Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss10.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss10.htmldelayedxqJ`ߠOKtext/htmlPAb.HSun, 01 May 2005 09:25:21 GMTMMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ bliss10

" I am ready!" I announced loudly as I twirl once before him. He raises his head from the newspaper he was reading and inspects the clothes I have on. "I am wearing the white shoes you bought me last summer." I added with abated breath waiting for his approval. I could still recall the time he insisted that I change out of a yellow sleeveless knit top that ended just slightly above the waist of my pants.

It is one of those rare occasions when he has a morning off work and he could bring me out for a day outing. It is understood that I should dress well but not conspicuously. His approval is not compulsory but desired.

" Very nice." He said simply but to me these two words are weighted in gold.

" Thank you." I giggle. He got up from his sitting position on the floor, folding the newspaper and leaving it on the coffee table.

" Let's leave then." Holding hands, we left the house.

In the car, we sat in silence. He seldom talks when he is driving and I have learnt to occupy my time. The one favorite activity of mine is to study him at the corner of my eye. The features in this car dwarf him and emphasize the smallness of his frame but he could sits with the ease and composure of a firm owner. His left hand left the steering wheel and reaches down for my hand. The smallness of his hands makes squeezing mine lighter than he intended but there's never a doubt that those hands radiate immense strength, just like his whole being radiates a sense of uncompromising firmness.

Half an hour later we enter the bustling city limits. He drove down a familiar street to the place where we would have lunch first. I sigh inwardly when the familiar sights hit me. He navigates the car into the car park and stops the car.

" I am in a dream." He remarked playfully while we were unbuckling the seatbelts. I looked at him curiously. " It's here where you said to me that the only way I'll ever see you again is in my dreams."

I reddened. He would remind me of my brash outburst infrequently when the occasion arises.

Before he climbed out of the car, he pulled on his favorite baseball cap low over his eyes. I scramble out of the car and hurry to hold the hand he held out to me. Hand in hand we walk towards the small restaurant where we met for the first time. Seems like yesterday when he had dragged me through the street by my arm. I could still feel his vice grip on my arm then.

" Welcome!" the elderly shop owner called out when we enter. " Ah! So happy to see the both of you again!" he exclaimed happily while we sat down.

" How are you, old uncle?" He asked in his usual subdued manner while I beamed at the kindly old man.

" Fine! Fine!" He chuckled. " What can I get you two lovebirds today?"

" The usual." We replied together much to the amusement of the shop owner. Looking at each other, we burst into laughter too.

" Coming right up!"