Quote Wall

  • "Ellen Casey, meet Casey!" - Betty C. circa 1989
  • "Uh, I have a question?? . . . Who cares?" - Everyone, to everyone else
  • "When did Lindsey get so funny?" - CBD
  • "I didn't get a bed, I'm going home." - Lindsey
  • "You can only say 'pussy' after 2:30 am!" - somebody
  • "Does everyone agree on $12 a year? So that would be like $3 bucks a month." - Amanda
  • "We don't like you, you smell funny." - in reference to Lindsey
  • "She has ties into the Senate." - in reference to Michele
  • "Great thing about these tampons, they're just like Oven Stuffer Roasters, they pop out!" - somebody, probably not Chris
  • "Wow, your hair really does smell like jiz." Chris to Lindsey
  • "Stupid as all hell." Lindsey's bumper sticker
  • "Liz, you can be Official Coroner." "Uh, I don't think anybody should be dying." - ABD


  • Doe a Deer
  • STRETCH - Let's Hear it for the Boy, Rock me Amadeus
  • Yes Anthony, Amanda's adopted.
  • "These Are Places in the World"
  • Voosen Vagon
  • Break
  • Barnum on Tour
  • Tuesday nights
  • Muppet arms
  • The China Place
  • "Set me up, Tina!"- Mario Digoia
  • "How do you make a Woo Woo?" Chris Casello, aged 12
  • The Big E
  • Don't Even Think About Touching This Piano!
  • Can of Squirms
  • Riverside
  • scaffolding
  • Improvs
  • Fribble and Boing Boing
  • (HBS) The Protection Song
  • Sue and her Bodyguard Bubba
  • Ryan Holmth
  • (High Button Shoes) I love to do the Lulu-Fadoo
  • It's so... SPANISH!
  • (HBS) I'm being ugly, his name is Frank.
  • Rrrrut-rrrrrkwitz
  • Floy and Pontdue aka Ploy and Fondue
  • Hey Chris, we're comin over for Chinese food.
  • Gino (hard G)
  • Birdwatchers '90
  • The Protection Song
  • Dang-a-loes
  • Chris' cardboard pizza
  • (Oliver) Please sir, I want some more...
  • (Bye, Bye Birdie) Wild, raving, panting, jungle beast
  • (HBS) The Protection Song
  • (Wizard of Oz) Die, Dorothy die.
  • Cusson, Casello, Davis
  • (Grease) "What's eatin' you Riz?"


  • 50 dowar bills
  • "Ruth, Ruth, Baby Ruth?"
  • "Rocky Road?"
  • Speeches
  • "Our time down here!"
  • Fish heads/phys ed
  • "Let's...Get out of here....Like now!"
  • Button-ho!
  • "Andi, you GOONIE!"
  • Ground Round
  • 97X, the future of rock and roll
  • Chris, this is the best part!
  • Slamcakes
  • Is this on the soundtrack?
  • Aladdin
  • Bobby, the mint Marine aka Rob Morrison, TV anchorman
  • Pat MacGroin
  • Philip Mike Hunt
  • Dick Hertz from Holden
  • "Kids suck."
  • Slumber party at Michele's
  • Easter Seals 5 - The Never Ending Saga
  • "You did WHAT at Chris' party??"
  • Watch out, Val kicks when she sleeps.
  • Tupperware butt.
  • "You guys, my parents will never let me have anyone sleep over again!"
  • ABD's 17th Surprise Party
  • Jess and Sean- the Annie Reunion
  • Gettin lei-ed.
  • Mt. Wachusett treks
  • The Facts of Life Marathon 8/20/94
  • lesbian subplots
  • Chris and Jess' Tub o' Fruit Salad
  • Slam Books
  • El Debarge
  • The Facts of Life Dance Team
  • Val's House "slumber" party 10/9/94
  • matching pants, the Chris and Shamel "sur-prise"
  • Star Wars revisited
  • Goonies never say fuck.
  • Beth's Christmas festivities '94
  • Chris's Oreo brownies
  • THE Game: The international sign for "President" and "Fugitive"
  • Jaws Marathon nite at Val's
  • Eat her! Eat her!
  • The Biscuit
  • Beaks, the remake of Jaws, using seagulls
  • Oozy Eye and Booger Girl, Chris and Jess the allergy twins