Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss30.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/bliss30.htmldelayedxqJ`ߠOKtext/htmlPAb.HSun, 01 May 2005 14:34:13 GMTcMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ bliss30
Chapter 30

" Happy Birthday to you~"

I watched with my hands clasped in prayer stance and a smile on my face. It's his birthday today.

" What's your birthday wish this year?"

Yes, that's the same question I had asked him last night. But he had avoided the question slyly. " You will see." He promised with a mysterious grin.

I came back quickly from my memories in time to hear him hesitate for a moment before he ask everyone in the audience to take a seat.

" That serious?" I ask myself as I took a seat too.

" Eh ~" He fumbles slightly. " Everyone must have heard of the rumours about my private life recently ~

" I am not denying that a certain lady exist in my life. In fact I want to stop hiding her. I want to marry her and build our lovely family together."

His words shocked me so much my jaw dropped open unceremoniously. Loud audible groans swept through the audience. Ignoring that, he continued stubbornly but I can no longer hear the rest of his speech.

" Like me, she wants all of your blessings." He concludes bravely. " My birthday wish for this year is to get married with all of your blessings!"

I could no longer concentrate on the rest of the concerts but I can feel that the atmosphere had changed drastically, and even the five performers up on stage are awkwardly going through the movements with half a heart.

" Why?" I asked him the moment I could speak to him in private.

" Isn't this what you want to?" He asks hopefully. " Don't you want to marry me?"

" Yes, I do. I dreamt for this day to arrive for a long time ~"

" This is the best way I could think of."

" There's no other way?"

" I had threw in hints on my radio show for almost a week now, I had hoped the fans caught on."

Completely speechless, I sat stiffly on the corner of the bed wringing my hands till they hurt.

" Come on ~" He said suddenly, holding his hand out to me with a suggestive glint in his eyes.

" Where are we going?" I ask fully aware that it is already after midnight.

" I want to bring you to my favorite haunt."

His enthusiasim is totally infectious. Taking his hand, I allow myself to be happily pulled along to the carpark where his car is waiting. Throwing caution to the winds, I will follow him wherever he may lead.