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Transparancy? PEO must establish, through a well thought-out governance model, a mechanism that will allow members to participate in the self-governing of our profession and to voice their concerns in order to assure a healthy balance between protecting the public interest and the profession itself.

PEO should be aware that outside the engineering profession there are professions such as the health professions that have a very similar mission "to serve and protect the people of Ontario through self-regulation of the profession" that invite to a scrutiny that can be useful for the advancement of our own engineering profession. The Regulated Health Professions Act was enacted in 1991 and contains interesting information that should be an eye opener for us engineers.

PEO must take a strong position on enforcing compliance with the Professional Engineers Act and Regulation and be vigorous in seeking out people who are practicing engineering without a licence.

PEO’s policies should reflect its legislated mandate and promote sound, visionary leadership by consensus.

PEO should be accountable to members by engendering openness, transparency and inclusiveness.

 PEO’s policies and processes should be aligned with today’s realities of engineering practice.