Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/ML6.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/ML6.htmldelayedxqJГOKtext/html@LAb.HMon, 07 Apr 2003 14:35:21 GMTFMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ ML6

I look out of the window at the overcast sky. It had started raining since morning and now strong winds are howling. I cross my arms at my chest and shiver at the cold day. Although its summer but the changes in temperature varied greatly. I can still remember how scorching it was yesterday.

My stomach rumbled to remind me that I have not eaten since morning. I figure that no one will be insane enough to go out in this weather so I am not going to either since I probably have food tuck away in my cupboards anyway.

" Instant noodles? Or cookies?" I pondered seriously. " Salty? Or sweet?"

The phone starts to ring while I was stirring the noodles in the pot. I stirred conscientiously, leaving the phone to ring. When I finally ran to pick it up, all I heard was a click at the other end. " I wonder who it is?" I said aloud.

The noodles settled down nicely in my stomach. I can feel the heat it radiates spreading all the way down to my toes. The next thing Ill probably do is to take a nap if not for the soft knockings on my door.

" Inagaki kun?" I exclaimed in surprise when I open the door to find this unexpected visitor leaning against the wall outside my door. He is dripping wet and very pale. "What's wrong? Come in quickly."

He held on the wall for support with one hand while I held his other arm as he staggers into the house. His whole body is wet and cold and he is breathing funny.

" Are you sick?" I ask him anxiously. He nodded without a word. " Then why are you out in this weather?" I chided gently as I lower him onto the couch.

He sat back and leaned heavily against the soft back of the chair blinking his eyes tiredly. When I came back with towels, he was too weak even to summon enough strength to dry himself with it.

" Why did you take the risk to come all the way?" I asked when he finally woke up from his nap 3 hours later. " In this weather, in this condition?"

" I am never this sick." He replies instead. " Just now as I lay in my bed with a raging fever, I suddenly felt very lonely. I needed to hear someones voice."

" You can just call!" I protests, feeling exasperated with his waywardness.

" I did. But no one picked up the phone." He cried. I bit my tongue recalling the phonecall I missed earlier on.

" Are you feeling better?" I ask quickly to change the subject. After the medicine I fed him and the long nap, he can't possibly feel worse. He wiggles uncomfortably in my over-sized tee and nodded.

" Yes." He finally replied wanly. Looking around him, he finally realized that he is in my apartment. " I really made it here?"

" Yes." I grinned cheekily. " You made it here."

" Wow." He muttered sleepily and lies down again. I refrained from answering as he once again dropped off to sleep.