Yorozuya Toukaidou Honpo

Saenagi Ryou

Chapter 7 : Nibanme no Mijjitsu

The Second Secret Room

Translated by Kudou Omi



*at an amusement park*

Yoshitsune: /He’s late! Kaori-chan said he would be at the entrance at 9am!/ And it’s already past 20! /Today’s request: here is Joy Garden. The client is from the staff of a famous attraction, ‘Close’. By the way, it’s the 1000th visit since it opened./ "Hn?"


Yoshitsune: *as a fair-haired woman passes by* /Wow! She’s beautiful!/ *his mobile rings* "Hum? Ha! Kaori-chan!? What are you doing?"

Kaori: "Sorry. The photography séance is lasting longer. I can’t come."

Yoshitsune: "Yeah… It can’t be helped."

Kaori: *shouting in the phone* "Shima-san! I’m really sorry!!"

Yoshitsune: "What’s with him?" ^^;


*Yoshitsune is now before the ‘Close’ building*

Man: *talking to another man disguised in an old occidental style, with a long coat* "It’s the celebration for the 1000th visit. Well, since you’re only bound to Close, if something happens, it will be fine. I don’t know until when it will go on!" *laugh*

Yoshitsune: /Weird guy…/


Man: "Good bye." *leaves*

Yoshitsune: *to the disguised man* "You are Sena-san, aren’t you?"

Sena: "Yes? You’re Shima-san, from the jack-of-all-trades?"

Yoshitsune: "Since you said you’d wear a coat, I thought it was you. Who was that man?"

Sena: "He was the headman of a park in the neighborhood that disappeared two years ago, The Island of Water Park."

Yoshitsune: "I see, the one the visitors decided to go enjoy its rival."

Sena: "You’re right. But now it’s doing well thanks to Close."

Yoshitsune: "Then what is your request?"

Sena: "Here…"


Sena: "Look at this" *shows a letter: ‘Stop the 1000th visit of Close event’*

Yoshitsune: "A threatening letter?"

Sena: "Actually, at first we thought it was a joke. But then we thought it could come from the Water Island Park."

Yoshitsune: "From them… But you don’t have any proof right?"

Sena: *angry face* "That’s why I count on you!!"

Yoshitsune: "Ye… yeah…" *sweatdrop*

Sena: "There’s a reason. There was a discussion about this land being purchased to build another theme park."

Yoshitsune: "I see… Have you investigated inside of Close? It seems they want to stop it."

Sena: "Our partners didn’t want people to know. That’s why would you please join in?" As a visitor.


Yoshitsune: *happy stupid face* "You’re serious!? I can!? Of course I accept!!"

Sena: Y…yes. We had the approval from the boss…"

Yoshitsune: *enthusiastic* "I wanted to go in at least once!"

Sena: "Please don’t forget your job…" *has doubts*

Yoshitsune: "I have to wear a disguise to participate right?" I wonder what I’ll wear.

Sena: / Is he really ok?/ *later, at Close’s entrance* "Nice to meet you. My name is Sena, I will be your guide. I’ll now explain how it works. A killer will appear in the middle of the disguise party. Our goal is to escape in the next room, but the door will be locked."


Sena: "the keys are hidden in each room. There are hints in the rooms. The investigation lasts 30 minutes. After that, the killer enters the room."


Sena: "The killer has a paint gun of 6 bullets. If you’re touched, you’re disqualified, but he can only fire three times per room. If you reach the goal safely, you can enjoy the presents for the 1000th visit. Please do your best!"

Woman: *to Yoshitsune* "Excuse-me, has Holmes-kun come alone?"

Yoshitsune: /This woman… I saw her just before…!!/


Yoshitsune: /And she’s huge~!!/

Woman: "Everybody came in couple. Since you’re alone, can’t we search together? Ha? You don’t want?"

Yoshitsune: "No, that’s not it…"

Woman: "My name is Shizuka, Tootoumi Shizuka."

Yoshitsune: "I’m Shima…" *interrupted by a ring*


Sena: "Let’s start the game!!"

Shizuka: *genki* "Let’s search then!!"

Yoshitsune: "Yeah! Hu? What’s this sound? It comes from that pillar!!"

Shizuka: "Water? Great! Like a waterfall!!"

Man: "Whoa?!"


Shizuka: "Water is coming form the floor too!!"

Yoshitsune: "Wh… !? It’s only an illusion…!!"

Shizuka: "You’re right."

Yoshitsune: "It’s really interesting!"

Man: "It’s great!"

Woman: "Yes!"


Shizuka: *glomping Yoshitsune* "Isn’t it!?" *heart*

Yoshitsune: "Whoa! What’s with you, suddenly?"

Shizuka: "Nothing! Hey! We have to look for the key!!"

Yoshitsune: "You’re enthusiastic aren’t you?" *notices something and kicks two projectiles away*


Shizuka: "Impressive!"

Yoshitsune: *grin* A fake arrow. "This kind of thing is easy to do for me…" *another arrow hits him in the head lol* "………. There’s no key…"

Man: "Ha?"

Yoshistune: "What? You’ve found it?"

Man: "Wa! Behind you!!"

Yoshitsune: "Hu? Wha….!!" *round shapes are flying in the room*


Yoshitsune: "Balloons…! Waa…" Great! *a smiling balloon bumps into his head* "! There’s only one that doesn’t fly up to the ceiling?"

Woman: Ha! Cute!

Yoshitsune: *a box is tied at the end of the string of the balloon* "An item?"

Man: *pointing to a picture* "Hey! Can’t we use this?"

Yoshistune: "Hu? What?"


Yoshitsune: "This picture, it’s cold…"

Someone: "It’s true."

Yoshitsune: "This picture represents ice doesn’t it?"

Man: "Then we should use fire!"

Yoshistune: *ill at ease* "It’s… It’s dangerous you know…. What can we do…? It’s a fireplace… isn’t it?"


Woman: "Let’s use it first."

Yoshitsune: "HU?"

Man: "Yeah!"

Yoshitsune: *hesitating* "Ha~~~~~~~"

Shizuka: *notices his hesitation and takes the item from his hand* "Hurry up! We only have 30 minutes!"

Yoshitsune: "Ha! Wait…"

Shizuka: *throwing the box in the fireplace* "It’s ok!"

Yoshitsune: /Damn!/


Shizuka: "It’s only a red light."

Yoshitsune: /Shizuka…She knows that I’m scared of fire…!?/ "Shizu…"

Sena: "Ha! You’ve found the key!"

Everybody: "Hu?"

Sena: "Look at the picture above the fireplace."


Yoshitsune: "It’s melting!?"

Man: "And there’s another picture appearing! It’s…"

Yoshitsune: "A desert?"

Woman: "What?"

Man: "What’s this sound?"

*the killer dressed as an evil grinning clown suddenly appears, his gun ready for use*


Sena: "Hey! It’s not been 30 minutes!"

Killer: "Hehe!" *shoots twice*

Yoshitsune: *jumps on the side* "Oups! Guide-san! Hurry!!"

Sena: "Yes! An instant!!"

Man: *hidings behind a pillar as the killer shoots twice again* "Dangerous!"

Yoshitsune: *notices something* /Hu?/

Shizuka: "What’s wrong, Shima-kun?"


Yoshitsune: "That guy… Whoa!" *another shot* "Bastard…" *runs*

Shizuka: "Shima-kun!?"

*Yoshitsune runs toward the killer, a paint bullet touches his coat, but he jumps over the clown*


Yoshitsune: *pointing at the clown as if he had a gun* "Bang! You thought no one would notice in such a panic? You didn’t respect the 3 bullets a room rule."

Clown: *taking his mask off* "So… sorry!"

Yoshitsune: "Do you always cheat?"

Clown: "No. It was spontaneous because avoiding this group would have been being too kind…"

Yoshitsune: "You…"


Sena: "Mina-sa~n! The door opened!!"

Yoshitsune: "If Sena-san says so, it’s ok."

Sena: *he hears a noise behind the door as he opens it wider* "Hu?" *a pillar falls on him* "Wa….."

Yoshitsune: *running* "Sena-san!!"


*Yoshitsune jumps on Sena and they land on the side*

Shizuka: "Are you ok?"

Sena: "Shima-san, are you alright?"

Yoshitsune: "Calm down… it was a prepared trick?"

Sena: "Yes…"

Yoshitsune: "It was supported by the door."


Yoshitsune: "First of all, we’ll let drop this trick and go in the next room. Once we’ll have found the key, the game will come to an end."

Sena: "Y…yes!"

Clown: "Sena-san!!"

Sena: "Shiraishi-kun."

Shiraishi: "It must be linked to the threatening letter!!"

Yoshitsune: Ha… he talked about it!

Woman: "A threatening letter?"

Man: "It’s scary!"

Yoshitsune: /That’s bad, the visitors are disturbed…"/

Shizuka: "KYAAAA!?"

Yoshitsune: *hurrying in the next room* "Shizuka!? What’s wrong?"


*there’s a few meters high teddy bear standing next to them*

Yoshitsune: "Whoa! It’s… it’s huge…!" *they in a room where everything is far bigger than them*

Woman: "How cute!"

Man: "Great! It’s fun!"!"

Shizuka: "Sena-san, shall we continue?"


Sena: *smile* "………Alright."

Shizuka: "But since it’s being dangerous, I’d like to have a gift!"

Others: Ha! You’re right!

Yoshitsune: "……!?"

Shiraishi: "I won’t go on!"

Sena: "Shiraishi-kun!!"

Shiraishi: "But…"

Sena: "Since it’s ok, go back in the previous room."

Shiraishi: "Yes."

Sena: "Well then, please start!!"

Everybody: "Ye~s!"

Sena: "Shima-san?"


Yoshistune: "I’m sorry but I won’t follow you in that farce!"

Shizuka: "What does that mean?"

Yoshitsune: "You’re the best one to understand, aren’t you? You told everybody to resume the game, you decided with a ‘shall we continue?’. Sena-san accepted without any objection. Your opinion is more important than Shiraishi’s, who’s part of the staff. Moreover, Shizuka knows all the tricks of Close."


Yoshitsune: "Why are you participating? When we were talking about using fire. Without the guide’s explanation, your behavior wasn’t natural. You also knew the fireplace wouldn’t take fire, but had a red light." /I also had the impression that you knew me./ "It’s the end of the game."


Yoshitsune: "You’re Close’s boss. You’re Yorozuya’s real client, aren’t you?"

Shizuka: "Yes."

Yoshitsune: "Where the hell did you learn about me? You even know my weakness. You went as far as building up the lie about the threatening letter. What do you want from me?"

Shizuka: "The letter is real!"

Yoshitsune: "Hu?"

Shizuka: "And the trick at the first door too!"

Yoshitsune: "Then why did you participate this game as a visitor?"


Shizuka: "I’m the one who created Close. That’s why I wanted to catch the criminal with my own hands."

Yoshitsune: /I see. She was enjoying Close watching us. She was having fun!!/

Shizuka: "I’m not of the kind to run blindly into danger. But I definitely won’t waste things in such a way."


Yoshitsune: /I have the feeling to have seen this facial expression before…/

Shizuka: "Shima-kun…Don’t stop your investigation. Please!" *bow*

Yoshitsune: "………..wha…"

Sena: "I beg you too!"

Yoshistune: "Hey! I say one thing about stopping: if I stop now, I’ll be in contradiction with my motto!!"

Sena and Shizuka: "Your motto?"

Yoshitsune: "Yeah!"


Yoshitsune: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

Narration: Actually he was hurt during the trick.

Yoshitsune: "Moreover, Close is really a wonderful game."

Shizuka: "It’s an honor." *smile*

Yoshitsune: *blushing* /Don’t be shy, don’t be shy!/

Sena: "But how are you planning to investigate?"

Yoshitsune: "You always prepare everything before the opening? That trick had never happened before?"

Sena: "Of course not."


Yoshitsune: "And we’re today’s first group of visitors. The preparations must have been done during this lapse of time. Until we had passed that door."

Sena: "But it was locked all this time."

Yoshitsune: "Except the ones used in the game, is there another key set?"

Shizuka: "Yes, keys for both rooms. I always have them with me."

Yoshitsune: "Of course…"

Shizuka: *very close to Yoshitsune who blushes again* "Don’t tell me you still don’t trust me?"

Yoshitsune: "I’ve never said that!!"


Yoshitsune: *falling on a huge book called ‘Small World’* "Waa!"

Shizuka: "Shima-kun!"

Yoshitsune: /Don’t approach your face that close!!/ "Hu? It’s huge and doesn’t match the other stuff."

Shizuka: "Do you know about it?"

Yoshitsune: "I know I know. It’s ‘Small World’."


Yoshitsune: "It’s in opposition to the other things in the room. The key is probably a small thing…" *opens the book* /Hu?/

Sena: "Shima-san?"

Yoshitsune: "Who has the key that goes here?"

Sena: "I have always entrusted it to Shiraishi-kun."

Shizuka: "Yes. Because he’s always reliable."

Yoshitsune: "Just at the right place…"

Sena and Shizuka: "Hu?"


Yoshitsune: *as the clown enters* "He came!! Everybody! Hide behind the cake!!"

Shizuka: "Why just behind the cake?"

Yoshitsune: "It’s the farthest place. Disappear from his field of vision!" /I hope he won’t see me!/ "Where the hell is that key!?"


Yoshitsune: /Fall into my trap!/

Shiraishi: *seeing that he’s alone* "………"

Shizuka: "Shima-kun, what the hell are you…."

The others: "He didn’t come."

Shizuka: "Hu!?"


*Shiraishi opens the book and is about to place the key when…*

Yoshitsune: "I was sure you had it. The second key."


Yoshitsune: *sitting on top of a huge candy bottle* "You needed to go in and out from the Goal door to prepare that trick. You had the keys, and disadvantaged yourself this time only. It’s because you knew the game would be interrupted, the second key was useless. That’s why you were against Shizuka’s decision to resume the game."

Sena: *from top of the cake* "Hu? It’s Shima-kun"

Shizuka: *below* "What?" Where!?

Man: You’re right!


Yoshitsune: *as Shizuka witnesses the scene* "You even talked about the threatening letter. You must have thought that if the players were disturbed, I would have stopped too. Shizuka was skillful."

Shiraishi: "You thought it was me who wanted to stop the game?!"

Yoshitsune: *hitting his hand to take his gun* "Then why did you attack us 6 times? Shizuka said so: You’re reliable."


Yoshitsune: *as Shiraishi runs away* "Ha! Bastard!"

Shizuka: *throws a huge candy to Yoshitsune* "Shima-kun! Shoot!"


*Yoshitsune shoots, and the candy touches Shiraishi’s cheek*

Yoshitsune: "Damn …I missed him!!"

Shizuka: "But it stopped him."

Shiraishi: "I’m bleeding!!"

Yoshitsune: "Shuddup! It’s a small scratch."

Shiraishi: "This… this woman is evil!" *points at Shizuka*


Shiraishi: "When Joy Garden’s visitors left, she called them back……!! She quickly had my father give her this land!!"

Yoshitsune: "Your father?"

Shizuka: "He’s the son of the Island of Water Park boss."

Shiraishi: "Since father was worried, I thought I had to do something."

Yoshitsune: *grabbing him at the collar* "You had to do something?"


Yoshitsune: "Haven’t you understood this park’s aim? Shizuka spent a lot of time to build it! So that the people who come here are having fun! I’ve understood that in that short lapse of time."


Yoshitsune: "Shizuka, say something too, you’ve been offended."

Shizuka: "It’s enough since you perfectly spoke."

Yoshitsune: /Ha, I really think I saw this face before…/

Shizuka: "Also… Mina-san!! I caused you much trouble, that’s why I invite you for another game. I am really sorry."


Someone: "Please do your best."

Woman: "I really enjoyed this game!"

Man: "You don’t need to apologize. But I thank you for the invitation!"

Woman: Hey!

Yoshitsune: *giving her a pat between the shoulders* "It’s better this way, isn’t it?"


Shizuka: *after kissing him on the cheek* "Thank you!"

Yoshitsune: *blushing* "Wha…!!

Shizuka: "I’ve been hearing about you for a long time you know!"

Yoshitsune: "Right! Who told you about me…."

Shizuka: "He must have arrived now." *she opens a door*

Yoshitsune: *behind her* "Hu?"


Yoshitsune: "Kaori!?"

Kaori: "Shima-san. Are you alright? Did weird stuff happen?!"

Yoshitsune: "What impolite things are you saying, Kaori!"

Shizuka: "Kaori talked a lot about Yorozuya."

Kaori: "Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to talk about it…"

Yoshitsune: "Wait a minute…Who exactly is Shizuka…?"

Kaori: "Ha, this person is…"


Kaori: "My sister."

Yoshitsune: "Huuu!?"

The others: Hu? It’s Kyou! Impossible! The real one!

Yoshitsune: "But your name…?"

Shizuka: "It’s not a lie. It’s because I’m a married woman!" *wink*

*Yoshitsune blushes again, quite stunned*

kaori: "Shima-san, is it possible that…."

Yoshitsune: "I can’t talk now…"

Chapter 7: The Second Secret Room - Owari