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Encounters With Dangerous Animals While Hunting

by Chris Ferree

Africa is a land containing many large and dangerous animals. Though many of these creatures seem massive, clumsy, and stupid they may still be encountered without warning and at close range. The area around Ubonga has a large population of dangerous game and it is inevitable that some of these creatures will be encountered while out in the bush.

Below are some rules that will make hunting more exciting and colorful.

Hunting Parties- A Hunting Party ( wheather a work detail or part of a mission party ) must have at least 1 hunter and 2 porters. Additional hunters, porters, and/or gun bearers may also be added.

Determining If An Encounter Occurs- Whenever a Hunting Party rolls a "6" for its result there is a chance for an encounter. Roll 1D6 if the result is a "1" or "2" then an encounter occurs. Unless the animal is killed, there will be no food gathered from an encounter ( the exception being encounter 2 if a porter is rolled, as eating porters is not allowed ).

If an encounter occurs, roll 2D6 on the table below:
Hunting Encounters Table
2 While standing in cover waiting for a shot, the hunter hears a noise in the bush behind him. Choose an action for the hunter, then determine the type of animal and its reaction. The Animal will be 1D6 inches from the hunter.

Hunter's Action:

  1. Remain Motionless.
  2. Turn very slowly to see whats there.
  3. Quickly turn and fire (Snap Shot).
  4. Bolt for safety (move 4D6 inches).
3 From the tall grass nearby, the hunter hears what sounds like a steam engine. Its the unmistakable sound of an angry rhinoceros. The beast is 2D6 inches away and its charging.
4 Following a trail through the bush, the hunter comes upon a herd of elephants ( 2D6 animals). Choose an action for the hunter and determine the reaction of each elephant. They are 2D6 inches away.

Hunter's Action:

  1. Crouch down in cover.
  2. Slowly back away.(1D6 inches)
  3. Open Fire (Aimed Shot).
  4. Run back down the trail (move 4D6 inches).
5 Tracking the spoor of an antelope, the hunter feels as though he is being watched. He pauses and feels a chill down his spine. He turns to see a lion spring forward from a range of 2D6 inches. (if the hunter moves first, he gets an aimed shot. If the lion moves first, the hunter gets a snap shot.)
6 Peering through a tunnel in the papyrus, the hunter hears the cry of a baby hippopotamus. Turning, the hunter sees the hostile mother hippo pounding down the trail 3D6 inches away. (if the hunter moves first, he gets an aimed shot. If the hippo moves first, the hunter gets a snap shot.) ( reroll if in desert)
7 The hunter, trailing a buffalo through the tall grass, finds himself in the midst of the herd. Judging from the sounds, the beasts have got wind of him. Choose an action for the hunter and then determine the reaction of the buffalo. There are 2D6 buffalo located 2d6 inches away in a randomly determined direction.

Hunter's Action:

  1. Remain quietly in place.
  2. Skulk away.(2D6 inches)
  3. Shoot at the nearest buffalo (Snap Shot due to the tall grass).
  4. Sprint away. (move 4D6 inches).
8 Returning from the hunt, a brush filled donga is encountered. As the party reaches the bottom of the defile, a noise is heard from behind. The hunter turns to see a lion leaping off the rim of the donga. There is only time for a snap shot. Range 1D3 inches.
9 The hunter crouches in cover, next to a large herd. Something spooks the herd and it stampedes toward the hunter. Roll 1D6 for each member of the hunting party:
  • 1-2 - Unhurt
  • 3-4 - Battered but able to walk.
  • 5 - Injured, must be carrid back.
  • 6 - Killed
10 Returning to camp at twilight, the hunter encounters 2 rhinoceri on the trail 3D6 inches away. Choose the hunters reaction and determine the animals reaction.

Hunter's Action:

  1. Sit still and see what happens.
  2. Quietly skirt around the animals. (2D6 inches)
  3. Shoot at the beasts. (Aimed Shot).
  4. Run back the way they came. (move 4D6 inches).
11 While setting up his shot the hunter hears a scream from behind. He is told that a porter dropped his knife and went back to look for it. Rushing back down the trail the hunter finds the hapless porter 3D6 inches away engaged with a randomly determined animal. Roll 1D6 below to determine the animals reaction.
  • 1-3 - Continues attacking the porter.
  • 4,5 - Charges the hunter.
  • 6 - runs away
Note: a shot that misses by a score of one or two points over hits the porter for 1D6 + 3 points damage. (the 3 points was done by the animal)
12 The hunter sees his quarry disappear over a slight rise and he gives chase. Topping the hill, he hears the animal crash down in the bush. The hunter closes to within 1D6 inches of the dead animal then spots 1D6 lions 1D6 inches past the kill. Choose an action for the hunter then determine each lions reaction.
  1. Freeze in place.
  2. Slowly back away. (2D6 inches)
  3. Shoot on the lions. (Aimed Shot).
  4. Run like H_ _ _. (move 4D6 inches).
Note: For hunters actions "A", "B", and "D" the lions will move up to the dead animal if they do not charge. Once on the kill 1D3 lions will be occupied dragging it away at 2D6 inches per turn. Check remaining lions reactions as needed until the encounter is over. If option "C" is chosen after the lions have the dead animal, those with the kill will run away (with the animal) check others normally.

Randomly Determined Animals- Roll 1D6:

  1. Elephant
  2. Rhinoceros
  3. Buffalo
  4. * Hippopotamus / Rhinocerous
  5. Lion
  6. #Porter / Lion
* Hippopotamus if in a square with swamp or river. # The Porter is for encounter "2" only

Reaction Of Animals To Hunters Actions - Roll 1D6 and look down the column for the hunters action to determine the animals reaction.
Hippopotamus A B C D
Charge 1 1-2 1-2 1
Do Nothing 2-3 3 n/a 2-3
Move 1D6"
4 4 n/a 2-3
Run Away 5-6 5-6 3-6 5-6
Elephant A B C D
Charge 1 1-2 1-3 1-2
Do Nothing 2-4 3-4 n/a 3-4
Move 1D6"
5 5 n/a 5
Run Away 6 6 4-6 6
Rhinoceros A B C D
Charge 1-2 1-2 1-4 1-3
Do Nothing 3 3-4 n/a 4
Move 1D6"
4-5 5 n/a 5
Run Away 6 6 5-6 6
Buffalo A B C D
Charge 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-2
Do Nothing 3-4 3-4 n/a 3
Move 1D6"
5 5 n/a 4-5
Run Away 6 6 4-6 6
Lion A B C D
Charge 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-5
Do Nothing 4-5 5-6 n/a 6
Move 1D6"
6 n/a n/a n/a
Run Away n/a n/a 6 n/a

Combat with Animals- It seldom occurs that large african game is stopped with a single bullet. Even with a fatal wound, these brutes can still make mischief for some time. Below are the rules for combating the animals encountered while hunting.

Duration Of Encounter- A hunting party will be engaged in an encounter with an animal or group of animals until they are either killed of seperated by 24" or more. The turn sequence is the same as for fighting humans.

Movement- When determining movement order, the black cards represent the animal(s) and red cards are for the hunting party. When a card is drawn, it is for the movement of one man or one animal only.

Movement Rates-

Animal Movement- When moving animals, use the following guidelines:
When Charging - An animal will charge the figure it can most likely attack (i.e. the closest one that has already moved)
When Moving Away - Roll 1D6 for movement and 1D6 for direction. The results for the direction die are:

When Running Away - Move toward cover away from the hunter(s).

Shooting Dangerous Game- Below are the rules for using a gun against encountered animals.

Types of Shots- There are two types of shots a hunter can make, an aimed shot and a snap shot.

Aimed Shots- When the hunter is allowed to take his time and set up a shot carefully, he can make an aimed shot. An aimed shot is made at twice the hunters to hit number. (for example, if his normal to hit number is "7" then a score of from "1" to "14" would hit. If a hit is scored, the the number shown on the die is the amount of damage done to the animal.

Snap Shots- A snap shot is taken when the hunter does not have time to aim. When a charging animal is within 5 inches the hunter can only make a snap shot. A snap shot is made with the normal to hit number. Damage to the animal is equal to the die score, however, if the die score is equal to or 2 less than the to hit number the hunter rolls 1D6 for additional damage to the animal. For Example, a hunter needs a "7" to hit with a snap shot. If he rolls a "1" through "4" he hits scoring that much damage on the animal. If he rolls a "5","6", or "7" he gets to roll 1D6 and add that to his "to hit" roll for damage.

Hurled Weapons and Bows- Hurled Weapons (spears) and bows use the normal number to hit. If they score a hit they do 1D6 damage. The exception to this rule is the Masai spear which, due to its large size, does 1D10 damage.

Animal's Reaction To Being Shot - When an animal gets shot it will make one of two actions. It will either charge or run away. Use the table below to determine the animals reaction.
Animal's Reaction
To Being Shot
Animal Charge Run Away
Hippopotamus 1-2 3-6
Rhinoceros 1-4 5-6
Elephant 1-3 4-6
Buffalo 1-4 5-6
Lion 1-5 6
Add the animals damage level to the dice roll.
Add 1 to the dice roll if the hunter is 12" or more away.

Effects Of Damage- The effects of damage are determined by two factors. One, the amount of damage done by a single attack and two, the accumulated damage recieved throughout the encounter.

Knock Down- If a single hit does enough damage it can knock an animal off of its feet. An animal that is knocked down will lose 4 dice of movement on its next turn. Animals that have 4 or less dice can only stand up on the turn after they have been knocked down. The table below lists the amount of damage needed to knock down an animal
Knock Down Table
Animal Damage
Man 3
Lion 7
Hippopotamus 8
Elephant 9
Buffalo 9
Rhinoceros 10

Accululated Damage- This is a total of all the damage that the animal takes during the encounter. Each turn after an animal takes damage (every turn if at Damage Level 4 or 5), Roll on the Survival Table to determine if the animal lives.
Survival Table
Roll Needed To Live
1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2 1
Man 1-5 6-9 10-12 13-14 15+
Hippopotamus 8-15 16-22 23-28 29-33 34+
Elephant 9-17 18-24 25-31 32-37 38+
Lion 9-17 18-24 25-31 32-37 38+
Buffalo 10-19 20-28 29-36 37-43 44+
Rhinoceros 10-19 20-28 29-36 37-43 44+
Damage Level 1 2 3 4 5
In addition to the chance of death, an animal will lose 1D6 of its movement dice for each damage level.

Melee With Animals- When fighting large African game hand-to-hand, the human is at a big disadvantage. As in regular melee, each combatant will roll a die with the high die the winner. However, different animals will get to use different dice. The table below shows the die used by a particular animal when engaged in melee.
Melee Dice Table
Animal Die Used
Man D6
Buffalo D10
Hippopotamus D10
Elephant D12
Rhinoceros D12
Lion D20

Effects Of A Lost Round Of Melee- Losing a melee roll has the following effects:
If the result was a difference of 2 or less between the dice scores, then no damage was done.
If the difference in dice scores was greater than 2, the loser takes damage equal to the difference in scores. He is also subject to the Knock Down rule.

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