Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/feelings20.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/feelings20.htmldelayedxqJp OKtext/html@LA b.HSun, 13 Feb 2005 07:32:49 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ feelings20

Today I finally get to see some of the photos of Goro's sister's wedding.

"Goro really resembles his father ne~" I was thinking. His mom looks like a very typical obasan who bustles around each day occupied with her husband and her kids. His brother in law is very typical Japanese too...and so are his family members.

"What a typical family Goro has." Was my next bemused thought.

" The bride is so beautiful~" I thought again indulgingly.

But the Goro in these photos lack the lustre of his countless photo shoots. Of course, he looks like he has the right to be there, but he is not the main lead that day and he knows it. What an provoking thought....a star who isn't and mustn't be in the limelight for the day.

Not only Goro, how about the rest of SMAP? How do they look like when they are in private company of their family? I would be most interested to see them as their family members see them...

We always assume that having a star in the family must be an honor....but is it so? Or rather it is a burden to them mentally?

Or....is it all too easy for them to take off their shiny overcoats during their private moments that their families forgotten that they have a famous star amidst them...