Loveless 4

By Kouga Yun



Translated by Kudou Omi



Note: I decided to translate Loveless 4 only because for me it is the most interesting volume in the series, so it’s only for my own tastes and pleisure. I can be very egoist you know. But at least I share the product of my egocentricity.  ;) I hope you’ll like this volume too~


Chapter 14

Toys Master



It’s not for fun

To keep an eye on fire


Throw your weapon at your feet


I’m afraid of nothing



Yuiko: Ha! Soubi-san! Hello~ ! Ritsuka was called by a teacher ! Today he fell asleep during the lesson! It’s unusual from him! Huh? But? Soubi-san is leaving? Why? Didn’t you come to see Ritsuka? Didn’t you?



Soubi: “Urgent business came up. I have to go. Bye bye!”

Yamato: “Heeeeeeee! Who is she? She’s got huuuuuge breasts!She’s a primary school student?”

Soubi: “You’ll know if you watch her.”

Kouya: “Is she Aoyagi Ritsuka’s girlfriend?”



Soubi: “Why do you say that?”

Kouya: “It was just a feeling from this encounter.”

Soubi: “Pure delusion.”

Yamato: “Woaaa! Agatsuma-san’s face is scaryyyy!”

Kouya: “Delusion ? A false egocentric conviction based on nothing. It’s mean...”

Yamato: “Agatsuma-san! You’re so mean~”

Soubi: “Which of you is the fighter?”



Yamato: “Who knows? Which of us?”

Soubi: “I’ll soon know even if you don’t tell me.”

Kouya: “That’s right.”

Yamato: “You know, we’re not of the type to be bothered by attacking one  person. Are you sure you’ll be fine by yourself? You can call Ritsuka-chan if you want to.”



Soubi: “Let’s stop useless speech. If you want to fight, let’s fihgt! System expansion. Fight starts.

Yamato: “What’s that? What an annoying man! When we said it politely!”

Kouya: “I accept! Fight starts!”

Ritsuka: “Soubi?”



Yuiko: “Yeah! He was here! He left saying he had something urgent to do.”

Ritsuka: “Soubi...”

Yuiko: “Did something happen between you?”

Ritsuka: “Why?”

Yuiko: “But somehow... somehow you’re weird. Are you all right? Ritsuka-kun? Are you all right?”

Ritsuka: /Gentle people are so sensitive/



Ritsuka: “I’m sorry, Yuiko.” /Even withoutany clue, you guessed/ “Before, I thought you were stupid. But you’re not that idiot.” /intuition, instinct/ “I’m fine!” /I want to subdue impressions/ “I’ll look for Soubi.”



Soubi: “It’s your phone.”

Yamato: “Isn’t yours ringing too?”

Kouya: “It’s from Nagisa-sensei.”

Yamato: “Lend it to me. Kouya, we mustn’t lose. Focus your mind”



Ritsuka: /It was cut!/

Yuiko: “Soubi-san is gone?”

Ritsuka: “No.....” /Just now,  did he cut his phone on purpose? It’s strange, he wants to hide something from me. Soubi, why?/ “I’m going to look for Soubi! You go back home.”

Yuiko: “I wanna come too...”

Ritsuka: “I’ll be fine!” /Why are you hiding something?/

Yuiko: “Ritsuka-kun! Ritsuka-kun!”



Ritsuka: “See you tomorrow!”

Yuiko: /Ritsuka-kun was the person I wanted most to be friends with/


Ritsuka: “I’m Aoyagi Ritsuka. Nice to meet you.” End of flashback

Yuiko: /Since that day.../



Yuiko: /I have the feeling we didn’t get any closer/

Kouya: “Ignition! Strike is an incandescent blaze. Temperature is 1000 degrees.”

Soubi: /She’s the type who involves several people/ “Protection.” /I need to be precise/ “Temperature doesn’t reach me. Blaze doesn’t light.”



Soubi: “No damages.” /Did I win?/

Kouya: “No! Damages are severe!!”

Soubi: /I can’t protect myself/



Soubi: “Blaze, disappear. No damages. Your existence can’t continue. There is nothing in this place to allow you to burn. No damages.”

Yamato: “He’s too kind. He’s imitating your style.”

Kouya: “He seems to be reluctant”

Yamato: “But he’s only in defense mode.”

Kouya: “If he continues this way, he’ll be destructed!! Even more without his sacrifice. You’re alone and we’re two. Our strength is twice yours!”



Kouya: “Tear you off in four! I don’t believe you! Why did you change your sacrifice!? It’s impossible to fit two groups! Die!”

Yamato: “Kouya.”

Kouya: “You should have died with your sacrifice!!”

Yamato: “Calm down, you must concentrate! Think only about the blaze.”

Soubi: /Zero has no sense of pain, so.../



Soubi: /Pain has no effect!/ “Five... with five people’s strength, tear off!” /If I can stop their faculty, I can win!/

Kouya: “Yamato?”

Yamato: “No probelm. Go on.”

Kouya: “Okay.”


End of Chapter 14