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The lack of integrity
I stared at her in silent amusement. My eyes trained steadily on her face as her eyes turn red and teary. Nothing in my countenance will betray what is actually going through my mind.

She had gone back on her promise to me. Rather than waiting for me to question her, guilt made she come to me instead.

" It's miscommunication." She insisted haughtily.

The cheek!

I nearly laugh out loud.

'Miscommunication' must be the most abused word in this office. I wanted to ask her how can there be micommunication when nothing was communicated to me in the first place?

I stopped myself. After all this is her show, I will let her finish acting it out.

I am not kind, I just love a good show.

She lamented about how she was forced into breaking her promise, how she had suffered because she couldn't get her way, how she was generally bullied.

I couldn't bear listening to any more of her grouses. They made no sense. She's an able bodied, educated young woman trying to sell me that weak helpless crap. Next she tries to implore to my comradarie. " When you get caught up with many tasks, you wouldn't care to remember minor details like this."

If she is here to apologise, she is going about it the wrong way. Somehow I suspect that's not her intentions.

" I am not asking you to remember everything all at once. I am asking you to be more sensitive to the needs of the people around you." I interrupted her. She was not pleased with what I was hinting at. But she knew better than to contridict me. So she hurled all the blame on a third party. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, convincingly as anger, unconvincingly as the misunderstood and unforgiven.

Why are people generally very quick to put the blame on others? It is so easy to make the other person the villain, isn't it? After all kindness is needed to praise another and kindness is not a prized value these days.

" You can understand, can't you? When you get caught up with too many things, you choose to ignore some things."

She really need speech therapy, I think. She just earned herself a fist in the jaw, if I care to bestow one upon her.

" I CAN'T understand, but I can try." I replied diplomatically. Now go away, my body language tells her. See? She's not one to be shooed away convienently and that's precisely why I can't understand the exaggerated act about being the poor undefenceless bullied girl.

I don't like crap. Please don't pile it on me like compost. If you can't apologise, don't expect forgiveness and understanding either.

" What's done cannot be undone. No use crying over split milk." I sprout encouraging cliches. Now go away! My body projected strongly. Before I say something both of us will regret.