 65

"Goro kun?" Mi chan calls out gently when she sees his eyes flutter. Patiently she waits for them to open and focus on her face. Giving him her most gentle smile, "How are you feeling today?"

"What time is it now?" He asks instead, looking briefly out of the window.

"It's just after 9."

"Has the doctor come for his rounds?"


"Mi chan, can you ask the doctor to come along for a while when he is free today?"

" Do you think it is wise to ask for a discharge now?" Mi chan asks cautiously. Goro nods tediously. "I'll go now." Mi chan replies with an understanding smile.

When Tsuyoshi and Shingo visit after school, Goro is already fully dressed and waiting for them. "You are going home today?" Shingo asks in disbelief.

"You've just regained consciousness yesterday!" Tsuyoshi protests.

Mi chan slips away to settle the hospital bill before they set off. Goro leans tiredly against the bedstead, ignoring both his brothers. Eventually the both of them quiet down and wait gloomily.

"What's wrong with the both of you?" Goro asks weakly.

"Nothing." Tsuyoshi answers dully. Shingo remains uncharacteristically quiet.

"Both of you must concentrate on your studies now." Goro reminds simply but both his younger brothers get an impression that they have just been given a serious lecture.

Mi chan returns and senses the staleness in the air but she knows her priorities. With an encouraging smile, she helps Goro off the bed as they prepare to set off for home. She holds onto one of his arm while Shingo holds the other. Tsuyoshi had wanted to hurry forward to hail a cab but Goro stops him immediately, insisting on taking the train home.

During the journey home, Goro's face turns gradually ashen as time goes by. Mi chan holds onto his hand anxiously but she keeps very quiet to allow him more rest. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices that both Tsuyoshi and Shingo look very subdued.

"Something must have had happened to the both of them." She thinks grimly to herself.

Chapter 66

"Mi chan?" Takuya exclaims in surprise when he and Nakai reach home to find her busy in their kitchen.

"Welcome home!" She replies cheerfully.

"Goro!" Nakai cries out in even more surprise. His hand fly to close over his mouth when he realizes that his brother is asleep. "What is he doing home so soon?" He whispers harshly.

"The doctor discharged him today?" Takuya asks Mi chan skeptically.

"Goro kun asked for an early discharge." Mi chan explains. "He doesn't want to add to the family's financial burden."

"Silly boy!" Nakai mutters angrily but deep inside him he appreciates his brother's gesture.
"Dinner will be served soon."

"Have both of you taken your bath?" Takuya asks his siblings harshly. Since the beating he had given Shingo he has been seething, his anger surging to explosive points time and again.



"I'll go take mine." Nakai adds hurriedly as Takuya bends down to have a look at his sleeping brother. The ashen face sends a flash of pain through his heart like a heavy punch, leaving him breathless.

"Takuya." Goros voice pierces through the thick fog in his mind. When he feels brave enough to look down again, Goro's eyes are opened and looking steadily up at him.

"I have some cash in my briefcase." Goro whispers tediously. "Add that to your cash and pay Mi chan back for the hospital bills. She settled it this afternoon."

Takuya nods solemnly and gets up to fulfill the task as Goro closes his eyes again to rest. When Nakai comes out of the bathroom, he is accosted and has all his cash removed from his pockets.

"Is it enough?" Nakai asks in low tones.

"Yes." Takuya mouths the word. After folding the bills, he goes straight to Mi chan who is standing at the stove stirring a pot of porridge. He presses the folded dollar bills into her hand and she accepts them quietly without a fuss. Takuya smiles at her with gratitude and walks away without further communication.

Chapter 67

Mi chan looks up from where she is pouring tea into various teacups. Immediately she smiles to see all five brothers troop into her tiny shop.

"We are here ~ again!" Nakai guffaws loudly to cover up his embarrassment.

Takuya follows in and nods at her before taking his seat at the far end of the counter. Goro walks in slightly unsteady on his feet but as he takes his seat before her, he gives her a reassuring smile. Tsuyoshi and Shingo bring up the rear, their heads lowered, without an acknowledgment for her.

"Thank you!" Nakai says flamboyantly when Mi chan places a cup of hot tea before him.

"How are you feeling?" Mi chan asks Takuya as she places a cup of tea before him. She knows Goro is worried about his brother's change in temper lately.

Takuya shakes his head without a word and looks away to avoid further conversation.

"Are you guys ok?" Mi chan asks when she serves them a bowl of ice cream each. She is worried to see that Shingo's eyes did not sparkle when he sees his favorite dessert. "Feeling stressed with your homework?"

"No, I am fine."Tsuyoshi manages to say.

"Where's Momoko chan? I haven't seen her for some time." Mi chan asks innocently. Shingo stares at her for a frozen moment then quickly averts his glance, looking like he is about to cry.

After serving dinner to the rest, Mi chan brings out a bowl of porridge for Goro. As he eats with deliberate slowness, she stands before him, scrutinizing quietly.

"You look tired. How is the wound?" She observes gently. "Was it a very tiring day?"

"My wound doesn't hurt anymore." Goro lies awkwardly. "But I am feeling quite tired. I am probably not accustomed to working after a long rest."

Mi chan places her hand over his and squeezes it encouragingly. "You are not happy. What's wrong?"

Goro has to smile since she sees through him successfully. "My boss is cutting my pay for the period of absence. And I don't have much commission this month either."

"We would be having a tough time financially next month." Goro sighs.

"You are really worried about Takuya." Mi chan corrects him with a mischievous smile. Goro bursts into a soundless chuckle at her level of understanding of his mind.

"Yes." He replies after he stops chuckling.

"He is very angry now."

"Yes, he is." Goro mutters absentmindedly. "But I don't know why." He mumbles with regrets.

Mi chan squeezes his hand again. "You know. You know because he is your brother."

Goro mulled over her words for a moment before he reaches his own conclusion. That's when he reciprocates her thoughtful smile.

"I'll go talk to him." He says to her and leaves his seat.

Mi chan catches sight of the two doleful looking youths sitting facing each other in a corner. She frowns to see that they have not touched the ice cream she served them.

"Something is very wrong." She realizes as she makes her way to them.

Goro sits down next to his sulky brother and waits for an appropriate moment to open his mouth. Takuya glances at him out of curiosity and turns away without a word.

"I forgive you."

Takuya turns back swiftly to stare. Goro is looking at him square in the face. While Takuya frowns deeply, Goro is wearing a smile on his face.

"I forgive you." He repeats seriously.

Takuya's heavily locked brows begin to loosen gradually, much to Goro's relief. "Isn't it time to forgive Shingo?"

Takuya follows Goro's glance as they look briefly at their baby brother sitting in the corner, moping like he has lost his pet. As they turn back to face the counter again, Takuya is smiling again.

"Let him feel guilty for a few more days."He replies devilishly.

"You've already hurt him so badly. It's time to stop." Goro chides gently.

"But ~"Takuya protests.

"Go." Goro urges gently and gives Takuya a gentle nudge on the arm. He smiles with relief as he watches Takuya jump off his seat and head for where Shingo is sitting and talking with Mi chan.

"You don't like the ice cream?" Mi chan asks with an endearing smile as she approaches the table.

"No, it's fine." Tsuyoshi replies hurriedly to cover the depressed look on his face.

"If you are catching flu, I have chamomile tea in the kitchen." She suggests half in jest. Immediately Tsuyoshi and Shingo smile briefly.

"No, we are fine, really."Tsuyoshi assures her again.

"You know, when I was still a student in school, I had this classmate who was really nice looking. He comes from a very rich family and his father is renowned for being very strict with his children.

"But he is a bit of a rebel and so he went out with almost all the girls in my class just to spite his dad."

As she speaks, she glances at them to see if she had guessed right. True enough, their expression reveals that she has come close to guessing what is bothering them. Cautiously, she proceeds with the sensitive issue.

"But one day he stopped seeing others because he says he found a girl he really love."

"What happened after that?" Shingo asks curiously. His eyes are sparkling with interest.

"His dad had him sent overseas." Mi chan replies.

"That's sad!" Shingo exclaims sadly.

"What happened after that?" Tsuyoshi asks with interest.

"He is a doctor now." Mi chan continues. "And he is happily married to the same girl he met in school."

"She waited for him?" Shingo asks in surprise.

"She waited for him because of his promise to her before he left."

"What did he say to her?" Tsuyoshi asks curiously.

"He told her he would definitely come back for her." Mi chan relates quietly. Without another word, she sits watching as the two boys fall silent.

"Mi chan?"

"Yes, Shingo kun?"

"Do you disagree on students falling in love?"

"I believe that humans have many different obligations in life to fulfill. There is a time for everything so we should do things one at a time instead of rushing ahead."

"Shingo." Takuya approaches them. Mi chan is relieved to see the gloom on Takuya lifted. Quickly, she stands up and excuses herself.


Shingo looks at Takuya with fear. He has always feared this strict disciplinarian of a brother since he was a child but Takuya had never beaten him up so badly before. That had exposed Shingo to an even more frightening side of Takuya, a side that clearly shows that Takuya has enormous hopes pinned on him.

"I'm sorry for beating you up so badly."

Shingo is so shocked by Takuya's gesture that he does not respond till Tsuyoshi kicks him in the shin under the table.

"Ouch!" Shingo cries out in pain. "Ah! I ~ no, you are right to beat me up."Shingo mutters incoherently. Takuya frowns lightly but he holds his tongue. Swiftly, he squeezes into the seat next to his sibling.

"The one who got seriously hurt is Goro." Shingo says with a crestfallen expression. "I should apologize to him instead."

"Shingo, I did not meant to beat you up so badly. But you are my brother, our family's hope. I can't allow you to bear the responsibility of letting this family down in any way."

Shingo nods his head mutely but Takuya can't tell if he has understood his words. "I think you owe Goro an apology."

Reluctantly, Shingo gets up from his seat and walks towards Goro. When Mi chan sees him approaching, she moves away discreetly.


Goro turns around to face Shingo and stares with bemusement as Shingo hem and haw uncomfortably.

"What is it, Shingo?"

"I want to apologize. You got so badly hurt due to my willfulness."

"I accept your apologies." Goro replies. "And I hope you accepts Takuya's too!"

"And," He adds mischievously. "You have to do the ironing for a month!"

Shingo's eyes nearly pop as he stares with disbelief at Goro guffawing. When he realizes that the dead knot in his heart is untying itself, he, too, breaks into a wide grin that graduates into loud ha-has. From where he is sitting, Takuya sees his brothers laughing. He, too, knows that Shingo has learnt an important lesson in life and he breaks into a silent smile. Tsuyoshi watches his brothers smiling again. He knows the dark cloud hovering over his family has moved away and he is relieved, but he isn't any happier.

Nakai hears the loud laughter and turns to see his brothers laughing with abandon. Quietly, he turns back and nurses his cup of tea thoughtfully with a satisfied grin.

"If one day I cannot be with them anymore, they will still be able to survive." He thinks to himself, with a mixture of relief and forlorn.