Raddyn & Raryn
Darkling Dawn
FlammaAgua Frenzy
Name: Raryn
Race: Cervidan
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Family: Parents deceased; lives with grandparents and twin brother, Raddyn

Build: Average
Skin: Light brown
Hair: Red-brown, braided, to ears
Eyes: Mossy green
Fur: Deep brown

Appearance: Raryn and his brother look identical, down to their hair style and clothes. Raryn (and thus, his brother) is of average build and size for a cervidan, with light brown skin. His hair is a deep reddish brown, cut short but still featuring a thin braid. His eyes are somewhat slanted and a mossy green in color. His deer half has sleek, dark brown fur, the same shade over his entire body. He has three-pointed antlers on his head and slightly pointed ears.
Personality: Raryn is very highstrung and energetic, he never wants to sit still. He is very intelligent, but most of the time his mind is occupied with thinking up some joke or trick to play on someone. He is also very emotional and melodramatic, with a tendency to overreact. He's not exactly shy, but he is less outgoing than his brother and prefers to leave most of the talking to Raddyn.
Past: Raddyn and Raryn are identical twins, rare for cervidans, and the two of them have always been very close. Their parents died when they were young, caught in a forest fire which destroyed their home village. After that, they were raised by their grandparents, who brought them to Illaeri village. Their grandfather, Dateis, is a council member and quite busy, but he still finds time to spend with the twins, and they are both very fond of their grandparents.

Bond: None yet
Pets: Female grey tabby cat, Neesha
Neesha is technically a ratter, keeping rats and other pests away from the food supplies, but Raryn took a liking to her and makes sure she's fed and content. She's become a bit spoiled, and wherever Raryn goes, Neesha is sure to follow.
Name: Raddyn
Race: Cervidan
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Family: Parents deceased; lives with grandparents and twin brother, Raryn

Build: Average
Skin: Light brown
Hair: Red-brown, braided, to ears
Eyes: Mossy green
Fur: Deep brown

Appearance: Raddyn and his brother look identical, down to their hair style and clothes. Raddyn (and thus, his brother) is of average build and size for a cervidan, with light brown skin. His hair is a deep reddish brown, cut short but still featuring a thin braid. His eyes are somewhat slanted and a mossy green in color. His deer half has sleek, dark brown fur, the same shade over his entire body. He has three-pointed antlers on his head and slightly pointed ears.
Personality: Raddyn can have a fierce temper and his is loyal and very devoted to his family and friends, particularly his twin brother Raryn. He is usually friendly and outgoing, with an optomistic outlook on life, but both he and Raryn have a sense of humor and enjoy confusing others. He can be quite sensible and down-to-earth, but more often, he tends to rush and do things without thinking about the consequences.
Past: Raddyn and Raryn are identical twins, rare for cervidans, and the two of them have always been very close. Their parents died when they were young, caught in a forest fire which destroyed their home village. After that, they were raised by their grandparents, who brought them to Illaeri village. Their grandfather, Dateis, is a council member and quite busy, but he still finds time to spend with the twins, and they are both very fond of their grandparents.

Bond: Blue-Gold Mutt Dragon Emperi Li'Multigenus
Name: Emperi Li'Multigenus
Bonded To: Raddyn
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutt (Wris'Talora, Whorling, Altered Old World, Wynd of Mythos, Gryvern, Lesser Kynnese, Schatternaki, Geperna, Whorling, Featherdragon, Old World, Danachian, SCD, and Iullerbrillan)
Abilities: Fire Breath Weapon, Personal Flame Control, Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Wingless Flight, Influence Fire
Personality: Emperi is what a lot of females might describe as a typical male. If anything, he certainly likes to act as though testosterone is clouding his judgement, fighting when he can, and taking stupid risks when he can't. A general show off, he loves to strut his stuff in front of females of all kinds. Not too surprisingly, Emperi has a nice little posse of female friends, who faun over him, and it doesn't help his ego at all.