English Ceqli Etymology
abandon, forsake gafroja compound
abbey n. beia English ABbEY
abbot n. beiabo compound
abbreviate (lessen) pifa compound
abbreviated v. bepifa compound
abbreviation pifaxo compound
abdomen n. domen English abDOMEN
ability (fact of) feyka compound
ability (quality of) feyxa compound
able fey German
able to be fye reversal
abominate gapopyar compound
about tem Esperanto
above prep. bala Persian
abroad gerhaymsta compound
abrupt v. bru English aBRUpt
absence postaka compound
absent posta compound
absolute pura Hindi
accept voltom compound
acceptable voltomval compound
accident taynan Vietnamese
accompany kunja compound
accompany me kun go compound
according to v. bai English
accordion hanuri Finnish
account samla Hungarian
account (for) soymsamla compound
accuse vinosey compound
accustomed v. familiar English
ache (lasting pain) n., v. daurpein compound
acid zaur German
acorn gule Cherokee
acquire tenho compound
acrobat jimnajin compound
acrobatics jimna English
across (location) tran Esperanto
across (motion) kotran compound
act, be an actor xpil German
act of ka a priori
act, perform, do kar Hindi
activist polikarjin compound
actor xpilpro compound
actually truke compound
add v. jor Hindi
addition (act of) jorka compound
address tsim Hungarian
adjective n. varnvor compound
administrate v. bokar compound
administration (act of) n. boka compound
administration n. bogu compound
admiration n. bondumka compound
admire (think well of) v. bondum compound
admit haygri compound
adolescent siudaren compound
adult n. daren Mandarin
advance jeluja compound
advance trans. jelufa compound
advantage, benefit n. ben E BENefit
adventure xani Swahili
adverb` karvarn compound
advertise janfa compound
advertise (broadly) v. fenjanfa compound
advertisement n. fenjanfaka compound
advertisement n. fenjanfaxo compound
advice salaka compound
aerogramme suapuei compound
affair n. dielo Russian
afford v. dena Hindi
Africa sulduqzogater compound
after fuke compound
after that, then fuco compound
afternoon fudiyacen compound
afternoon padiyacen compound
again gen English
again plufwa compound
against, not according to v. bia reversal
against, opposing samna Hindi
against (physically) juya Indonesian
age gil Hebrew
agency, office n. buro German
agent (of change) n. faba compound
agent (one who does) karjin compound
aggression jaqhoka compound
aggression pelhoka compound
aggressive jaqtan compound
ago padotaym compound
agree gri English
agreement grika compound
agriculture n. farmka compound
aid pomo Russian
aim, goal gol English
air hawa Arabic
air conditioner hawapovarmxin compound
air force hawajaqgu compound
air mail flaygram compound
aircraft hawavi compound
aircraft carrier hawavibervi compound
airplane hawapleyn compound
airport flayhawn compound
alcohol kolal English
alike seym English
alive, live ji Russian
all, every kul Hindi
all the time, always kultaym compound
allow pem English
ally jaqfren compound
ally pelfren compound
almost siu a priori
alone solo English
along viya Latin
aloud vwazu compound
alphabet zimugu compound
already je Russian
also adv. bien Spanish
although spico compound
altitude n. balsuma compound
aluminum haluminum English
always kultaym compound
ambassador sfar Persian
America hamer English
America hamerhaym compound
among stacen compound
among twin English
amount suma Russian
and kay Esperanto
and kai Esperanto
anger kolerka compound
angry koler French
animal n. di English DEEr
animate v. hanimey Japanese
animator hanimeypro compound
ankle pawkoren compound
announce seymey Japanese
another (additional) plufwa de compound
another (different one) ger Arabic
answer (by doing, respond) v. fankar compound
answer v. fanbol compound
ant furmi French
Antarctica n. biqzogater compound
antiseptic foylesam compound
any (no matter what) koy Hindi
anybody koyjin compound
anything koyba compound
anytime koytaym compound
anywhere koyjay compound
apartment house n. camgudom compound
apartment n. camgu compound
apparatus ju Mandarin
appear, come into sight v. bexauho compound
appear, look xain German
appearance xainka compound
appetite komvolka compound
apple pom French
apple tree pombawm compound
appointment zamhoplan compound
approximate gwane reversal
apricot xiq Mandarin
April kwarxar compound
architect n. bauskimpro compound
Arctic xambiq compound
arm n. bra French
armaments jaqsaman compound
army solgu compound
around piramun Persian
around the clock kulhoro compound
arrange tayarfa compound
arranged tayar Hindi
arrival silaka compound
arrive sila reversal
arrow guni Cherokee
art kal Hindi
art gallery kalkeljay compound
article (writing) karaqan Indonesian
artifact jinkreyaba compound
artificial jinkreya de compound
artist kalpro compound
artist, draftsman n. drajin compound
Asia gagater compound
ask kyufar compound
asparagus spara English
assistance pomoka compound
astronomy starsay compound
at sta Spanish eSTAr
at least tli English aTLEAst
at least sli a priori
at most m. besli a priori
atom zara Hindi
attack pelho compound
attack, make war jaqho compound
attempt tray English
attic n. domgaicam compound
au revoir til genxaw compound
August palxar compound
aunt pamfreri compound
Australia sulzogater compound
author vorkator compound
authority hawala Hindi
automatic zelfuq compound
automobile, car tomo auTOMObile
autumn tumna English
available tenhobefey compound
awake podorm compound
awaken (oneself) podormho compound
away (from) fro English
baby n. bin Arabic
back (part) n. dui Korean
back v. fan Mandarin
backpack n. duitoli compound
backwards kodwi compound
bacon slanina Czech
bad zloy Russian
bad (not good) pobon compound
bag toli Bengali
bake tanurkar compound
bake v. fornokar compound
baker fornopro compound
baker tanurjin compound
balance seympayno compound
balcony zoler German
bald harsin compound
ball n. boli Hindi
ballet n. balei French
ballpoint n. bolipen compound
bamboo n. bamu English
bamboo shoot n. bamubin compound
banana n. banana English
band (ribbon) n. dai Mandarin
bandage n. bane English
bank n. beq Tok Pisin
barely m. berli English
barley n. barli English
barn n. barn English
barracks soldom compound
barrel n. baril Spanish
base, foundation tamtail compound
bashful, timid firtan compound
basket panyey French
bath (act of bathing) n. banioka compound
bathe v. banio Spanish
bathrobe n. baniopenuar compound
bathroom n. baniocam compound
bathtub n. baniotein compound
battery pilya Portuguese
battle pel Spanish
be about, about tem Esperanto
be, equals v. bi English
beach playa Spanish
bean n. doia Cherokee
bear n. (animal) balu Hindi
beard karahar compound
beard, goatee n. cenehar compound
beautiful v. bel French
beaver heli Mandarin
because hibefa compound
because kaybefa compound
because pikaybefa compound
become ho Hindi
bed n. cuaq Mandarin
bee n. bine German
beef parakarn compound
beer n. bir English
beet n. bura Russian
before pake compound
beg (imperative) pri French
begin za Slavic
behave v. beneim German
behaviour n. beneimka compound
behind posamney compound
behind sienma reversal
belief verka compound
believe ver Russian
bell joq Mandarin
belong rightly hawbeten compound
belt kemer Turkish
bend pelu Hawaiian
berry n. beri English
bet v. geym English
betray hayni Swahili
between twin English
beyond v. dure Bengali
Bible vaqlihon E BIbLE
bicycle n. duvilvi compound
big, large ga F GrAnd
bill samla Hungarian
billiards n. biliar Portuguese
binoculars n. gabrile compound
biology (life science) jisay compound
biped (animal) dubaindi compound
biped n. dubainba compound
bird dog n. faulkanin compound
bird n. faul E fowl
birth jonmoka compound
birth, give jonmo Bengali
birthday jonmodey compound
biscuit (American) skon English
bite tsanku compound
bitter v. cuqu Swahili
black v. corn Russian
bladder n. blare Norwegian
blame, v. vinodum compound
blanket kamal Hindi
bleach n. bielfaxo compound
bleach (whiten) v. bielfa compound
blend v. blen English
blessing n., bless v. duua Hindi
blind man n. buxaujin compound
blind v. buxaufei compound
blister n., v. cala Hindi
blonde pilaharde compound
blonde n. pilaharjin compound
blood saq French
blouse n. blau English
blow (puff) n. blo English
blue v. blu English
blueberry n. bluberi compound
bluebird n. blufaul compound
boat, vessel panivi compound
body tyelo Russian
boil v. boil English
boiler n. boilju compound
bomb n. bom English BOMb
bone gola Cherokee
book hon Japanese
bookstore honseldom compound
boot gasulyey compound
border kinar Hindi
bore v. boriq English
boring v. boriq English
born, to be v. bejonmo compound
boss, administrator n. bojin compound
boss, govern, in charge v. bo English Boss
boss, leader, chief n. bo English Boss
both kul du compound
bottle piq Mandarin
bottle opener piqpenoju compound
bottom tala Hindi
bowl n. diuali Cherokee
box koq Estonian
boy n. cailo English
bra sinagarm compound
bracelet siwar Arabic
bracket [ tawi a priori
brain n. brein English
brake freno Spanish
brass tsuyi Cherokee
brave valor English
bravery valorka compound
bread pan S
break slom Russian
breakable slomfye compound
breakable v. beslomfei compound
breakfast tyawkomka compound
breast (chest) sina Hindi
breast (teat) seno Spanish
breath xiruka compound
breathe xiru Mandarin
brick tili Finnish
bride gelini Turkish
bride or groom gelin Turkish
bridegroom gelino Turkish
bridge palam Tamil
bright gwaqge compound
bring jaber compound
bring venber compound
bring to life, revive jifa compound
brittle tswey Mandarin
brooch gonla Kampuchean
broom, sweep n., v. brum English
brother frero French
brown v. brawn English
brush tuli Bengali
Buddha (name) buuazo Name
Buddhism, Buddhist n., v. buuazodin compound
Buddhist n. buuazodel compound
build v. bau German
building n. bauxo compound
bulb n. birne German
bull jopara compound
bullet gani Cherokee
bullet pulya Russian
bundle n. v. bunle English BUNdLE
bungalow n. baqla Hindi
Burma n. burmazohaim compound
Burma/ese n., v. burmazo Name
Burmese language n. burmazobol compound
burn v. bern English
bus kamyon Spanish
businessman n. dielojin compound
busy (with) tsoq Mandarin
but kayjiq compound
but (between sentences) hijiq compound
butcher karnpro compound
butler hanguqjo compound
butter kare Persian
butterfly fyeril Swedish
button zir Arabic
buy kini Bengali
buzzard suli Cherokee
cabaret gewu Mandarin
cabaret gewujay Mandarin
cabbage kalam Persian
cabin kamara Turkish
café kawajay compound
cake halwa Arabic
calf n. binbul compound
call kalo Greek
call (by phone) v. denua Japanese
camel kamel English
camera kamera English
camp paraw Hindi
can, is able fei German
can opener guanpenoju compound
can (tin) gwan Mandarin
can v. gwanpon compound
canal kanal English
candle xama Hindi
cane keyn English
canoe tsiyu Cherokee
cap pipulo compound
capital n. (chief city) boceq compound
capsize sumiku compound
capsize int. sumifal compound
captain (ship's) n. cuanbo compound
captain (ship's) n. dariavibo compound
capture fulu Mandarin
car tomo auTOMObile
car (of train, etc.) gari Hindi
card kami Japanese (paper)
card game kamipleyxo compound
cardboard n. durbuma compound
care, be concerned ker English
careful, to be zelker compound
carefully kerde compound
cargo funani Japanese
cargo, load n. berxo compound
carnation krawntsila compound
carpenter stolyarjin compound
carpenter, v. stolyar Russian
carpet zulia Swahili
carrot senura Portuguese
carry, bear v. ber English
cartoon tun English
cartoon v. tunkar compound
cartoonist tunpro compound
carve v. diau Mandarin
carving n. diauxo compound
cash n. durbani compound
cashew n. bilauan Hindi
cat n. felin English
catch fulu Mandarin
catch sight of v. bruxau compound
catfish tsu Cherokee
cathedral n. duomo Italian
cattle n. bul English
cauliflower tsilakalam` compound
cause, make v. fa Romance
caution kerka compound
cellar kelari Finnish
cemetery n. fenmujai compound
center, middle n., v. cen Italian
century salhungu compound
ceqli (name) ceqlizo Mandarin & English
certain, sure xur English
chain n. cein English
chair n. cer English
chambermaid n. camguqjini compound
change (small money) n. baniki compound
change v. I. gerho compound
change v.t. gerfa compound
characterized by ge a priori
charm v. carm English
chauffeur tomopro compound
cheap pitsena compound
cheek vaq Dutch
cheese froma French
chef, cook tunupro compound
chemical kimya Turkish, etc.
chemist kimyasayjin compound
chemistry kimyasay compound
cherry taya Cherokee
chess kiqpleyxo compound
chest sina Hindi
chicken poyo Spanish
chief xaq Mandarin
child fil Esperanto
child n. cail English
chile n. cile Spanish
chili n. cili English
chimney n. cimni English
chin n. cene Turkish
Chinese (name) cainzo English
chive pibawaq compound
chocolate n. cola English
choose, decide xua French
chopstick(s) komcari compound
Christian person jeyujin compound
Christianity jeyudin compound
Christmas jeyudey compound
church (believers) n. dinjingu compound
church n. dindom compound
cigar n. ceru Hindi
cigarette n. cerul Hindi
cinema sinema Spanish
circle n. daira Arabic
cistern vwar reserVOIR
citizen ximin Japanese
city gatawn compound
city n. ceq Mandarin
clarify klarfa compound
claw n. ditsume compound
clay n. klei English
clean klin English
clear klar German
clearly klar German
clergy klero Spanish
clerk kerani Bengali
climb klaym English
clock, timepiece horlo Esperanto
close v. pone reversal
closed jeferm compound
closes ti-phrase beti compound
cloth tuni Tamil
clothing garm English
cloud kumo Japanese
clove koreni Czech
clover xamer Irish
coal kole German
coast n. dariakinar compound
coat palo Russian
cockroach jaqlaq Mandarin
cocoa n. colabuaxo compound
codfish n. cimi Hindi
coffee kawa Hindi
coin koyn English
cold povarm compound
collar kweyo Spanish
colonel koronel Spanish
color kolor English
comb peyneju compound
comb v. peyne Spanish
come in, enter v. danho compound
come to life, revive jiho compound
come v. ven F VENir
come with me kunven go compound
comfort kveym German
comfortable kveym German
comfortable (to s.o.) kveymdon compound
comment kamen English
commercial (message) n. buqtalka compound
commercial v. buq Tok Pisin
commune komun English
communicate tal Swedish (talk)
communication talka compound
communism komunver compound
communist komunverjin compound
company (business) firm compound
comparative "than" v. cem Russian
compartment n. bolme Turkish
compete jeq Mandarin
competition jeqka compound
competitor jeqjin compound
complain(t) hanu Tongan
complete pura Hindi
complicated v. balo reversal
composer pleqtor compound
composer, writer tor auThOR
computer gin Hindi
computer (desk) stolgin compound
computer game ginpleyka compound
computer (mainframe) gagin compound
computer science ginsay compound
conceal tsaq Mandarin
concerned, to be. ker English
concert pleqgudenka compound
condition tenay Hebrew
conjunction joynvor compound
connection joynka compound
consul pisfar compound
consulate pisfarjay compound
contact lens furezlen compound
contain v. bedan compound
container teyn English conTAIN
continent gater compound
continue stey English
control stir English
conversation zambolka compound
cook v. tunu Tahitian
cookie piaqhalua compound
copper toq Mandarin
copy (a) n. coqba compound
copy v. coq Mandarin
cord gapyola Spanish
cork filin Arabic
corkscrew filinsrinju compound
corn selu Cherokee
corn (maize) tsura Arabic
corner kwan French
correct kore English
corridor galiyara Hindi
cost v. tsena Russian
costly gatsena compound
cottage pidom compound
cotton n. bomul Swedish
couch n. coracer compound
cough koli Albanian
count tseyl German
country, land haym Norse
country (of) haym Norse
country(side) n. buni English
courage valorka compound
court, woo pyarfalo compound
courtyard halaman Indonesian
cousin zin English couSIN
cousin (female) zini English
cousin (male) zino English
cover gay Turkish
cow, head of cattle para Hebrew
cow n. buli English
crab ganan Burmese
cracker tsweypan compound
cranberry herel French
crane kreyn English
crane (machine) kreynxin compound
cream krim English
create kreya English
crib n. bincuaq compound
crime kraym English
criminal kraymjin compound
crockery sarasaman compound
cross (go to other side) v. dureja compound
crowd jingu compound
crowd pegasigu compound
cry (out) kri French
cucumber kyuri Japanese
cup piala Hindi
curry kariya Sinhalese
curtain sayara Arabic
cushion pilo English
custom (practice) n. dara Bengali
customary v. darabai compound
customs house n. duuandom compound
customs n. duuan French
cut kir Japanese
Cypriot spru English
damage (result) n. danioka compound
damage v. danio Spanish
dance v. bail Spanish
danger n. faran Swedish
dark pogwaqge compound
date (meeting) zamhoplan compound
date (of the year) saldey compound
daughter fili Esperanto
day (24 hr. period) n. dei English
day after tomorrow fufudei compound
day before yesterday papadei compound
day (light period) n. diia Spanish
day off n. diladei compound
dead poji compound
dead smer Russian
deaf v. butiqfei compound
dear (precious) gaval compound
debt (money) n. baniduaka compound
December handuxar compound
decide kime Japanese
declare seymey Japanese
dedicate vay German
deep v. dalam Indonesian
degree paya Hindi
deliver jadon compound
dentist tsanhilpro compound
departure frojaka compound
departure salika compound
describe v. varn H VARNana
desert jaqwa Swahili
design skim English
dessert fudulba compound
detritus n. danioxo compound
diamond n. diiaman French
diarrhea n. daiariia English
dictionary vorguhon compound
die smerho compound
different poseym compound
digest hone Greek
digestion honeka compound
dining room komcam compound
dinner twaykomka compound
direction n. faq Mandarin
dirty knil reversal
discuss tembol compound
disease pohilka compound
dish sara Japanese
dishware, crockery sarasaman compound
dislike pokyer compound
dissolve saylfen compound
distance julijay compound
distance (amount of) julipaya compound
distant juli Mandarin
distribute v. fen Mandarin
divided by (particle) dal Irish
doctor hilpro compound
document kyum doCUMent
dog kanin Latin
doghouse kanindom compound
dollar n. dolar English
donkey himar Arabic
door n. dor English
down v. bebal compound
downwards adv. bebalko compound
draw, attract v. dro English
draw (picture) v. dra English
drawing, picture n. draxo compound
dream n. drimka compound
dream v. drim English
dress (woman's) kyole Norwegian
drill v. dril English
drink v. bua French
drive jafa compound
drive (go by car) tomoja compound
drop, cause to fall v. falfa compound
drop, let fall v. falpem compound
drown v. drawn English
drug n. daua Swahili
drum truma Swedish
dry zeri Greek
duck kanar French
during gike compound
dust skoni Greek
duty n. duaka compound
eagle huma Hindi
ear teliq Indonesian
early tyaw reversal
earring teliqfane compound
earring teliqhoya compound
East v. duq Cantonese
eat v. kom S COMer
eating tool komju compound
edge kinar Hindi
edible komfye compound
eel paliq Dutch
egg kyaw Tok Pisin
eight pal Korean
elbow n. brapeluba compound
electric v. dienge compound
electricity n. dien Mandarin
elephant slon Russian
elevator n. balfaxin compound
elsewhere gerjay compound
embassy sfardom compound
employ, hire ploy English
empty pnel reversal
enemy fner reversal
energy kamfeyka compound
engaged (in) tsoq Mandarin
engineer tulpro compound
England heqlahaym compound
English heqla English
enough su a priori
enter, come in v. danho compound
entrance n. danhodor compound
entrance n. danhojai compound
envelope velo English
equals, equally kwal English
error, mistake n., v. bula Hindi
escalator n. calskala compound
Europe xamduqgater compound
evening suar French
every time kulfwa compound
everybody kuljin compound
everything kulba compound
everywhere kuljay compound
evil, bad zloy Russian
exact genaw German
example piru Mandarin
exchange house n. banigerfajai compound
exchange (money) v. banigerfa compound
excuse (exculpation) vonifaka compound
excuse me (forgive me) (phrase) falni (go) compound
excuse me (please listen) pri teni compound
excuse me (repeat) pri genbol compound
exist sti English
exit frojador compound
exit frojajay compound
expect stana Arabic
expense tsenafoka compound
expensive gatsena compound
expire, run out finho compound
explain klarfa compound
export fremsel compound
exposition kel Hindi
extending, going thru prini Rumanian
extreme krayn Russian
eye sem Hungarian
eye doctor semhilpro compound
eyelash semgayhar compound
eyelid semgay compound
face kara Spanish
factory n. farbadom compound
factory n. farbajai compound
fall apart v. fenfal compound
fall asleep v. brudorm compound
fall v. fal English
family n. famli English
far juli reversal
farm, v. farm English
fast xnel German
fat, big-bellied gabeli compound
father pamo a priori
fear v. fir English
February n. duxar compound
female, she xi English
femur, thighbone n. femurgola compound
ferry parom Russian
few pisi compound
fig tini Swahili
fight pel Spanish
fighter peljin compound
file (a tool) n. failju compound
file (with a tool) v. fail English
film film English
filth, putrefaction foyle German
find jau Mandarin
find out janho compound
finger fiq German
fingernail fiqtsume compound
finish v. fin French
fire n. fair English
firm (company) firm English
fish kala Finnish
fist poyn French
five (number) fai English
flash (light) v. blibril compound
flat piaq Laotian
flaw hwey Mandarin
flawed hweyge compound
flawless sinhweyge compound
flax horlin Danish/Norwegian
flea floy Yiddish
flock of birds n. faulgu compound
floor suelo Spanish
flour n. farina Italian
flower tsila Cherokee
flute hwilu Finnish
fly (insect) tsayiq Mandarin
fly v. flay English
flying machine hawaxin compound
follow v. falo English
follower, disciple n. cela Hindi
food komxo compound
football pawboli compound
for, for the benefit of v. ben E BENefit
for, intended for por Spanish
forbid popem compound
forbidden popemge compound
foreign frem German
forest n. baumgu compound
forget pinmo reversal
fork piruni Greek
form, shape form English
forward jelu Persian
foundation, base tamtail compoind
fountain pen vwarpen compound
fountain, spring fowara Hindi
four kwar Romance
fox tsula Cherokee
fox zoro Spanish
fragile (very breakable) slomgafye compound
free (at liberty) fri English
free (no cost) tsenasin compound
French fran French
fresh frey French
fried fish frayge kala compound
friend fren English
frog n. cura Swahili
from from English
frontier kinar Hindi
fruit fruwi French
fry fray English
full plen French
function fuq FUNction
funeral funeral Spanish
funny funi English
fur pele Portuguese
fur coat pelepalo compound
further along zaplu compound
future fu E Future
future fu English
gag tunkili compound
gagwriter kilitor compound
gagwriter tunkilitor compound
gain tenho compound
gain (as weight) plutenho compound
gain, win gan Spanish
gamble geym English
game pleyka compound
garden (flower, vegetable) n. faiun Cantonese
garden (yard) tsawjay compound
garlic tsum Arabic
garrulous v. boltan compound
garter kalurayday compound
gasoline solin E gaSOLINe
gem, jewel jem English
general general German
general delivery jamgram compound
German german English
giant gajin compound
giant gajin compound
gift n., v. dono Italian
girl n. caili English
glad froy German
glass (drinking) n. buaglon compound
glass (substance) glon Irish
glasses, eyeglasses, spectacles n. brile German
glasses (for the eyes) semglon compound
glassware glonsaman compound
glove taqgay compound
glue glu English
go v. ja Hindi
go v. ja H Jana
go with me kunja go compound
goat xanyaq Mandarin
god xen Mandarin
god (male) xeno Mandarin
goddess xeni Mandarin
going, act of jaka compound
gold kin Japanese
good afternoon (greeting) bon fudiiacen compound
good day (greeting) bon diia compound
good evening (greeting) bon suar compound
good morning (greeting) bon kalai compound
good night (greeting) bon bam compound
good v. bon French
goods, effects saman
goose hina Greek
gooseberry tsuli Mandarin
gorilla gorila English
gospel vaqli Russian
gourd galuna Cherokee
govern(ment) vern goVERN
government haymbogu compound
grade (level) paya Hindi
grandfather pampamo compound
grandmother pampami compound
grandparent pampam compound
grape vinberi compound
grapefruit n. baluqi Swahili
grass tsaw Mandarin
grave n. fenmu Mandarin
graveyard n. fenmujai compound
gravy salan Hindi
gray v. bielkala compound
graze, feed v. cara Hindi
green grin E
group gu English
grow gro English
guage heqkelba compound
guard kawal Indonesian
guard kawaljin compound
guerrilla gerila Spanish
guest tamu Indonesian
guest n. ciqjin compound
guffaw gasmey compound
guide giya Spanish
guide giyajin compound
guilt vionoxa compound
guilty vino Russian
gun gun E
gun(wo)man gunjin compound
gunman gunjino compound
gunwoman gunjini compound
gymnast gimnajin compound
gymnastics gimna Greek
hail n., v. dolu Turkish
hair har German
hairless, bald harsin compound
half (0.5) pufai compound
half 1/2 handaldu compound
half (short for "handaldu") mathematical term daldu compound
ham hamon Spanish
hamburger hamwer English
hammer gane Cherokee
hand taq Indonesian
hand computer taqgin compound
hand out v. fendon compound
handbag taqtoli compound
handkerchief hanatuni compound
handy taqjilu compound
hang heq German
happen slu Russian
happy froy German
harbor, port hawn Danish
hard v. dur Spanish
harvest penen Indonesian
hat pulo Samoan
hate popyar compound
hate pray reversal
have ten S TENer
he, she, it, they (particle) da Loglan
head sir Hindi
head of state vernbo compound
heal, v. hil English
healer hiljin compound
healthy hilge compound
healthy hilten compound
hear, listen tiq Mandarin
heart n. dil Hindi
heaven himel German
heel pterna Greek
help pomo Russian
hemp n. baq Hindi
hen xipoio compound
heron heron English
herring heriq English
hide, conceal tsaq Mandarin
highway gavoyo compound
hit, blow, strike ku French
hog suain English
hold, support tam Hindi
holder, supporter tamju compound
hole n. doq Mandarin
holiday n. diladei compound
holiday (religious) holidey compound
holy, saint holi English
home heym Esperanto
home heym Esperanto
homeless heymsin compound
honey honey English
hoof gatsume compound
hope sper Spanish
horizontal hori English
horse gora Hindi
horse race gorakurijeq compound
hospital hilfadom compound
hot varm English
hotel n. birari Albanian
hour hora Spanish
house n. dom Russian, Latin
how, in what way kwasama compound
how many? kwasi compound
how much pukwasi compound
however spico compound
huckleberry guwa Cherokee
human human English
humanoid humandoy compound
hundred hun English
hungry komfo compound
hungry komvol compound
hunt karu Japanese
hurry! xnelho German
husband zbano English
I, me go Latin eGO
ice cream kemlan Vietnamese
ice n. biq Mandarin
icebox n. biqkoq compound
if vabu compound
if and only if fi English
illegal kanunbya compound
implies play English
import fremkini compound
in front of samney Hindi
in, inside v. dan French
in spite of, despite spi English
in-law zban- English
incorrect kero reversal
industry saqyo Japanese
inflation valpihoxa compound
influence v. flun English
information forme English
-ing', progressive mood gi E InG
ink n., v. cernila Russian
innocent voni reversal
insane poseyn compound
insect kirm Hindi
instead stajay hu compound
insurance n. bima Swahili
intend tsil German
interest (money) n. baniseua compound
interest v. tire English
interior, inside n. dantail compound
internet ginjal compound
interpret gerbolfa compound
interpreter gerbolfape compound
invent v. bana Hindi
invention n. banaba compound
inventor n. banajin compound
invite, imperative v. ciq Mandarin
iron n. fero Italian
iron v. ferohamuarfa compound
is a fact hay Japanese
is implied by v. beplai compound
Islam silam Arabic
Islamism silamdin compound
island piter compound
January hanxar compound
jar jar English
jealous jalu French
Jesus jeyu name
jewelry hoya Spanish
join taylho compound
join (cause to) taylfa compound
join, connect joyn English
joint (of the body) peluba compound
joke kili Hindi
joy, joyful joy English
July n. cilxar compound
June xeixar compound
justice n. duiu Cherokee
keel kil English
key serurju compound
kick pawku compound
kidney kilya Arabic
kill smerfa compound
kilo(prefix) kilo Greek
kind kayn English
kind, type sor English
king kiqo E
kiss v. cum Hindi
kitchen tunucam compound
knee kni English
knife kirju compound
knit, v. haribyan compound
knock apart v. fenku compound
knock over v. falku compound
know v. jan Hindi
knowledge janxo compound
lace pyola Spanish
lace (cloth) jaltuni compound
lack sin Spanish
ladder piskala compound
lake n. drano Fijian
lamb tsonbin compound
lamp n. daq Mandarin
land ter French
lap (see kni) genu French
laptop genugin compound
last, endure v. daur German
late tway Samoan
laugh smey Russian
laundry (clothes) plenofogarm compound
laundry (place to wash) garmplenojay compound
law kanun Hindi
law clerk kanunkerani compound
lawyer kanunpro compound
lazy v. dilatan compound
lead (metal) n. blai German
lead v. cua Hokkien
leaf (of a tree) folya Italian
learn xue Mandarin
least (comparative) adv. cemkul + Neg a priori
leather n. camra Hindi
leave sali Spanish
leave, v. froja compound
left (opp of right) kiri
leg n. bain German
legal kanunbay compound
legal kanunge compound
lemon tsiron German
lens zlen English (anagram)
less (comparative) poplu a priori
let pem English
letter (character) zimu Mandarin
letter (note) pwey Hokkien
library hondom compound
library (collection) hongu compound
lie (down) v. pron E PRONe
life belt jikemer compound
lift v. balfa compound
light gwaq Mandarin
light blue v. bielblu compound
light (not heavy) ponya reversal
lightbulb gwaqbirne compound
lightning n., v. damini Hindi
like, -oid v., n. doi English -OID
like (suffix) sim English
like v. pipyar compound
likes, is fond of kyer Spanish
lilac siren Swedish
lime kalaym Spanish/English
linen tela Portuguese
lion siq Hindi
lip n. cun Mandarin
liqueur korli anagram
liquid sayl Arabic
liquor n. buakolal compound
live ji Russian
live, dwell v. duel English
live, dwell v. duel English
liver kruwe Irish
living room n. duelcam compound
lobster homar Polish, Hungarian
located, to be sta S eSTAr
lock serur French
locked serurge compound
long tauil Arabic
look! xau German
look for xun Mandarin
loom telar Spanish
lose (not a contest) jwa reversal
lose (race, war) pogan compound
loss (not a contest) jwaka compound
loss (of a war, contest) poganka compound
love v. pyar H PYARi
loveable pyarval compound
luck (fortune) tali Turkish
luck (good) n. bontali compound
luggage, suitcase jumoni Korean
lunch n. diiacenkomka compound
lunch n., v. cenkomka compound
lung pulmon Spanish
machine xin English maCHINE
magazine zina English
magic trileri Danish
maid guqjini compound
mail gram Greek
mailman gramjin compound
main xaq Mandarin
maize (corn) tsura Arabic
make, cause to be v. fa Romance
make, create v. far Esperanto
make known janfa compound
make ready tayarfa compound
male. He jo a priori
malignant zloyvol compound
man jino J
man (male adult) n. dareno Mandarin
manner, way sama
mansion gadom compound
map pama anagram
mar, v. hwey Mandarin
March trixar compound
market n. buq Tok Pisin
marmalade n. demarmela respelling
maroon marun English
marriage zbanguka compound
marriage (getting married) zbanhoka compound
mass sma English
match n. faircari compound
matchbox n. faircarikoq compound
mathematician tsalsayjin compound
mathematics tsaljanxo compound
mathematics tsalsay compound
matter, affair n. dielo Russian
mattress tilam Indonesian
May n. (month) faixar compound
maybe, possible hayfey compound
mayonnaise zmeio English
meal, act of eating komka compound
mean, signify smin English
measure heq Mandarin
measuring instrument heqju compound
meat karn Spanish
medicine n. daua Swahili
meet v. zamho compound
melon melon English
member n. del Scandinavian
memorial pomnifaka compound
memorial pomnifatama compound
memorial (thing) pomnifaba compound
merchant n. buqpe compound
merry gaya Esperanto
message talka compound
metal temal anagram
midget pijin compound
midnight n. bamcen compound
milk xir Persian
million game Greek mega
mineral kwaq Mandarin
minute tumin anagram
mix v. blen English
modifier marker hu English
moment, instant n. bli English BLInk
monarch kiq E
money n. bani Rumanian
month xar Arabic
Moon n. bulan Indonesian
more (comparative) plu a priori
more, further plu Esperanto
more than once zefua compound
more than, plural ze a priori
morning kalay Tamil
mosquito komar Polish
most (comparative) adv. cemkul a priori
mother pami a priori
mountain xan Mandarin
mouse smaw English
mouth tim Arabic
mouthwash timplenoxo compound
move (cause to) v. calfa compound
move v. cal Hindi
movie sinema French
municipality n. ceq Mandarin
mushroom xrum muSHROOM
music pleq Kampuchean
Muslim silamjin compound
must, have to v. dua French
mustache n. cunhar compound
mustard jemo Mandarin
mute v. bolpofei compound
mute v. bolsin compound
mutual gemayn German
nail file tsumefaylju compound
nail (of finger,etc.) tsume Japanese
nail (spike) tarne Irish
name, to be called kyam Italian
name (word category) kyamvor compound
narrow v. caro reversal
nation kaum Hindi
natural ziranbai compound
nature ziran Mandarin
near jilu reversal
necessary v. befo compound
neck kweya Spanish
necklace kolana Italian
need fo French FAUT
needle hari Japanese
neighbor jilujin compound
nervous sinirli Turkish
net, network jal Hindi
neutral joqli Mandarin
new pya Swahili
New World pyatertayl compound
news pyaxo compound
newspaper jurnal French
night n. bam Korean
nine 9 gaw a priori
nipple senosar compound
no (particle) bu Mandarin
noise, sound xum Russian
noodle tayarin Spanish
noon n. diiacen compound
north xam Persian
nose hana Japanese
nostril hanadoq compound
not (particle) bu Mandarin
not so fast! poxnel compound
notice v. coi Cantonese
notify, warn jandon compound
noun marker te a priori
noun n. bavor compound
November hanhanxar compound
now, present (tense particle) do English DO
number tsal German
numeral marker si a priori
nurse honwu Cantonese
nut kinomi Japanese
O'clock horo Esperanto
oak tami Finnish
oar hwaju compound
oats vromi Greek
occupy v. ximeru Japanese
October hanzoyxar compound
officer (army) n. bosol compound
oil xemen Hebrew
old pojun compound
old, aged pojun compound
old (not new) popya compound
Old World popyatertayl compound
olive ganlan Mandarin
on, on top of sur French
one han Korean
one-eyed hansem compound
onion n. bauaq Indonesian
only if (conj.) buva compound
open peno respelling of OPEN
opener penoju compound
oppose, v. sam Hindi
opposite po English
or (exclusive) fibu a priori
or (inclusive) va a priori
orange (color) v. cuqua Swahili
orange (fruit) pomeran Czech POMERANch
ordinal marker zem French
ore kwaq Mandarin
other ger Arabic
ought zol German
outside podan compound
outside v. budan compound
oven tanur Hindi
ox jopara compound
pack, bag toli Bengali
page folyo Esperanto
pain, hurt peyn English
paint pena Hawaiian
painting penaxo compound
pair paro Esperanto
pancake n. blin Russian
panic skil Irish
paper n. buma Russian BUMaga
parachute n., v. falju compound
parcel n. dema Greek
pardon, forgive v. falni Albanian
pardon? Please repeat pri genbol compound
parent pam a priori
parenthesis (open) taw a priori
park v. tomopon compound
parking lot tomoponjaygu compound
parking place tomoponjay compound
parsley parli English
part, piece tayl German
particle of s'thing ki a priori
particle that switches the subject and object of a verb be Mandarin
partridge kwale Swahili
passport parwana Hindi
past pa E Past
past (other side of) v. dure Bengali
path, way n. dau Mandarin
pay xilam Hebrew
pay attention, teni English
pea pwa French
peace salam Arabic
pear pwar French
peasant poyr Yiddish
pen (writing) pen English
pencil kreyon French
pepper pimyen Spanish
perfect sinhweyge compound
perform (music, etc.) v. den Irish
performance n. denka compound
period, decimal point pu a priori
permit pem English
person jin J
person (broadly) pe Glosa
pharmaceutical v., n. farma English
pharmacist n. farmajin compound
pharmacy n. farmajay compound
phonograph gramon German
physician hilpro compound
piano pyano Italian
picture hwar Mandarin
pig suain English
pigeon hamama Arabic
pile payl English
pillow sirpilo compound
pilot (plane) flayjin compound
pilot (ship) stirjin compound
pin spilo Italian
pine (tree) pinyero Portuguese
pine tree pinyerobawm compound
pink v. bielhoq compound
pipe tuyo French
pipe (smoking) pituyo compound
place, location jay H
place, location jay Hindi
plan plan English
plant tanaman Indonesian
platform peron Russian
platter gasara compound
play pley E
play (drama) xpilxo compound
playing card pleykami compound
please (I beg) pri French
please v. ciq Mandarin
pleasure surur Arabic
plum sirwela Spanish
pocket karman Russian
point poyn English
pointed bracket { tawa a priori
poison veneno Spanish
Poland polahaym compound
pole pol English
Pole polajin compound
Polish pola Polish
Polish language polabol compound
political poli English
politically active polikar compound
poor adj. timo reversal
pork suainkarn compound
portable v. beberfei compound
porter n. berjin compound
possess, own hawten compound
post office gramdom compound
post office gramjay compound
postmaster grambo compound
pot panela Portuguese
potable v. bebwafei compound
potato terpom compound
poverty (lack of wealth) n. timo reversal
powder kona Japanese
president paqulo Tagalog
press (clothes) hamwarfaju compound
prevent sam Hindi
price tsena Russian
primitive prim English
primitive man primjin compound
print primi Spanish
prison pofrijay compound
proclaim seymey Japanese
product, manufacture n. farba compound
profession proka compound
professional (person) pro English
properly, rightly haw Mandarin
property (belongings) tenxo compound
pugnacious peltan compound
pull srin Irish
punch poynku compound
punctual v. bontaim compound
purple jamuni Hindi
purse n. banitein compound
put, place pon Spanish
quality -ness xa German SCHAft
Queen (king's wife) kiqzbani compound
queen (reigning) kiqi E
question kyufarka compound
question n. demanka compound
question particle kyu English 'Q'
quiet (noiseless) xumsin compound
quiet (tranquil) xtil German
quotation mark, close betoi compound
quotation mark, open toy a priori
rabbit kanin Swedish
race jajeq compound
race kurijeq compound
radio kril Irish
raft v. bera Hindi
rag n. boro Japanese
rain guage n. baranheqglon compound
rain n., v. baran Persian
raincoat n. baranpalo compound
raise v. balfa compound
rank paya Hindi
rare virla H
raspberry halon Swedish
rat panya Swahili
razor soriju compound
reach, attain golku compound
read v. kan M
ready tayar Hindi
receipt beikium compound
receive v. bei Mandarin
recommend sala Hindi
red hoq Mandarin
redo genkar compound
reduce v. zapifa compound
register v. dangra compound
regret, sorry zanen Japanese
relative paren French
release, let go v. cor Hindi
religion, belief n. din Hindi
remain, stay, still stey E
remember pomni Russian
remind pomnifa compound
rent v. sewa Indonesian
repair, fix kori Irish
repeat genbol compound
reply, answer n. fanbol compound
request (imperative form) v. deman French
resemble v. sim English
reservoir vwar reserVOIR
respond v. fankar compound
rest, relax v. dila Hindi
rest room twalecam compound
restaurant komxodom compound
return, back v. fan Mandarin
reverse v. fan Mandarin
rice n. caual Hindi
rich adj. tomi Japanese
rifle tauilgun compound
rifle spalagun compound
right (opp of left) v. daia Hindi
ring n. fane Irish
riot n. v. balua Hindi
ripe zreli Russian
risk peril English
river fyume Italian
road voyo Esperanto
roast tsala Hebrew
roastbeef tsalaparakarn compound
robe penwar French
roll (bread) semel German
roller n. belan Hindi
rollerball pen n. belanpen compound
roof n. domgai compound
room n. (chamber) cam French
rooster jopoyo compound
root koren Russian
rope zail German
rose (flower) n. bara Hindi
rough pohamwar compound
round, circular v. dairaform compound
row, v. (a boat) hwa Mandarin
rubber gumi German
rucksack n. duitoli compound
ruler heqcari compound
run kuri French
rung piskalaki compound
rust skurya Greek
rye heymay Mandarin
sack, bag n. bora Hindi
sad pofroy compound
saddle sela Italian
safe guro seGURO
safety guroka compound
sailor (merchant) n. dariajin compound
sailor (naval) n. dariasol compound
salt sale Italian
same seym English
sample traytayl compound
sand suna Japanese
sandwich sanwi English
sane seyn English
saucer pisara compound
say goodbye, v. cau Italian
saying n. bolxo compound
scare v. befir compound
scheme skim English
school (building) skuldom compound
school (institution) skul English
science say English
scone (American) n. dulskon compound
scoundrel zloyjin compound
sculptor tamakalpe compound
sea, ocean n. daria Hindi
search for xun Mandarin
seashore n. dariakinar compound
season zamana Hindi
see xau German
seek xun Mandarin
seem xain German
self zel German
sell sel English
seller, salesman seljin compound
sentence fra French
sentence connector hi a priori
sentence connector kwi Loglan
separator particle sa a priori
September gawxar compound
septic foylege compound
servant guqjin compound
serve, be a servant guq Cantonese
seven (number) cil Korean
sew, v. xona Swahili
shallow v. dmala reversal
shame(ful) xeim English
shape form English
share xer English
shave v. sori Japanese
shaver soriju compound
sheath vayna Spanish
sheep tson Hebrew
shine v. bril Esperanto
ship n. daryavi compound
ship (vehicle) n. cuan Mandarin
shirt jama Hindi
shoe suliei French
shoelace sulieipiola compound
shop, store seldom compound
shop, store seljay compound
short tliua reversal
shorten tliuafa compound
should zol German
shoulder spala Italian
show soym Tok Pisin
show (program) kel Hindi
shrine xrain English
shy xarmila Hindi
sibling frer French
side sani Latvian
silk, tissue sua French
similar sim English
simple v. bola Hindi
sing v. ziq German
sink sumi Spanish
sister freri French
sit stu English STOOl
sit down stuho compound
six xei H
skill hunar Hindi
skin skin English
sky skay English
sleep, go to v. dormho compound
sleep n. dormka compound
sleep v. dorm F DORMir
sleepy n. dormtan compound
sleepy v. dormfo compound
slow poxnel compound
slow xlen reversal
slow down! poxnelho compound
slow down! xlenho compound
small, little pi Italian Piccolo
smell smel English
smile pismey compound
smooth hamwar Hindi
smoothen hamwarfa compound
snow sno English
soft v. dru reversal
soldier sol English
solution (chemical) saylfenxo compound
solution (to problem) solu English
something n. pn. ba Loglan
son filo Esperanto
soon pifu compound
sorrow n., v. dolor Spanish
soup jol Bengali
sour sawr English
sour zaur German
south sul Portuguese
South America sulveizogater compound
space (outer) siel French (sky)
space vehicle sielvi compound
Spanish spanya English
speak, say, language v., n. bol H BOLna
spear spir English
special, distinct sanul Irish
spell spel English
sphere sfir Eng
spice koreni Czech
spleen splin English
spoon spun English
spouse zban English huSBANd
spring fowara Hindi
spring (metal) spriq English
Spring (season) fruliq German
stable gorabarn compound
stable goradom compound
stable gorajay compound
stairs, staircase skala Italian
stairstep skalaki compound
stale pofrey compound
stamp, postage stam English
stamp, rubber stamo English
stand xtei German
star star English
starch hamelo Esperanto
station gar French
statue tama Arabic
statue-maker, sculptor tamakalpe compound
steal v. cur Hindi
steal v. stil English
steam stim English
steel xtal German
steer stir English
steer v. faqstir compound
stick n. cari Hindi
sting stiq English
stock market xerbuq compound
stocking kaluray Tamil
stomach stoma English
stomach, belly n. beli English
stone ston English
stop par Spanish
store (collection) jamaw Hindi
storm storm English
story stori English
stove forno Esperanto
strange straq English
strawberry terberi compound
street tori Japanese
string pyola Spanish
strong silno Russian
student xulr German
study stuwy English
stuff, material xo German StOff
subject marker sa F
sugar gula Indonesian
sum (of addition) jorxo compound
Summer zomer German
summon venfa compound
sun sun English
supper twaykomka compound
surprise jiq Mandarin
suspender(s) n. celantamju compound
swan suan English
sweep, v. brum English
sweet v. dul Spanish
swim suim English
table stol Russian
table (list) skim English
tail teyl English
tailor xonajin compound
take, get tom Spanish
tall veritauil compound
tall tawil Arabic
tank vwar reserVOIR
taste traym Tok Pisin
tax xtoi German
tea n. cai Hindi
teach v. guru Hindi
teacher gurujin compound
teat n. balan Irish
technology tul English
tedious v. boriq English
telephone n. denua Japanese
telescope juliju compound
telescope julixawju compound
Television teli English Brit.
ten tseyn German
tends to tan French
tense, unrelaxed v. dali reversal
tent hema Swahili
terminates proper name zo a priori
testimony temwan French
thank v. fala Serbian
that (connective) ke French
that, there (by you) (particle) ca a priori
the to Greek
the mass of all ta a priori
the (one named) ti a priori
the typical toyo a priori
theatre kel Cantonese
there (beyond you) (particle) cu a priori
therefore, so hifa compound
therefore, so kayfa compound
therefore, so pikayfa compound
these times, present n. dotaim compound
thick kalin Turkish
thief, bandit n. curjin compound
thigh n. femur Esperanto
thin knila reversal
thing n. diq German
think, opine v. dum Russian
thirst n. buafoka compound
this, here (particle) ci a priori
this person n. cijin compound
thousand kilon Latin
thousand (prefix) kilo Greek
thread pipyola compound
thread tserna Hungarian
three tri R, Esperanto
three zeroes 000 zum a priori
throat gorlo Russian
through prin Rumanian
throw tir Spanish
thumb n. daumn German
thunder skayxum compound
thunder n., v. donr German
ticket (entry) n. danjakium compound
tie, necktie gorlogarm compound
Tiger tore Japanese
till til English
time (as duration) taym English
time (occurrence) fwa French
times, x (mathematical term) blei French douBLE
timetable taymskim compound
tin tsin German
tip sar Hindi
tire xina Russian
tire, fatigue tayr English
tired jetayr compound
tissue (paper) sua French
to be caused v. befa compound
to, towards ko Hindi, Russian
toast tsalapan compound
tobacco fumve compound
today n. dodei compound
toe pawfiq compound
toenail pawfiqtsume compound
together zam German
toilet twale French
toilet brush twaletuli compound
tomato toma English
tomb n. fenmu Mandarin
tomorrow fudey compound
tongue tuq English
too much tro French
tool ju Mandarin
tooth tsan German
toothbrush tsantuli compound
top xaq Mandarin
Torah tora Hebrew
touch fure Japanese
towards, leads v. duei Mandarin
towel karatuni compound
towel (bath) n. baniotuni compound
town tawn English
toy pleyju compound
trade show n. farbakel compound
train treyn English
translate v. bolgerfa compound
transparent prinxawbefey compound
trap fuluba compound
trap fuluxin compound
travel voy English
tree n. baum German
tricycle trivilvi compound
trouble tsara Hebrew
trousers n. celan Indonesian
truck n. bertomo compound
truth truka compound
truth truxo compound
try tray English
tulip gulala Hindi
tuna tuna English
turkey puran Serbian
turkey puran Serbian
turn gum Hindi
turn (it's your turn) n. bari Hindi
turtle kame Japanese
TV room telicam compound
two (number) du Esperanto
two zeroes 00 zar a priori
typewriter skrixin compound
ugly feyo Portuguese
umbrella n. brela English
uncle pamfrero compound
under v. bebala reversal
understand pren French
unhappy fyor reversal
unhealthy pohilge compound
unlocked poserurge compound
until til English
untrue, false v. butru compound
up to, until til English
up, upwards adv. balko compound
upwards ko sima compound
upwards kobal compound
use zu English
utter, make noise xumkar compound
vacation n. diladeigu compound
vegetable (kingdom) ve English
vehicle vi Vehicle
verb karvor compound
verb karvor compound
vertical veri English
veterinarian n. dihilpro compound
vibrate, shake tiqa Swahili
village, hamlet pitawn compound
vine finun Irish
vocabulary vorgu compound
voice vwa French
void (the) siel French (sky)
vote vwadon compound
wager v. geym English
wait (a minute) (phrase) ciq (pi) jam compound
wait v. jam Kampuchean
wake s. o. up podormfa compound
walk pawja compound
walk pawja compound
wall stena Russian
want vol Italian
warlike jaqtan compound
warn jandon compound
warn jaq Hindi
wash pleno Greek
watch, wristwatch n. brahorlo compound
water pani Hindi
water (plants, etc) panikar compound
we (exclusive) goda compound
we (inclusive) gozi compound
weak sonli reversal
wealth n. tomi Japanese
weapon pelko compound
weave v. bian Mandarin
weep vayn German
weigh payno Finnish
weight paynoxa compound
west vey English
wet zire reversal
what kwa F
what was just said (particle) co a priori
what will be said next (particle) ce a priori
wheel vil English
wheeled vehicle vilvi compound
when, at the time that prep. doke compound
where? kwajay compound
where? kwajay compound
whether or not seya Spanish
whirlpool n. banuar Hindi
white v. biel Russian
who kwajin compound
wide v. cora Hindi
wife zbani English
will-o-the-wisp n. calaua Hindi
win v. gan Spanish
wind (moving air) n. calhaua compound
wine vin French
wing flayju compound
with, accompany kun Esperanto
without sin Spanish
witness temwan French
woman (adult female) n. dareni Mandarin
woman (female human) jini J
wood n. baumxo compound
wool vole German
word vor G WORd
work kam Hindi
world n. dunia Hindi
worry v. fanau Mandarin
worth, worthy val English
wrap v. dema Greek
wrist taqkoren compound
write v. pen n. pen English
writer vorkator compound
writing implement skriju compound
writing, written word vorka compound
yard tsawjay compound
year sal Hindi
yellow pila Hindi
yes hay Japanese
yesterday padey compound
you zi G
you (plural) zida compound
you're welcome gode joy compound
young yun French
zero 0 zoi a priori
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