Home Radio Babes - Kerry Mac
In the Hot Seat
Kerry Home
Where are you from?
"Originally South Africa and then I lived in Scotland for 14 years or so...hence the Australian accent."


Earliest Memory?
"Falling into a swimming pool in South Africa at the age of 2 and honestly, I remember thinking "I wonder if Daddy really IS going to jump in and save me here." He did by the way."

Favourite place?
"The West Sands beach in St.Andrews. And that was true even BEFORE Prince William moved up there."

Favourite music?
"Classical funnily enough although after having studied dance music at college, I quite like a bit of the old electronic stuff."

Any special qualifications/achievements that you're proud of?
"I'd say getting a degree - but after finishing uni I kind of feel I'd have gained as much experience collecting ringpulls for the piece of paper at the end. I'll deny ever having said that if I get any interviews by the way."

First job?
"Cleaning rooms and serving breakfast to dour-faced tourists
in a Scottish hotel."

Best job?
"This one I'm doing. I mean it - the people are genuinely great, the callers/ emailers are all above the age of 10 (I mean you can get some good input from them) and you don't have to read cue cards. I like it!"

Dream job?
"For similar reasons, I'd love to work on Virgin Radio. Pete and Geoff aren't your average Guy Smileys and Jezza's the don. Kelly and the other female presenters have nice, not grating voices and the music rocks. This is what I reckon radio should be - creative and a bit different."

How did you get started in doing what you do?
"The fact that I've always written music and hung around with "freaks" as my Mum would say got me into a small local radio station in Brighton - reading the weather, then presenting a show, then presenting more shows, then tech opping at a bigger station etc. etc."

How long ago? "
3 years ago or so."

Where would you have been seen or heard since you
started broadcasting?
"On and off air - Cable Radio, Southern FM, Southern Counties in Brighton and BLOODY briefly on Quay West Radio...in the West country. Man I don't even know where the hell that one is - it was an ISDN affair."

Best on-air moment?
"A much loved DJ Darren Shortt was always slating me when I started at Cable Radio. And I was SCARED at that stage - really scared. So one day as an intro to my show I just said "thanks very much to Darren Shortt there for those kind words - don't mind him, he's very defensive - I mean...you know why they call him short don't you?" I know I know, that's not that funny - but as a newbie who'd taken shit from him for weeks it was a small triumph worth hanging onto."

Worst on-air moment (embarrassing or otherwise)?
"Oh, too many to reiterate in such a small space. When I started out I had a couple of those moments where you're in the middle of a link and your brain's shouting "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING NEXT! What are you going to say next Kerry? Come on surprise us! Surprise us ALL!"

Any ambitions left?
"I wrote this brilliant opera once and I'd love to have it performed. My university music tutor I feel would beg to differ though."

Biggest influence in your life?
"Mum and Dad - they've both got the greatest sense of humour ever. And they're always there to lend a kind word when the radio industry's stamping on my face with a big space boot."

Any advice for those who want to get started in radio?
"Take everything you can get. People have always laughed at some aspect of the jobs I've had - "Oh but it's overnight - but it's a small station - but it's in another town" - Whatever, just do it. These guys are just jealous, don't let them change the way you want to go."

Thanks to Kerry for answering our questions, listen from 7pm-midnight
weeknights on Easy Radio London.