Loveless volume 5

Sacrifice Book

Chapter 05


Translated by Kudou Omi, August the 7th 2005


Youji: "He looks like a fool! His parents should beat him to death!"

Natsuo: "He could win if he fought back."

Youji: "To be hurt and to be used… really, he’s just a fool."


Someone: "Mimuro… where do you put all that?"

Mimuro: "Hm?"

Kid: "To eat that much that late… where do you put all aliments?"

Mimuro: "Actually I’m sleepy. I would fall asleep if I didn’t eat something."


Kid: "Shall we leave? If you feel sleepy, why not go back and sleep?"

Mimuro: "You don’t understand that this is very important! You’ve lost the reason why we’re here!"

Kid: "Let’s go home before he comes back! We should go and sleep while he’s not here!"

Mimuro: "To leave Nisei behind? We can’t do that!"

Nisei: "Sorry for having you waiting!"

Mimuro: "Could you join them by phone?"

Nisei: "Yes! No problem! Everything goes as we expected."


Nisei: "Muro-sempai, do you agree… to operate now?"

Mimuro: "I have been waiting for that."

Kid: "…Alright… let’s go."

Nisei: "Yes, Mei-san. Don’t forget anything. Today’s lesson is over. Please review it , Mei-san. Here’s another lesson if you come to fight: if it becomes dangerous, please create a diversion and escape."

Mimuro: "And if we’ve got the advantage, can we continue fighting?"


Nisei: "You can’t. Please don’t think this way, it’s dangerous."

Mimuro: "You can’t know before you tried."

Nisei: "There are things you know before you experience them. Loveless’ partner is Agatsuma Soubi. Even if you fight equitably, it’s hopeless. If you’re unfortunate, even with all your might, Mei-san’s strength would be confined."

Mimuro: "Is he strong?"


Nisei: "To fight with him needs at least a strength like mine. This is a list. Read it until the time comes. It contains spells you don’t know."

Mei: "That guy…I hate him… do you like him? Why do we have to listen to such an awful guy? What do you think?"

Mimuro: "And he’s younger than me…"


Mimuro: "The point is, your thought is simple. Mine is more complex. To oppose Nisei with emotions like saying he’s homosexual or not cute is impossible. You can’t divide it into like or not like."

Mei: "You lump everything together! You say ‘to like’, love is something that unites everything! Hate is the same!"

Mimuro: "You can be sharp sometimes."

Mei: "I’m Mei! Hotarubi Mei! Use my name! Even that guy calls me Mei when you don’t!"

Mimuro: "There’s no meaning to it…"


Mimuro: "You call me by my name, it’s enough. It feels bad to be called by your name somehow… Okay. Mei, it’s better this way, isn’t it? Me~i!"

Mei: "Yeah! It’s better!"


Mimuro: "There’s is something that worries me... I wonder if it’s alright to fight… Will I be safe in the end if I associate with you? There’s a strong opponent."

Mei: "We’ll be fine! We’ll try our best! Even if that guy thinks I’m stupid!"

Nisei: "Muro-sempai, please wait at the public park, I’m heading to the Aoyagi house."

Mimuro: "Alright."

Nisei: "To be out that late! What a bad boy, that Ritsuka! If we’re not careful, he’ll be worse when an adult."


Misaki: "Ritsuka… Where have you been! At that time of the night!!"


Ritsuka: "Excuse me… I’m home now."

Misaki: "It’s useless to apologize! I won’t forgive you!" /It’s coming…/ "you deceived me again! Where did you go? … if you hate this house that much, just leave!" /I can’t control myself… my rage is… No! Stop!/

Ritsuka: "I’m not leaving."

Misaki: "Then why do you go out in the middle of the night! Go away!"

Ritsuka: "I’m sorry."


Ritsuka: "I have nowhere to go, since my home is here…"

Misaki: /Stop it! Stop it! I have to stop it! I gave birth to this child, I mustn’t beat him!/ "Go away! Go away! Children must listen to what their parents say!" /That’s it!! Children who don’t obey their parents are bad! That’s it! Absolutely! If they don’t, nobody can love them! Definitely! Realize it too!!/ "I’ll be more and more severe because of you!!"


Soubi: /Parents who beat their children were themselves beaten when a child./ "That’s what people usually say. What about you, Misaki-san?"

Misaki: "Why don’t you obey me!?! What’s with that stare? If you have something to say, just do it!!"


Ritsuka: "Mother! Stop!"

Misaki: "Then leave this house!"

Ritsuka: "No!"

Misaki: "Wrong answer! Go away!"

Ritsuka: "No! I won’t leave!"

Misaki: "Then die!"

Ritsuka: "No!"

Misaki: "Die! Die! You must die!!"

Ritsuka: "I won’t die!"

Misaki: "You don’t obey whatever I ask! If I tell you to die, just die!!"


Misaki: "If it’s so, it would have been better that you were never born!"

Ritsuka: /She can’t continue at this rate… she’ll get tired and will stop…/

Misaki: "I was wrong! You shouldn’t have been born!!"

Ritsuka: "/I had rather not hear this… this is not what she thinks. It’s not really her who’s speaking. It doesn’t hurt./

Misaki: "Where did you go? You’re not paying attention!"

Ritsuka: /More than that… the shower… so that I don’t feel it burn me./


People: "What time do they think it is! It’s again at the Aoyagi’s. Those neighbors are a nuisance! And their child is still only in primary school! Should we call the police? There’s nothing we can do… We shouldn’t interfere, Mrs Aoyagi is scolding her child."

Youji: "Let’s investigate about ill-treatment on the net! Hooooo! Grown ups that are supposed to help brats are actually persecuting them!"

Natsuo: "They should counterattack! We would! But what can smaller kids do?"


Youji: "It would have been better if they weren’t born. Those filthy grown ups…"

Natsuo: "Yeah!"

Youji: "If they’re persecuted, they should resign themselves! Such morons…"

Natsuo: "Yeah."

Youji: "Read this… mothers suffer from stress too! It’s pitiful…"

Natsuo: "Did you know about that? Parents are responsible for their children!"

Youji: "Hm… Nagisa-sensei abandoned us rather easily! It’s called neglect."

Natsuo: "Hoo? We were ill-treated? What a shame!! But we’re quite fine, aren’t we?"

Youji: "Yeah sure we are! But we’re together! We can be abandoned, we can be treated badly, but because we’re together, we don’t care about it."


Natsuo: "However, for people on their own, it’s hopeless!"

Misaki: "Don’t come… don’t come… get away from me!"


Sacrifice Book chapter 5 – owari!