Home Radio Babes - Anna Lee
In the Hot Seat
Anna Home
Where are you from? "Sunny South Shields"

Age? (very optional!!!)

Favourite place?
"Anywhere by the sea, the Florida Keys are a particular fave"

Favourite music?
"Anything that gets me dancing around and singing (tunelessly!)"

Earliest memory?
"Being togged up in a shocking navy blue velvet bridesmaid's dress
at my uncle's wedding, I reckon I was about 4"

First job?
"Weekend sport monkey at Metro FM age 14 - happy days!"

Dream job?
"I'd love to spend some time working in America"

Best on-air moment?
"Probably doing my first show and realising that I'd fulfilled my
childhood ambition"

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
"Having a massive row with John Prescott in front of an audience, then
having to sneak away quickly before I got lynched by his spin doctors"

Where would you have been seen or heard since you
started broadcasting?
"Tiny bit on Metro and TFM, plenty as a travel tart in the North East
and Yorkshire and on BBC Newcastle and Cleveland"

Any hobbies or special interests?
"I used to be a competitive swimmer when I was younger, as well as a
lifeguard (not quite Pamela Anderson standard sadly!).
I'm also a qualified scuba diver"

Any advice for those who want to get started in radio?
"Work hard, be enthusiastic and never stop trying
- it'll be worth it when you get there!"

Thanks to Anna for answering our questions, listen to BBC Radio Cleveland every weekday from 5pm.

Copyright Anna Lee/Martin Phillp 2004