Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/IF15.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/IF15.htmldelayedxqJГOKtext/html@LAb.HSun, 01 May 2005 16:24:14 GMT*Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ IF15
" Goro, can you hear me?"

Goro's eyelids fluttered slightly but remained half closed. Takuya grasped his arm tightly, anxious for any kind of response but he recieved none so he raise his eyes towards Tsuyoshi, seeking an answer.

" He has concusssion, he needs time to get his orientations back." Tsuyoshi consoled weakly.

" Na ~ ka ~ i!" A weak whisper escaped Goro's parched lips.

" What?!" Takuya cried in shock.Tsuyoshi stayed silent as he observed Takuya's face turned green then ashen.

" Naka ~i!!" Goro attempts again feebly.

" Stop calling that name!" Takuya roared. " Why are you pinning for that useless coward!"

Tsuyoshi sprang into action just as tears rolled down the outer ends of Goro's eyes. He threw himself at Takuya and dragged him out of the room by force.

" How could you yell at Goro? What has gotten into you?" Tsuyoshi reprimanded.

" I ~ " Takuya is at loss for words. " What have I done? What have I done?"

" You are selfish!" A new voice interrupts brashly. Takuya's head shot up with unspeakable anger.

" Shingo ~" Tsuyoshi attempts to intervene.

" Nakai is the key to your brother's recovery but you refuses to let them meet!" Shingo sneers. " It isn't because you are trying to shield Goro from harm, it's for your own selfish reasons!"

" What selfish reasons?" Takuya growled intimidatingly, his eyes bulged with animalistic anger.

Shingo took a step back but he refuses to back off now. He took a deep breath before continuing. " You want Goro to stay ill forever so he can remain at your side and be dependant on you for every single thing in life.

" You cannot stand the thought of a healthy Goro surrounded with friends and bursting with life ~"

Before Shingo can finish his sentence, Takuya lunged at him, catching Tsuyoshi completely off guard.

" You can say anything about me but you cannot accuse me of such crimes!" Takuya yelled as he tries to knock Shingo off his feet.

Shingo took the punches bravely, the only thought in mind is to get his message across and save his patient." Goro needs your forgiveness." Takuya's hands slipped from their grasp of Shingo's collar. His taut body gave way and sagged like air escaping from a balloon.

" Please forgive Goro if you can find it in your heart to do so." Shingo said before turning around to leave.

Takuya fell to his knees and drops his head into his hands while Tsuyoshi stood standing by his side dumbly. He knows Takuya will not drop even a tear but he also know Shingo's words hit home effectively if not too subtly.