
Digits Ceqli
0 zoy
1 han
2 du
3 tri
4 kwar
5 fay
6 xey
7 cil
8 pal
9 gaw
00 (Two zeros) zar
000 (Three zeros) zum

Numbers are pronounced digit by digit:

Digits Ceqli
10 hanzoy
1998 hangawgawpal
1,000,000 hanzumzum

Given the special nature of numbers, they are not regarded as modifiers in Ceqli, hence, they are not separated by 'sa', but by 'si'.

(Like “sa,” “si” can be written alone, or appended to the preceding word.)

Ceqli English
han si jini One woman
kwar si gayr Four dogs

There are other words that behave like numerals:

ze More than
Sli At least
Besli At most
Su Enough
Go ten zepalsi hon. I have more than eight books.
Go ten zehansi gayr. I have more than one dog.

The 'si' can be left out when no confusion would result.

When no other number word appears after 'ze,' the default is 'han.' Hence 'ze' is the plural marker.

hansi dom One house
han dom One house
zesi dom Houses
ze dom Houses

Ordinal numbers are formed by adding 'zem' to the numerals.

hanzemsa jini pa kom hanzemsa pom. The first woman ate the first apple.

Or, without the "sa":

hanzem jini pa kom hanzem pom. The first woman ate the first apple.

When not separated by 'si,' numbers can form compounds with non-numbers.

bayn Leg
Jino ten hansi bayn. The man has one leg.
hanbayn A single leg
hanbaynjin A one-legged person
hanbaynba A one-legged one
kwarbaynba Quadruped

'Si' also separates any quantifier, not just the numbers and words mentioned above.

Go ten dolarsi karn. I have a dollar's worth of meat.
Zi pa bwa staynsi biru. You drank a mug of beer.