Thankyou for visiting with the Chris Chown Band. Please Add your comments.

Here are the bands playdates:

DEC 21,22 Old Bullock Tavern
DEC 28 Sues House of Blues,London
DEC 29 Stratford Hotel
JAN 4,5 Roc n' Docs Port Credit
JAN 17,18,19 Aardvark Blues Cafe


Canada - Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 12:50:03 (PDT)

Any chance of you fusing some hip=hop into your act?

P. Diddy(Puff Daddy)

Canada - Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 07:27:39 (PDT)

Any chance of you fusing some hip-hop into your act?

P. Diddy(Puff Daddy)

Canada - Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 07:27:44 (PDT)

Chris your Mexican rythmn section needs a list of material to prepare for the gigs 4 weeks from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
send to


Canada - Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 12:58:40 (PDT)

When is your next playdate in Mississuaga?

Kelly Ann Kennedy
Etobicoke, ON Canada - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 17:14:26 (PDT)

keep the name alive man!

stu chown

Canada - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 13:58:38 (PDT)

I just wanted to thank you for letting me play with you @Boomerz last august. I had the time of my life up there. Thanks again,

Dubuque , IA U.S. - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 09:40:21 (PDT)

Hey Chris,we were just trying to check your playdates so we could bring some friends to see you, perhaps you could update them, or send e-mail to let us know when you are in windsor next. Rock on! (andy the bass player&deb from the elephants nest)

deb and andy
chatham Canada - Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 09:21:04 (PDT)

You were absolutely great on Saturday

We would like to link you to our ewb site

Keep doing what you're doing


Remember, as we say CHU CAN DO IT!

Russ The Hatman Thorne
Toronto, On Canada - Monday, September 10, 2001 at 08:27:30 (PDT)

Hey Guys,

Incredible stuff once again this year,gets better every year.Hopefully catch you somewhere before bluesfest next year.Thx for a great weekend of shows.Take Care

Kingston Canada - Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 16:44:25 (PDT)

Whoa, when did you guys start playing boomerz again!! No more newsletters?

London, ON Canada - Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 16:57:04 (PDT)

i happen to be in kingston on business this past weekend and caught you at the slip(holiday inn). this was the first time seeing and hearing you play. you guys are excellent.
wouldn't mind seeing you play in my neck of the woods.
bought your latest cd and it's excellent. looking forward to seeing and hearing you again

dave lloyd
oswego, ny usa - Monday, August 27, 2001 at 13:13:00 (PDT)

Great shows in Kingston this past weekend. Good to see you
again. Hope you'll be back soon.
Barb - Aug. 26/01

Barb Duncan
Kingston, Ont Canada - Sunday, August 26, 2001 at 16:43:29 (PDT)

I caught you guys just last night at the blues fest here
in K-town, You guys are awsome. Chris you make it
look so easy! I wish I was half as talented as you. I'll
be picking some of your stuff for sure. I can't wait to
see you guys again some day.... Come back to Kingston!

Jay Wood
Kingston, ON Canada - Sunday, August 26, 2001 at 08:30:57 (PDT)

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't seen you guys play lately, but I promise I'll come by when you're in Port Credit in a couple weeks!
Take care!

Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 22:42:08 (PDT)

You play the guitar just like I taught you! Great work grasshopper.

Mike Schomberg

Canada - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 12:02:03 (PDT)

I still love you.


, London Canada - Friday, August 24, 2001 at 11:59:46 (PDT)

Awesome tunes! I wouldn't mind seeing your band live! I heard your cd at the Sylvesters' on Christian Island.

Check out

Georgia Monague Canada - Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 07:33:49 (PDT)

Hi Chris,
Great site you have going! Would love to hear some of your material.
Hope to catch you at one of your shows. I hear they're quite amazing.

Tara Nicole

Tara Nicole
Brampton, ON Canada - Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 21:05:06 (PDT)

We make it a point to get out to see Chris whenever he is playing
locally. Enjoy hearing someone with so much heart and soul.

Linda Thomas

Mt. Brydges Canada - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 01:18:12 (PDT)

Thanks for making my birthday a great one!!!!
You guys are the best!!!!

Trish C
London, ON Canada - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 01:31:37 (PDT)

Thanks for making my birthday a great one!!!!
You guys are the best!!!!


Trish C
London, ON Canada - Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 01:31:18 (PDT)

Hello to Chuck and all the band members. I like your C.D. I am an old friend of
Chuck's back here in Newfoundland. Have to go now and check out Chuck's website!
Hope to see you the summer!

Cory Sheaves
Port aux Basques, NF Canada - Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 12:37:06 (PDT)

CHUCK,(Chris & Ryan too of course!)
I hope you men are doing well, I haven't seen you all play for a while. Hey, listen..true story.

I was missing you guys, because really, not only do you guys all have a huge amount of talent, and sound awsome;
Your incredible as a BAND. That means alot (as I'm sure you know), if you don't interract well together on stage, it doesn't matter how well you play on your own. I love watching you guys all together (that's why I can sit there like an idiot by myself-it's worth it). Anyhow, back to my funny story. Since you are no longer at Boomerz on wed. nights(which blows ass by the way), I thought hmmm..., why don't I go see them somewhere else? So there's me, little Diana-alone, driving in the pouring rain, to a city Iv'e never been (that would be Sarnia to be exact), but it didn't matter, because I was going to see a GREAT band right?! Anyhow, you know the end of this story, and I hope your laughing, but I'm going to finish it anyhow. I get into Sarnia, think anyones heard of Nado's? Only the more cultured of course-also a very new cigar lounge right? One hour after I get into Sarnia, I finally find this bar. Funny part? At that exact moment you were probably all cuddled up with your ladies, enjoying a well deserved week-end off! I hope it was a great one fellas and I hope to catch up with you soon!

Diana D.

London, ont. Canada - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 16:56:55 (PDT)

Hey chris and band...
I just wanna say you guys sound great, and that I think you'll go far..
I always make a point of chatting with you guiys a little
every time I see you. Play more in London!!
I've been gettin to know Chuck a little bit...(as i am a regular wens nighter at boomerz...)
i hope to see and hear you guys soon..I love the new album..
the best of luck..
God bless..
keep sing them blues away!
later ..your friend Nat!

Nat Postma
London, on Canada - Sunday, April 15, 2001 at 20:37:27 (PDT)

Hey guy's
Just thought I would write here to say hi to you guys cause I havn't been talkin to Chris and Ryan in a long time. I can't wait to see you guy's again. Well Chuck's commin home this summer so I doubt that I will be commin up to Ontario. Oh well I have been playin The Hunter and a few other songs up to our stadium at the hockey games and all of the people seemed to like it cause they were all stomping there feet. Well I will go now so I can listen to ya C.D over and over hehehehehehe.



Newfoundland, Canada - Friday, April 13, 2001 at 13:32:52 (PDT)

Once again another awesome performance at the Bullock Tavern in Amherstburg.....we'll see you soon CCB....keep kickin ass!!!!.......from the crazy american

Crazy Dave
Grosse Ile, MI USA - Sunday, March, 25, 2001 at 19:07:30 (PDT)

Chris and his band KICK ASS!! :0)
Too bad we missed yer last night at Boomerz. But I am sure we'll catch up to ya soon :0) especially once Adam moves back to London we'll know where yer playin'...

Trish C
London, Ont Canada - Sunday, March, 25, 2001 at 17:30:41 (PDT)

To Chris Chown & Band

I am writing to share my gratitude of thanks for allowing
Murray Sylvester, our son, to have the great opportunity of playing with your band on March 10th in Innosfil. It was at the house where " A Music Thing" by Peter takes place.
We are Murray's parents,and we are very proud of our guitar playing man. We first saw you in Midland when you were the young age of 17, and we loved your guitar playing and your style. We still have your first CD. We are enjoying your second CD, it was playing over and over all week!
Dave and Murray couldn't stop talking about that day at Peter's. I missed out, but I can hardly wait to see the pictures. You bet that picture will be on Murray's future web site. Guys like you are one in a million, we live for the blues. Murray is a promising blues player, and guys like you who are well established in the music industry are good for guys like our son. Murray says thanks too! Him and his dad had a blast with you guys! Until we all meet again!!
We will send you guys a picture through the e-mail. Dave, Murray & Sharon Sylvester Keep on Bluzin' the nights away!

The Sylvesters
Christian Island Canada - Wednesday, March, 21, 2001 at 16:46:24 (PDT)

bring back your samples section.
got folks i'd like to have hear y'all.


USA - Saturday, March, 17, 2001 at 18:30:03 (PDT)

Hey Chris! Just want to compliment you again for your great performance Sunday, Mar 11 with Robbie Lane & The Disciples at PK Creek.
You are awesome. Your CD, The Chris Chown Band is wonderful, and I can't wait to Profile you and the CD on my website, which will be shortly. Best of luck with your career, and I can't wait to see you & your Band at THE DOCKS on April 6 week-end. John Gavin-Music Promoter & Publisher-Atlantic Seabreeze-Toronto

Toronto, On Canada - Monday, March, 12, 2001 at 07:25:30 (PDT)

wicked man! just freakin wicked! i will easily put you on the list with the late great SRV. we WILL be seeing you guys again. thanks for making a great night in windsor for us.

Andy & Debbie

Chatham, Ont Canada - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 13:43:06 (PDT)

You guys are awesome. Its to bad that you only have one show left at Boomerz. You guys make that place. Keep jammin, hell ya. You are all hot!

a fan

London Canada - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 13:48:55 (PDT)



P.A.B Canada - Friday, February 09, 2001 at 07:21:00 (PDT)

Yea, great stuff. Keep it up! Come to Aussie 1 day.

Pete Cornelius
St Marys, Tas Australia - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 21:34:43 (PDT)

Hey Chris, Ryan, And My drummer boy Chuck,
Whats ya guys at.My dad was up there this week. He said he had a really great time at the festival you guys played at. I wish I could of came up but you know how things are I had 2 tests this week in school and I didn't want to do them when I came back. Also I had a hockey game against the girls team in Stephenville so.........But we won 6-2 . So Chris and Ryan I guess I won't see you again for awhile. Since Chuck might be comin home this summer. Well Keep that guitar struming and that voice singing and you will do just fine. Well I guess talk to ya guys later. So....... see-ya
Love Chuck's only sister Jolene

Jolene Keeping

Port aux Basques Newfoundland, Canada - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 12:03:58 (PDT)

Hey Chris, Ryan, And My drummer boy Chuck,
Whats ya guys at.My dad was up there this week. He said he had a really great time at the festival you guys played at. I wish I could of came up but you know how things are I had 2 tests this week in school and I didn't want to do them when I came back. Also I had a hockey game against the girls team in Stephenville so.........But we won 6-2 . So Chris and Ryan I guess I won't see you again for awhile. Since Chuck might be comin home this summer. Well Keep that guitar struming and that voice singing and you will do just fine. Well I guess talk to ya guys later. So....... see-ya
Love Chuck's only sister Jolene

Jolene Keeping

Port aux Basques Newfoundland, Canada - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 12:03:50 (PDT)

hey guys, first saw you at Port Credit Blues&Jazz Festival in Sept. '99 at the Crooked Cue - and been hooked ever since! my friends and I have come out to see you every time you've been back in Port Credit, will be there this weekend at Roc&Doc's (Feb 2/3)!!Welcome back!


Port Credit, Ont Canada - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 18:45:38 (PDT)

Hey Chris, Ryan And Chuck,

You guys are wicked. I seen you guys preform many times.In case your wondering this is Chuck's sister. Your #1 on my list. See-ya !!!!!!!!!!!!

Jolene Keeping

Port aux Basques Newfoundland, Canada - Saturday, January 20, 2001 at 16:51:44 (PDT)

Yo, what's up? Just hear to spread the word: "Chris Chown is da man yo!" Seriously, he's Canada's guitar hero, and never forget it....yo!

Adam T
Xang zun, NG Taiwan - Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 15:43:24 (PDT)

simply bad ass!! i have seen you guys at Aardvark's in Windsor 3 times now and i'm amazed. i hope to hit the road soon to check out some of your other shows. "damn right i've got the blues".

Wyandotte, MI USA - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 18:31:56 (PDT)

Saw you guys at the Ardvarks last night, what a awesome show! I can't wait untill you come back to Windsor! soon I hope! Keep on playin that Blues!

Windsor Canada - Saturday, January 13, 2001 at 08:44:34 (PDT)

nuff said.
you guys kik ass as usual.

The Barber
Massena, NY USA - Wednesday, January 03, 2001 at 23:35:05 (PDT)

Hey Chris, Ryan and Chuck,
Thanks for making our New Year's a memorable one...Looking forward to seeing you guys play again soon!

Deanna, Lisa, Erin
Toronto & Amherstburg, ON Canada - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 19:01:59 (PDT)

Great tunes Chris!! Heard you for the first time on the "net" and I'm looking foward to getting your CD. You should think about playing some gigs out here. You would be a hit! Keep rockin'.
Ric Maio <>
N. Kingstown, RI United States - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 18:47:52 (PST)
Hey Chris, We'll be seeing you at Brandee's on the weekend of Dec. 1 and 2nd (our anniversary, now he has to take me out) We were wondering if you were interested in trying out another bottleneck slide. Let us know if you are and we'll bring a few along for you to try. See you in December in Kingston! Nancy
Nancy Bouwma <>
Kingston, Canada - Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 06:27:49 (PST)
Hi Chris. We had the CD given tous by Chuck's father. Dave played in the band with Chuck back in his hometown of Port aux Basques, Nf. We are very good friends of his. We have enjoyed your CD and look forward to hearing more. A very special hello to Chuck.Best of luck in your future endeavors.
Kathy&Dave Sweet <>
Bishop's Falls, Canada - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 17:17:04 (PST)
Great Music! I look forward to another opportunity to see you and your band live again.
Randy Hann <>
Maple, ON Canada - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 12:46:38 (PST)
great live show. caught you at boomers last week. the new cd is just fantastic.
london, Canada - Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 14:38:58 (PDT)
bought your cd on the occasion of my 40th birthday....last night. can't wait to hear your playing.....when YOU are 40. You are quite astonishing now, it will be a pleasure to watch your talent increase (if that's possible!) :O) love to you, south paw........tfgb
the fabulous guitar babe <>
st. thomas, ontario Canada - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 12:17:26 (PDT)
hi chris, ryan and chuck i miss your shows, but i'll catch them in windsor with ben. "hell ya" thanks for the new CD, love it!! keep singing those blues. LISA
Lisa (bens girl) <>
windsor, on Canada - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 09:26:52 (PDT)
hi chris, ryan and chuck i miss your shows, but i'll catch them in windsor with ben. "hell ya" thanks for the new CD, love it!! keep singing those blues. LISA
Lisa (bens girl) <>
windsor, on Canada - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 09:25:12 (PDT)
Hey Chris, it's been a while since I've heard your stuff. I'm going through some serious blues withdrawl and I'm missing Scot's Corner and Boomerz like mad. I'll be sure to swing by to see you guys play when I'm back over the x mas break. I'll be getting my hands on the new cd as well. Thanks for the tunes!
Kate Hodgins <>
Sault Ste. Marie, Canada - Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 15:39:36 (PDT)
I was scanning the web while on a break at work and came across your website. I listened to the clip and thought it was great. I am anxious to share the info with my husband (also a Chown from Canada! Sussex, New Brunswick to be exact) who also is an incredibly talented guitar player, singer, composer, everything! Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to purchasing your CDs to give them a better listen.
Dawn Chown <>
Concord, NH United States - Friday, September 29, 2000 at 12:43:07 (PDT)
Hey Chris , I was just remembering your performance here during the kingston blues fest and you guys really are great! Hope you recieved our e-mail a few weeks back . Glad to have conversed and see you before you become a blues icon . If and when you have a free minute , could you send me a few words of encouragement ? Thanks Chris ! Look forward to seeing you and the guys again . Your cd is great.
Vince Gillespie and Maureen Barr <>
kingston, ont Canada - Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 10:16:55 (PDT)
Hey Chris , I was just remembering your performance here during the kingston blues fest and you guys really are great! Hope you recieved our e-mail a few weeks back . Glad to have conversed and see you before you become a blues icon . If and when you have a free minute , could you send me a few words of encouragement ? Thanks Chris ! Look forward to seeing you and the guys again . Your cd is great.
Vince Gillespie and Maureen Barr <>
kingston, ont Canada - Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 10:15:58 (PDT)
Thanks Chris. The CD is absolutely great. I hope you are very proud of the CD because your loyal fans are very proud of you.
Pete <>
London, ON Canada - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 08:05:58 (PDT)

Some friends told ne they saw you in Rimouski. They said you were awesome. Having listened to the stuff on Blues Online, I know I will buying the cd's if I can locate them.
John Francis <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 07:02:07 (PDT)

Chris and Band, Again you guys were my favourite part of the Kingston Blues Festival, now my teenaged kids are hooked too. Hope to see you soon, maybe at the Rainbow? Please update your performance site soon. We're proud to have your albums be a part of our collection right there beside Stevie Ray and Fathead.
Lisa <>
Lombardy, Canada - Saturday, September 02, 2000 at 11:55:52 (PDT)
hi chris, good job on friday and saturday at the blues fest in kingston. i was the guy who asked you what gauge you used on you guitar and went up to you on saturday while you were tuning and chatted with you and your probably don't remember but anyways...i was wondering if you could e-mail me back sometime, i was hoping you'd be interested in having my band open for you guys sometime. i'd love converse about music with you sometime. take care...don't smoke TOO much ;) john

john torres <>
kingston, on Canada - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 09:52:48 (PDT)
GREAT STUFF, I was in Kingston for Blues Fest caught your show at The Slip. I was thoroughly entertained. Thank you

Duffy <>
Carleton Place, on Canada - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 09:39:33 (PDT)
Great show at Boomers the other night. I thought I was going to get the !@#$ kicked out of me for saying that stuff about stompin tom. You were absolutely right though, this here is rythem and blues, it aint no stompin tom! Gimme back my wig!

Ryan Barber <>
London, on Canada - Monday, August 21, 2000 at 21:56:06 (PDT)
Can't wait till you come back to Windsor, I saw you play in June, what an awesome show!

Katy <>
Ypsilanti, MI USA - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 07:02:27 (PDT)
Hey Chris, It's me Ben, can't sleep, so I'm droppin ya a line. Ya played really well tonight at Kelly's Lisa says hi and keep up the blues the way you do it, the right way! If ya ever need someone to pound out the odd vocals, you know where to find me, playin ma gui-tar somewhere's I think. Keep on rockin man. - "Mojo" Ben Simpson.

"Mojo" Ben Simpson <>
London, Canada - Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 03:59:54 (PDT)

DeReK <>
S.Korea - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 06:36:32 (PDT)
Hey Chris, you are very very incredible!!! I don't have another words for describe you! I saw you tonight and it was a very good show! You are genius guitar player!!!

Karine Bernier <>
Rimouski, Quebec Canada - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 21:01:59 (PDT)
I listened to the bands live show on this site and man what a great guitarist! Blues Rules!!!

Brian <>
Windsor, Canada - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 18:42:46 (PDT)
Hey, I listened to a couple of your songs,a nd they are really good. We are going to see you July 12 and 13 and 15th. We can't wait.

Michelle and Charlene <>
London, on Canada - Monday, June 26, 2000 at 18:13:52 (PDT)
Thanks for usin' the web man. You've made Indiana just a whole lot more bearable!

Tom Brown
Fort Wayne, IN USA - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 20:18:49 (PDT)
well thanks Tracy... I'll take that as a personal jab at my photography... those pics were taken 2 years ago and I would hardly say that Chris looks FAT in them... I didn't try to make him look like a skinny GQ model for you cuz the guy is a blues guitar player. He did all his own posing, looks, etc... I just shot the photos. If it's GQ shots you want, the internet is fulla that crap and you can look elsewhere for it. Why don't you pic up a camera and show us what you can do with it honey, then you can throw your insults around.

Mike Forbes <>
Guelph, ON Canada - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 17:51:10 (PDT)
Did you gain weight? I hate to say it but those pictures are REALLY bad. I'm just being honest.sorry.

london, Canada - Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 16:52:29 (PDT)
Hey Chris! Saw you both times @ Bourbon West (Pte-Claire)... OH MY GOD! You are a guitar genius! I played w/my band (Nascent) @ Bourbon Street 2 weeks after you were there the first time... I am the biggest fan of Colin James and love the dream has always been to get him to play @ my wedding...but I think I'll ask you instead! I wanna shout out to the rhythm section cuz you guys "ROCK the Boat"! Oh, and Chris, don't forget to come back to Montreal, and thanx 4 signing my CD! Bilal

Bilal Butt <>
Montreal, QC Canada - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 08:12:46 (PDT)
Chris, your music sends vibes right through me. When you play little wing, I get shivers up my back. Keep up the great work, you're an insperation to us all.

An admirer
Canada - Monday, March 27, 2000 at 06:52:25 (PST)
dear chris, do you have a banner i can put on my website? brodie

brodie <>
windsor, ont Canada - Friday, March 24, 2000 at 23:18:13 (PST)
dear chris and band, i just saw you play at Aardvark's in windsor tonight and i ran home to see your website! i feel so moved by seeing you guys play and i am going back tomorrow to bring all my friends.I see live bands all the time and i never get this excited about their music YOu guys absolutly rock out and i know you will be famous one day KEEP ON ROCKING , YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!! LOVE BRODIE in windsor

brodie <>
windsor, on Canada - Friday, March 24, 2000 at 23:12:18 (PST)
Hey Chris! I saw you play at Boomerz last and, as usual, you were absolutely amazing. A guitar player myself, I am only 13 years old and have a fascination with the blues. I must say that you are a huge inspiration to me. I hope to see you again soon. Until then, keep up the great work!

Adrian Iutzi <>
Strathroy, Ont Canada - Sunday, March 19, 2000 at 10:42:20 (PST)
You are the man, man! Thanks for the tequila shots the other night...I held em down for about an hour! HAHAHAHAHA! well don't be a stranger, just cuz you've got some girl now! j/k latah!

andrew van der meer <>
Canada - Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 20:50:29 (PST)

GUELPH, ON Canada - Friday, February 11, 2000 at 18:30:35 (PST)
I'm just another big fan. Look forward to seeing you at the Wort. Any chance you might play "The Thrill is Gone". Whatever you play I know I'll enjoy it. Keep it sailing, baby! Des

Des Stutchbury <>
London, ON Canada - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 22:58:13 (PST)
Wow! We loved your stage presence. You all seem to be enjoying the music differently when you're up there but still manage to be perfectly in sinc! Chris you've got the coolest facial expressions when you're deep in the middle of a guitar section. Steve seems like he's constantly discovering secret amusements while on the drums, and Ryan is just smooth and cool playing the bass. Watching you play was almost as good as listening to you!

Monique & Courtney <>
London, ON Canada - Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 23:38:58 (PST)
hey chris! i really enjoyed the gallery. it was the first time that i have ever seen you without wearing a hat!!! hahahaha. hope to see you soon, and i am waiting for your return to kingston as always. raymond

raymond <>
kingston, Canada - Monday, January 03, 2000 at 10:08:00 (PST)
Chris-- remained in my parked car throughout your CBC radio interview last month. Excited about sharing your music with friends and family. Since reading the Guestbook, noticed that your "mean ex-girlfriend" is rather passive aggressive; now that's good fodder for the blues. Gotta take the inspiration from where one finds it. Another Fan.

simmons, elizabeth <>
Hamilton, Canada - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 14:30:42 (PST)
Truly amazing to be driving across the North Shore of Lake Superior through Precambrain rock cuts, passed magnificent forests and beside Gitchee Gumee with the strains of a young blues musician pounding it out in your ears!

David Wood <>
Sudbury, ON Canada - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 14:21:40 (PST)
Tuned in to CBC Radio yesterday while driving Telephone Vehicle and had to pull over. Safety first. I'm A big fan of the Blues and checked out your website after work.

Ross Crewe <>
Labrador City, NF Canada - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 07:43:52 (PST)
Caught your spot on CBC today. It's the best blues spot I've heard In a while. Saw you a cuple of years ago, when you played Stratford with Jeff Healy. Hope you get back soon.

David Huggins <>
Stratford, Ont Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 21:00:31 (PST)
You knocked me on my ass this morning on the CBC - ever been to Sudbury?

Dan Reed <>
Sudbury, On Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 18:38:21 (PST)
Collin and Jeff better start lookin over their shoulders...I would love to build you a guitar Chris

Tim Diebert <>
Grand Forks, BC Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 13:25:29 (PST)
Just heard you on CBC this morning. Smokin' blues Chris!!How about coming out West sometime soon.

Red Deer, ab Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 11:04:23 (PST)
I was on my way back to the office and listening to the CBC radio spot this morning. I was truly impressed and wanted to know when the band will be in Toronto performing? I'll be recommending to my brother in London to check your band out in January.

Sandy <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 09:38:45 (PST)
Your music was some of the best I've heard on CBC in a long time. Your combination of vocals and guitar was superb. Your guitar was an adventure. I found myself looking forward to the next tasteful musical statement that was just around the corner.Keep up the great work!

Cliff Trott <>
Napanee, Ont Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 09:34:44 (PST)
My husband and I also heard your interview on CBC radio one and checked out your play dates. We'd love to hear you in Toronto....when will you be in the big smoke???

Uta Messerhuber <>
Alton, ON Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 09:13:05 (PST)
Just tuned into CBC radio and caught your spot. Theentire office was listening and we were all impressed. Keep up the great work.

Norm Drolet <>
Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, November 12, 1999 at 09:02:18 (PST)
I saw you at the Blues Exchange and then I bought your CD should get more play dates in this area cause I'd be pleased to see you play again!

Chuck Held <>
Caledonia, Ont Canada - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 19:40:13 (PDT)
Hello. I am very dissapointed that i was unable to see you here in kingston. I bet you were great!

kingston, Canada - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 14:23:41 (PDT)
Hi Chris! I've never seen you play live but have heard many great things about your band. I played in a band with Ryan many years ago and hope to catch you guys sometime. Anyways, take care!

Lincoln Miller
On Canada - Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 22:59:03 (PDT)
hi, i will do my best to make it to your show here in kingston once again!

raymond turcotte
kingston, Canada - Sunday, September 26, 1999 at 13:23:26 (PDT)
I cannot wait till you come back to kingston!

Kingston, Canada - Sunday, September 12, 1999 at 14:16:54 (PDT)

London, ON Canada - Monday, August 30, 1999 at 01:13:25 (PDT)
It is very sad and pointless that Molson's cancelled the Molson Amphitheatre gig for Chris, Ryan and Steve.Personally, I was looking forward to the show. The only wayto have a some revenge is to stop drinking Molson products.

Shawn <>
London, ON Canada - Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 19:57:26 (PDT)
Hi! I will see YOU TODAY AT 2: 30 AND AT 7:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raymond Turcotte
Kingston, Canada - Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 07:13:21 (PDT)
I think's it's a real shame that Molson dropped sponsorshipof Chris' gig in Toronto. Makes me want to stop drinking theirbeer. In fact, I think all of Chris's fans SHOULD stop drinkingMolson products in protest!

Pete <>
London, ON Canada - Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 18:40:41 (PDT)
Hi! Good luck in the B.B King blues festival!You deserve to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raymond Turcotte <>
Kingston, Canada - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 07:26:01 (PDT)
Iluv ya

Canada - Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 13:41:12 (PDT)
Hello there....I noticed on your CD as well as your websitethat you spelled 'Otis'(Rush) with two t's. FYI, it should be one. Thanks for the great music.

A Huge Otis Rush Fan <>
Otisville, OR Rushland - Sunday, August 08, 1999 at 19:16:02 (PDT)
I can't wait to see you for the 4th time! The last timw i saw you, you were great!I am going to be at the holiday in all three days!(ok,im going to try to be there all three nights, at least 2)

Raymond Turcotte <>
KIngston, Canada - Thursday, August 05, 1999 at 15:17:39 (PDT)
You are the best guitar player i have ever seen

Raymond Turcotte <>
Kingston Ont., Canada - Tuesday, August 03, 1999 at 17:42:24 (PDT)

Raymond Turcotte
Canada - Tuesday, August 03, 1999 at 08:25:47 (PDT)
well outside she looks to me with a thousand smiles she gives to me free.....its alright she says its alright..take anything you want from me.........anything...

London, Ont Canada - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 02:45:59 (PDT)
Learn some metallica dude.

Canada - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 01:21:11 (PDT)
Hey Chris! I'm 15, and a blues guitar player from Chatham and wondering when you'll be coming back. I've met you a few times at some of your're playing is smokin'. My band, Midnight Mojo, has been playing the Chatham bar circuit and other establishments in the area. We're enjoying ourselves and basically just happy to keep the blues tradition alive! Let me know when you're coming back to Chatham.....also, I'm curious to know what kind of amp your using these days, I'm playing through a Feneder Twin. With a Deluxe Plus Strat plugged in, the tone is just what I want. Anyways, good luck with the gigs and keep the hot blues comin! Mike

Michael S. <>
Canada - Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 11:29:33 (PDT)
JDK Rocks

Blue Star
Canada - Wednesday, June 09, 1999 at 21:14:35 (PDT)
Hey Chown Family:Hope all is well, congratulations to Chris on the Montreal Jazz Fest gig! I'm sure he'll knock 'em dead. Always great to see you all, the web site looks real cool too. Chris Chown kicks axe! Let me know when you're coming to T.O. Jack

Jack de Keyzer
Canada - Wednesday, June 09, 1999 at 21:13:33 (PDT)
I read about you in Toronto acouple of years ago, how do I purchase your C.D. You can respond to my band's web site:

Sam Orrico <>
New Castle, PA U.S.A. - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 11:19:17 (PDT)
Hey man, rumours going around that your "THE BLUES Guitar Player"...Well, they're all true... Keep up the excellent playing dude!Hope to interview you before too much fame!Oneida Radio 89.5 FM The Eagle Station!"Long Live The Blues Thru Chris Chown!!"

K. Abram <>
London, ON Canada - 
Hey admirer, You should like Chris for who and what he is, which is one of the finest musicians anywhere and the most polite and pleasant teenager I've ever met. I've also met and talked with his girlfriendand she and Chris make a great couple. Wish them well.

Ron Vowles <>
London, On Canada - 
This is your admirer again, Chris. I'm a little upset that people are mad at me. I didn't mean to bash your girlfriend, but I don't think that you two aren't meant for each other. I share your love of blues and the guitar. I really am sorry if your angry and I still hope to see you at Boomers. P.S. I noticed that she wasn't there last Thursday.

Canada - 
I caught you last night (Jan. 22). There's no question that I'll be back again tonight. Your CD smokes!

Danny Jorgensen <>
Canada - 
As a young musician myself, I enjoy listening to your music. My girlfriend who lives in London, bought your CD and I think that it is the bomb. Hopefully you will be coming around here in the near future so that I can see you perform your music instead of just listening to it. How come you don't use your telecaster more often? Holy Jalapeno's who is "admirer" and what right does she have to say things about you and your girlfriend on your website. Right on Isaac.

Milwaukee, USA - 
I was visiting my Aunt and Uncle last weekend and my cousin brought me to THE BOOMERZ CLUB to see you perform. I think that you are great, amazing, WOW, untouchable, and inspiring. Thanx for the good show and I agree with Isaac about the whole "admirer" stunt. Hopefully I will see you someday in Tulsa!!!

Tulsa, OK USA - 
Well I was reading the guest book and I am displeased. You should go to THE BOOMERZ CLUB to listen to Chris play and not to try to spend time alone with him. Chris is an amazing guitarist and performer. I think it's wonderful that "admirer" thinks Chris is sexy but attacks on his girlfriend hold no place on a website dedicated to his music. See ya at BOOMERZ and I am sure that I will know who you are...HINT HINT!!!

London, ON Canada - 
I've been following your band for a long time and have never seen a sexier guy on guitar. I get shivers just looking at you. I know you've noticed me at your shows, but I've noticed you have a girlfriend. I really think your hot. Look for me at Boomer's this Thursday, and every Thursday. I hope I don't see your girlfriend there. I'd really like to spend some time alone with you. LOVE , Your Admirer

London, Canada - 
Hey Chris, saw you last night(Oct 30) and as usual you were great. Will see you next weekend at Clydes. Keep working on that 2nd cd. Your fans are waiting!

Ron Vowles <>
London, ON Canada - 
saw you play in port stanley on saturday night october 10 - the music was and your band have a great sound and style..hope to hear you again in the future....jeanne

Jeanne <>
St. Thomas, On Canada - 

I remember a day a couple of years ago when I was told about this young guy who was supposed to play guitar rather well. I thought,yeah, sure; how many times do you hear that sort of thing. Well,I went to hear Chris Chown with some friends at a small club withabout 20 people in it.We sat down, skeptical and ready to be disappointed. We heard his firsttune. Not bad at all. We heard the second tune. Very promising. Afterthe third tune it was all we could do to scape our chins off of the floor!I have never heard a better guitarist alive or recorded in my life. And on top of that he is younger, better looking and meets more women than me.Chris is going a very long way. Buy his CD now!
Shawn Smith <>
London, ON Canada - 

Email:rbertr@idirect.comComments:Went to the Kingston Blues Festival for the second year and spent twonights enjoying the music of Chris Chown. He packed the Holiday Inn fourstraight nights.What amazes me the most is Chris's enthusiasm for playing the blues. OnFriday night while taking a break between sets, he grabbed his guitars,jumped in a car and played a set at the street dance because the lead singerof the band playing there took ill. After coming back and finishing his gig,he joined a local band in one of the pubs to finish the night off.On Saturday his last set was cut short because of rain. I talked to himfor awhile and he said he welcomed a little break because his fingers werehurting. He showed them to me and they were worn raw. It was painful justlooking at them. He then said he was off to another club to play again. Thisguy really loves to play.He was also the talk of the town. Everywhere I went, people were talkingabout him. He is a must see. 
Hi Chris....what's up. My name is Stephen Garrett, I recently turned 15thismonth and I am an avid guitar player specializing in the "Blues". I sawyouthe summer of 97 at the Blues Festival in Kingston and I must say I wasastonished. To see someone just a few years older than I gave me encouragement to succeed and to try my best. I even got your autograph onmyCD. I've listened to it numerous times and with that in the back of mymind Ihave done some wonderful things with my guitar to the point where I was afeature lead in a jazz ensemble at a resort in Alexandria Bay. At age 15 Idon't have all the answers and guitar teachers can only share so much, whatIam really looking for is insight from the talent himself, that being you.Ihave listed below a few questions that may enhance my performance, I amplaying in a local bar in September....wish you could come. Until then Ilookforward to your upcoming performance in Kingston ,and, keep the bluesalive!Thank you.....Stephen James Garrett....#1 What is the year of your Strat and are you using any special pickups?#2 What would you recommend as the best amp for playing the blues?#3 Chris have you ever played through Marshalls, if so which ones....andyourcomments on them.Thank you for your time, I would enclose a self pic of my last performance but this is my sisters computer and it's semi packed for college! Until then,Seeya! 
Hi ChrisSaw you tonight (98.09-12). Enjoyed your music. You're awsome.Nora & Audley 
Email:CuteKegKid@Aol.comComments:The talent in the minds of the young ones is the talent that grows into theminds of the old ones....Keep it up....your musical gift has inspired ages 14 to 50!