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Bargain Hunting 101
by: Isabella Sarmiento

A decade ago, bargain hunting was never heard of since choices were quite limited. With the boom of industrialization, new businesses erupted thus giving way to more choices and extreme competition. If you’ve entered a store, feeling eager to buy something, maybe a pair of jeans or a couple of shirts, only to find out that these products are all way above your budget, or even felt disappointed upon learning that the wooden 8 by 10 picture frame you bought a few days ago is being sold for half the price in a bazaar? If you said Yes to any of two situations then what you need is a crash course in Bargain Hunting 101.


According to Beverly Dalton, a sophomore college student studying at the Assumption College, before one even attempts to go shopping, the person must have the proper frame of mind. Shopping entails time and if you want to make your money’s worth, you should be patient. You should also be determined and persistent. Bargaining is not an easy task because unlike shopping wherein you get an item and pay for it, bargaining involves people skills and in bargaining, you will definitely meet people sellers of different personalities.


For a more successful shopping spree, it would be easier for the buyer to be knowledgeable about budget and what specific items s/he wants to buy. Beverly suggests that making a list would be of great benefit especially during the times where you enter stores which tempts you to buy everything on display.


Taking the 1st offer is a NO-NO!!! If the seller is really willing to sell then in a few minutes after turning down the 1st offer, s/he would automatically lower the price. If that doesn’t work then Regina Marfori, a sophomore studying at the De La Salle University, states. Beverly adds, It is always good to use your charms! Do some acting, pretend or talk out loud making sure that the seller hears what you are saying. The customer is always right and in no time, the seller will agree to a lower price. It may not be as low as you wanted it to be but lower than the original.


It is always better to work your way up. Instead of going to the expensive stores first, try visiting stores which sells items for a cheaper price. Rina and Beverly both agree that Greenhills, Tutuban and Divisoria are places one should visit first before going to the mall.


It was said that one should not take the 1st offer. This goes the same way for choosing items. Regina states, Generally, what you see in store A can be found in store B and C. The difference that lies in these similar items are the prices and most importantly, its quality. Beverly adds, Although you see an item that is cheap, it does not automatically mean that you should buy it. If you are looking at an item as a long term investment, quality should be prioritized but if not then go for the cheaper price especially if what you are buying is for one time usage only. These two frequent shoppers and bonafide fashionistas agree that following these 5 steps will ensure a more fulfilling shopping spree. "If it worked for us, then there is no reason it cannot work for you!"

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