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Shingo rushed back to the hospital as fast as he can after snatching the single white rose from the middle of the pool. As he skipped happily towards Goro's room, he was humming lightly to himself, planning all the things he is going to share with Goro.

As he nears, his heart nearly stopped, that is if an angel's heart is capable of stopping. Death is standing at the entrance of the room. Shingo ran up to him. " Tell me I am not too late! Uncle D, tell me please!"

After what seems like centuries, the masked head raised a little. " Say your goodbyes, he has a few more minutes."

Shingo's burst into the room still clasping the rose. Goro is lying so still, his chest hardly heaving. The former appraoches the bed as quietly as he could. " Goro? Goro?"

The heavily lashed eyelids flutter slightly and pull apart painfully. No longer able to speak, he strives to search for Shingo with his limited vision.

" Here's the rose I promised you." Shingo tries to smile as he waves the rose gently before Goro. Then he lay it on the pillow next to his head. " And your wish to fly ~

" I'll fulfill it for you." Shingo's eyes are getting teary. His wings appear almost immediately and as soon as they are flapping readily, Shingo scoop the dangerously light body into his arms. He is heartened to see that Goro is still conscious as his legs start to leave the ground. The rose that had layed on the pillow starts to rise towards them too.

The ceiling no longer exist as Shingo's powers brought them into a new realm. Further and further they rose but Goro's eyes remain stubbornly apart. Colours of the rainbows that are so intense it hurts the human eyes flew about them, engulfing their entwining bodies. The strong wind blew Shingo's fringe away from his face as he bent down towards Goro. The wind is also wrecking havoc on Goro's curls, blowing them this way and that, tickling Shingo's nose as he moves closer.

As each petals of the white rose detach themselves from the stem, they scatter themselves, dancing gracefully in the wind. The time has come and Shingo plants a long lingering kiss on Goro's lips as the petals falls around them from above.


Goro's eyes flutter lightly like butterfly wings then they open up wide. His pupils strong and shimmering, no longer diluted, search about curiously like a young child.

" How are you feeling?" Shingo asks eagerly but Goro looks startled.

" Where am I?" He asks harshly, at the same time surprised at the strength in his voice. The scene before his eyes is vaguely familiar. Shingo waited aside in amusement. " It's your forest! The magic forest!"

" Yes it is!"

" What am I doing here? Am I dead?" Goro asks with a sort of wide eyed disbelief that made Shingo giggled.

" Well, technically speaking ~ " Shingo stammers teasingly.

" This is where people who passed on goes?" Goro mutters rhetorically to himself.

" Well, not really."

" Then why am I here?" Goro fixes a curious stare on Shingo.

" Because I turned you into an angel like me!" Shingo beamed brightly. He couldn't understand the various changing expressions on Goro's face. " Are you unhappy? I did not ask for your consent, but I was in a hurry ~" He starts to blabber when Goro remained silent.

" I am an angel now? I will live on forever and ever?" Goro finally spoke up. " Forever?"

" With me. The two of us!" Shingo cheers as Goro starts to laugh gaily. The ability to be able to laugh so loudly and carefreely surprises Goro so much he choked on more laughter in his throat.

" Come on!" Shingo puts out his hand towards the new angel in his realm. Goro took it and is pulled onto his feet in a flash. " Let's go meet my Father! He will be so happy to see you!"

Without letting go, the two friends ran towards the tall castle standing in the misty distance with their hands clasped tightly together.