Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss14.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss14.htmldelayedxqJ`ߠOKtext/htmlPAb.HSun, 01 May 2005 13:58:58 GMTQMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ bliss14

I finally fell asleep tired from crying all afternoon only to be awaken rudely by loud hasty knocks on my door. Befuddled, I stagger to the door and open it without checking whos the visitor. When I saw him standing stiffly outside, I yank hard at the door to close it again. As if anticipating my actions, he sticks his foot swiftly in between the crack to prevent the door from shutting. While I struggle weakly, his hand is already successfully on the knob and with a hard pull; I lost the tug-and-war. I resort to pushing him out of the door but he easily entered the house despite my physical obstruction.

Too drained to do anything more destructive, I retreated into my living space and sat down heavily on the floor. He remained standing at the door waiting for me to stop bawling. When he realized I have no intention to stop, he approached me cautiously and kneels down next to me. When he tries to take me into his arms again, I fought like a crazed animal, kicking and scratching. Yet despite the pain I am inflicting on him, he would not let go.

" You beast! You beast!" I screamed tearfully at him, hammering his arms as hard as I can. " Let go of me, you beast!"

As my hysterics dies down, my muddled senses resume and I found him hugging me tight with his face all pinched together in pain. His back is arched as if trying to protect me with his body from harm. He let go slightly when he realized that the worst is over. With our faces inches away, we could stare deeply into each other's eyes. There's that familiar gentleness in them and a trace of unspeakable pain.

" I had hurt you." I gasp fearfully, my heart filled with remorse. My eyes search his face for a reaction, anything to reprimand me for my cruelty but I found nothing. Suddenly he leaned forward and plants his lips firmly on mine. This time there is urgency in his kiss, as if to reassure his self that all that had happened is real.

Unlike the first night, his gentleness is replaced by hunger. There's strong urgency in his actions tonight and any struggle on my part is render useless.

" Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" He mutters in the throes of passion completely waking me up to my senses.

" Am I really that important to you?" I whisper into his ear. My words probably hit him like a sledgehammer, stopping him dead in his tracks. " Am I?" I persisted.

He sat up silently and stares at me pensively. The flush on his face receded to resume the grayish paleness he arrived with. Time seem to freeze as we both wait for the moment to pass.

" Why do I feel like overnight trash?" I persisted on the verge of weeping. His silence is forcing me into a dead end. All I need is an answer, any answer will do. Instead, he gather up his clothes, pull them on and head towards the door.

" I thought no one in this world would understand me better than you." He mutters sadly before leaving.