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" Are you feeling ok, son?"

Shingo raised his head to face his mother who had seated herself next to him on the bough of a tree. He shook his head sadly at her but remained silent.

" What's wrong, son?" She asks patiently. " Are you facing problems with your new task?"

" No, mother. She's fine."

" Tell me what's wrong."

Shingo sighed heavily before he proceed to relate his story to her. " He has no friends because he had been ill in bed since he was born. I really feel sorry for him. He's  always in pain and he can't talk too much or he will have these attacks ~"

Shingo's mom smiled indulgingly. She knows if he is nothing else, her son is a very kind soul with a compassionate heart.

" Do all humans have to die?" He asks.

" Yes, they do, son."

" But why can't they live forever like us?" Shingo questions angrily.

" They are trapped in the cycle of life, it's a ritual they have to endure."

" But it looks like a major suffering to me."

" That's what we are here for. To make their sufferings a little lighter." Shingo's mother explains.

" Really?" Shingo's face lights up again.

" Yes, dear. We are given the powers to comfort and console."

" Can I stay at Goro's side to comfort and console him?" Shingo pleads. " I know Father will be unhappy but I really want to help him."

" He is not your destiny, son."

" He's my friend, mother, my new found friend. I never have a human friend before. I only want to make him happy."

His mother contemplated the question in silence. She knows her son don't have any fairy friends of his own either and is feeling lonely. Then she smiles at him. " Go ahead. Use all that is within your capacity to make him happy."

" Really, mother?!" Shingo cheers and engulfed her petite frame in a big bear hug. His father's wrath is the furthest from his mind right now. Happily, he starts to think of the many possibilties of bringing joy to his new ailing friend.