Hgeocities.com/catmintsg/mixnut3.htmlgeocities.com/catmintsg/mixnut3.htmldelayedxqJ OKtext/html@LAb.HFri, 05 Dec 2003 13:07:19 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ mixnut3

cj's eyes widen into the size of grapes when the both of us fell all over each other helplessly laughing.

" Is she taken in, you think?" Pam asks wiping the tears at the corners of her eyes. I nodded vigorously, unable to stop laughing.

" What's happening?" cj asks innocently. Pam and I broke into new laughter again.
" What's so funny?"

Took us a long while to calm down but cj has obviously ran out of patience waiting for us to do so.

" Sorry." Pam said still giggling. " I always wanted to do that to someone!"

" Do what?" cj insists.

" You were taken in by our story, wouldn't you?" I ask. cj nodded still mystified, blinking her eyes.

" That's what it is ~ a STORY!" Pam replies before bursting into fresh laughter.

" What? A story?"

I nodded. " We took you for a little ride!"

To our surprise, cj began to laugh too. " That's a good story! I was completely taken in!"

For a long time we laughed together till exhaustion made us stop eventually.

" You wanna hear the real stuff?" Pam asks and cj nodded. " Nakai isn't really a bouncer ~"

" They don't really work in hostman club." I added.

" Nakai is a baseball player." Pam announced proudly.

" I never seen such a small baseball player." cj admits truthfully despite Pam's angry glare.

" Takuya is a writer, a fiction writer." I continue.

" A poor selling writer ~ he's always behind in rent." Pam laughs cruelly.

" Goro is my brother." I said with a smile.

" What?! I could swear your knees buckled when he appeared just now." cj argues.

" Good act eh?" I laugh.

" She enjoys seeing the disappointed look on girls' faces when they mistaken that he's attached ~ to her." Pam rolls her eyes.

" He's a scientist." I informed cj.

" He's always blowing things up." Pam teased.

" He does not!" I protest. " He's a biologist, not a chemist!"

" See how protective she is." Pam winked.

" Tsuyoshi?" cj asks eagerly.

" Music teacher." Pam replies and cj immediately sag like a limp balloon. I turn to Pam and we exchanged a questioning look.

" Shingo is an artist. The non selling kind." I offer. " But he's talented in his own way."

" Abstract art?" cj asks and I can't help detecting a smidgen of sacrasm in her voice.

" I'll get it!" Pam announces just as the doorbell began to ring. " Must be ima."

" ima?" cj asks curiously.

" She stays here too! And she's Shingo's girlfriend." I explain just as a series of loud chatter came through the door.

" Sorry, I forgot the keys again."

" You always does ~" Pam replies.

" ima is a programmer. Her brain is too chockful of binary codes to remember mundane stuff." I explains further with a wink.

" What have you been saying about me again?"

" Nothing." I replied sticking out my tongue at her. " Come meet cj, our new room mate!"

" Hi there!" ima greets.

" Hi ~"

" I need to get a bath before meeting Shingo ~" ima interrupted and scurries away with Pam trailing her telling her the joke we played on cj earlier.

" She's always so absent minded. You will get used to her abrupt ways." I said kindly to cj. " Come on, I'll show you your room and help you unpack.,