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MARY JANE LAMOND, gaelic singer, collector, musician

Her work has garnered Mary Jane numerous Juno and East Coast Music Award nominations, critical acclaim and a worldwide audience. Mary Jane has just released her fourth recording Òrain Ghàidhlig (Gaelic Songs of Cape Breton), a traditional recording dedicated to the fine Gaelic singers of Cape Breton. Despite the important role her music plays in preserving Scottish Gaelic songs what would otherwise rarely be heard outside Cape Breton, Mary Jane Lamond says her primary purpose is to entertain.

"This is a huge oral literary tradition that is being lost at an alarming rate," she says, "and I am involved with community things that help conserve it for younger people. But I'm also an interpreter, a singer and musician and in my music the challenge is to create something new and exciting that doesn't destroy the heart of it."

Mary Jane is the foremost champion of the traditional Gaelic singing of Cape Breton. She has won acclaim not only for her beautiful voice, but also for her uncompromising devotion to the tradition.

"I feel that people are often, probably unintentionally, quite exploitive of traditional cultures. I had to find a way to give credit to the tradition yet to move ahead in a modern way."

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