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" Why did you let them tag along anyway?" ima grumbles at the two wheezing like crazy trying to catch up with her and cj.

cj looks apologetic. " I couldn't refuse, Pam threatened to expose me ~"

" What?" Pam asks the moment she and Joyce reached the top of the stairway.

" Be quiet!" ima warned as they walk towards the white building.

" His office is on the ground floor, I think ~" cj mutters unsurely.

" Yep!" Pam replies more confidently.

" Thank goodness!" Joyce mutters with a sigh of relief as the four of them stood at the foot of the 4-storey building and look up. The sunlight reflecting off the white walls hurt their eyes so they began to squint and whine. cj studied each window in turn till one  particular one at the end of the corridor attracted her like a strong magnet. Leaving the ruckus behind her, she walked up to it and peers in curiously.

“ Ah, Goro kun!” She mutters under her breath when she saw him bent over a microscope intently. Next he straightened up and reached for a file sitting on the table behind him. It’s the first time she sees her husband in his lab coat. “ Oh my goodness ~”

“ What? What?” ima asks as she vies for a peek through the window. Pam and Joyce could not possibly push her aside so they waited impatiently next to her. “ Oh wow ~ all these years I never knew Goro kun can be so dashing in his work garb!”

“ Let us see!” Pam pleaded till cj moved aside. Pam and Joyce crowded around eagerly and stood on their tiptoes as they peer in. Goro turned away from their view just as a young lady walk in. “ Who’s she?” Pam asks in a suspicious tone attracting cj’s attention.

“ I never seen her before.” cj mutters.

“ You have never seen any of his colleagues at all.” ima reminds her pointedly.

“ They are leaving!” Joyce exclaims. All eyes revert back into the room and true enough Goro had slipped the lab coat off his shoulders while laughing at something his female visitor is saying. He pulled on his own jacket quickly and they left together after he found his briefcase.

“ Quick! Let’s follow them!” Pam cried as they rushed to the main road running by the front of the building. Joyce is the last to arrive just as Goro drove off with the girl sitting in the passenger seat next to him in the car.

“ Taxi!” ima flagged down a cruising cab.

“ What are they doing now?” ima strain her eyes real badly but she could see little from where they are standing across the street from the jeweler’s.

“ The girl is trying on a ring ~” Pam mutters as she is straining her eyes pretty badly to see too.

“ Funny ~ why would he bring a colleague to try rings?” Joyce wonders aloud.

“ Maybe he is buying her a ring?” ima jumped to a bad conclusion and cj’s face turned green immediately.

“ Perhaps he needs her help to try it on for size!” Pam suggests brightly. “ The ring is for his anniversary present for cj!”

“ Really?’ cj asks breathlessly and Pam nodded enthusiastically. “ Then I must get him the best anniversary present in the world too!”

“ I still like my theory better ~” ima mutters sourly.

“ What are you getting him?” Joyce asks curiously. She is infected by the joy in cj and beams happily too.

“ I was thinking ~”

“ A sexy teddy!” ima cried excitedly.

“ Yeah! You dress in a sexy teddy and seduce him when he gets home!” Pam pipes in.

“ A new briefcase ~” cj finishes weakly. 3 pairs of eyes popped.

“ You can’t be serious?” ima asks.

“ That is the most boring thing you can get a man.” Pam agrees.

“ A hot night is what he needs!” Joyce adds.

“ Really?” cj asks uncertainly as they led her down the street.

“ Trust me on this!” ima grins.

“ We’ll help you get the things ready.” Pam offers.

“ We guarantee he will never forget this anniversary!” Joyce said confidently.

“ You hate me now, don't you" Pam asks. She had gone to bed and lay awake the past 3 hours waiting for him to return. When Nakai finally did come back, she pretended to be asleep while he bathe and changed.

The moment of truth came when he pull out the mattress on the floor and lay down on it to get his sleep. He sat up startled when she finally spoke up.


"I am so fat and ugly now you don't want me!"

"What are you talking about, I love you!"

"Then why do you insist on sleeping on the floor since the past week? You don't even want to be in the same bed as me! Don't you know how much I need you hold me?”

“ If I am in the same bed I cannot stop myself!" Nakai is finally losing his cool.

" Why would you need to stop yourself? What is wrong?" Pam yelled at him in frustration.

"But you are pregnant, we cannot ~"

"What? Of course we can!"

"No, Tsuyoshi told me that we cannot ~ there are complications…"

"No ~” Pam is interrupted by a loud moan coming from next door. Nakai turned with a frown and they exchanged a bewildered look.

“ I guess Joyce convinced Tsuyoshi.” Pam remarked dryly.

" We should play it safe. I’ll call the doctor first!"