Words - compiled by Charles Gossage
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Words I didn't know:

(Note: suffix- phobia = fear of; philia = love of.)/ Pert = pertaining to.)
SECTION: A Reversicon Use AS. B Collective animal nouns.
abatvoix: canopy over speakers head; sounding board.
abecedarian: pertaining to the alphabet.
ablacation: weaning.
abligurition; extravagance in cooking and serving.
ablutomania: obsession with washing oneself.
abrosia: fasting.
abreaction: release of repressed ideas or emotion during psychonalysis.
abuccinate: proclaim like a fanfare.
abulic: pertaining to a lack of will power, aboulic
acalculia: inability to work with numbers.
acapnotic: a non-smoker.
acarophobia: fear of itching or related insects.
acataleptic: incomprehensible.
accubation: reclining at meals.
acedia: apathy, boredom, sloth.
achaetous: hairless.
achlorophyllaceous: colourless.
acology: study of medical remedies.
acomia: baldness. Also- atrichia; phalancrosis; alopecia.
acousticphobia: fear of noise.
acroamatic: pertaining to profound learning.
acronical: happening at sunset or twilight.
acyrology; poor diction.
Adamitism: going naked for God. Imitating Adam for religious reasons.
adlitorial: pertaining to the shallow water near the shore.
adonize: to beautify men.
adoxography: good writing on a trivial subject.
adulterine: illigitimate child.
advena: one who has not become a citizen of his adopted country.
aegrotat: degree given to a student prevented by illness from taking final exams.
aelurophile: cat lover.
aeolistic: long-winded.
aescupalian: medical (Aesculapius -god of healing.)
afflatus: artistic inspiration.
agastopia: admiration of a particular part of someones body.
agenocratia: opposition to birth-control.
agnosy: ignorance of the whole human race. (agnology)
agrypnia: sleeplessness.
aischrolatreia: worship of filth, dirt, smut; obscenity cult.(aischrology)
aleatory: relying on chance.
alexia: inability to read. (vs dislexia?)
allision; ramming of one object by another. (cf. collision.)
allotriophagy: the craving for weird food.
altiloquence: pompous speech.
amaranth: imaginary flower that never dies. (amaranthine)
amphigory: non-sensical writing.
ananym: name written backwards.
aneroid: without liquid. (aneroid barometer)
anomia; inability to remember names.
antidisecestablishmentarian: against dissection.
antigram: anagram with meaning opposite to original.
anuptaphobia: fear of staying single.
antipudic: covering one's genitals.
apologue: a fable with a moral.
aptronym: name that sounds like owners occupation.
archaeolatry: worship of anything archaic.[old]
aristology: the art of dining.(eat)
asana: contorted for meditation.[yoga]
ascian: without a shadow.Torrid zone at noon.
assart: to make forest land arable.[clearing trees,bushes]
assonant: similarity of sound.
asteism: ingeniously polite insult.
ataraxia: imperturbability; utter calmness.
attrahent: attracting; that which attracts..
auctorial: of or like an author.
auroral: pertaining to dawn.
autarchia: perpetual happiness.
autarchy; economic self-sufficient country.
autodidact: one self-taught.
autotelic: for its own sake (art for arts sake)
autotomy: sel-mutilation.
aval: pertaining to grandparents.
avinosis: air-sickness.axilla: the arm-pit.
axiopisty: the quality that makes something believeable.
azoic: geology- time before life.
baiseman: hand-kissing.
balaclava: a full beard.[hat]
balbutient: stuttering.
ballock: testicle.
bamsamical: unctuous; mitigating; soothing; balmy.
barbaralakia: speech impairment when speaking a forign language.
basial: pertaining to kissing.
bathetic: falsely sentimental.
battological: unnecessarily repetitive writing or speaking.
beautiltilarianism: practical art; beauty with utility.
bedezin: to dress flashily; overdecorate.
belletristic: fine literature.[belle lettres]
bellwether: leader of a sheep-like or foolish crowd.
belevedere: a building overlooking a fin view.
bibacious: addicted to alcohol. [inbibe];bibulous.
bicrural: having two legs.
bilboes: leg irons; shackles.
biophilism: belief that animals have rights to be respectd..
biota: an areas flora and fauna.
birl: to rotate a log in water while standing on it.[burl?]
blandiloquence: mildly flattering.
blepharospasm: persistent winking.[eye]
bonhomie: cheerfulness.[bonne homme]
boobocracy: government by boobs; plebianism ad absurbum.
borborygm: the noise made by gas in the bowels; fart.
bovarism: man's romantic conception of himself [Flaubert-Madam Bovary]
brassard: arm band wih badge of rank or eminence.
breve: mark over a vowel indicating a short sound - õô
brindled: streaked with a darker colour.
Brobdingnagian: enormous [Land in Gullivers Travels]
bruxomania: the habit of grinding teeth esp. stress.
bulimic: constantly hungry [eat]
burble: to mix up sounds beyond repair.
busk: a corset stay.
cabriole: furniture leg, ends with paw clutching a ball.[Queen Anne; Chippendale]
cacestogenous: caused by un-favourable home environment.
cacidrosis: smelly sweat.
cacoepy: incorrect pronunciation.
cacogen: anti-social person.
cacography: bad writing or spelling.
cacophonophilist: lover of harsh sounds.
caceudus: Mercury's staff - symbol of medical profession[medical]
callidity: craftiness
callispygian: having shapely buttocks. [legs] [thighs]
cambistry: science of exchange in international finance.
cameralistics: science of public finance. [bi-cameral?]
caprylic: like an animals strong smell.
carceral: to a prison.
carucage: the act of ploughing.
catarolysis: letting off steam by swearing..
cathexis: mental or emotional concentration on an idea or object.[freud]
cecutiency: partial blindness; tendency towards. [eyes]
cetologist: student of whales.
champaign: flat or open country.
charientism: gracefully veiled insult.
cibarious: pertaining to food; edible [eat]
cicada: the seventeen-year locust.
cisvestitism: wearing weird or inappropriate clothing.
collywobbles: pain or looseness in the bowels.
commatic: having short phrases or sentences..brief.[words]
companage; a food eaten with bread.
compotation: drinking together.
contumbrista: local customs in art and literature.
criticaster: an incompetent, inferior, critic.
cynolatry: dog-worship.
dasyure: Tasmanian Devil.
deltiologist: post-card collector.
demology: study of social conditions.
dendrochronology: time by counting tree rings.
detrition: erosion by friction. hence- detritus?
dextral: right handed [ambidextrous?]
dextrosinistral: naturally left-handed but trained to right.
diathesis: inherited tendency to certain diseases.
didacity: oral playfulness. talkative.
digitigrade: walking on toes, see plantigrade - on soles.
dinic: todizziness.
di petto: singing from chestr. opp. falsetto.
discubation: recycling of meals.
diurnal: to daytime.
docent: visiting teacher or lecturer.
domiculture: home economics.
dottle: the tobacco left in a pipe.
doyen: senior; dean.
draconian: inhumanly severe.dulcet: softness?
durance: long confinement. [endurance?]
dvandva: compound wor.neither element subordinant. [bitter-sweet]
dysgenics: science dealing wth heriditary deterioration.
ebriection: mental break-down from too much boozing.
ebrious: to over-imbibe. [inebriate?]
edacious: eats a lot, voracious. [eat]
eider: duck with black and white feathers.
ellipsis: deletion of words from a sentence-"Having great time.Wish you were here".or [.....] is an ellipsis.
elydoric: painting with combo of oil and water-colour.
embouchure: mouth technique with wind instruments.
embracery: attempt to influence a court by bribery or other means.
enneatic: enery ninth. [9]
ensynopticity: ability to take a general view. [cf objectivity]
eonism: acting and dressing like a woman; transvestite.
ephemeromorph: low forms of life not vegetable or animal.
eroteme: the qustion mark [?].
eruction: belching.
espringal: medieval stone throwing machine. [rock]
ethnocentrism: attitude that one's race or tribe is superior.
eudaemonia: true happiness. Aristotle-"results from a life of reason".
exoteric: understood by the lay-man; simple; opp esoteric.
expiaterate: talkative.
extradictionary: not in words but in deeds [obs]
faffle: to stutter or mumble.
faineant: lazy. indolent.
fard: to put on make-up.
fasgrolia: FASt-GROwing Language of Initialisms and Acronyms.
fastuous: arrogant; stuck-up; showy.
felicific: producing happiness.
feticide: killing a fetus; abortion.
feuilletonistic: newspaper sectiion devoted to literary trivia.
finific: limiting quality. finite.fissilingual: having a forked tongue.
fletcher: someone who makes arrows.
fluman: right to direct rain-water to neighbour's yard.
fogram: old fashioned; passé.
foozle; to bungle or fumble.
forfex: scissors.
fossick: to search abandoned diggings.
fraise: neck-ruff; to flatter, praise.
franbible: fragile; breakable.
frescade: a cool or shady place.
frotteur: someone who gets kicks by rubbing against others in crowds.
fubsy: short and stout.
funambullist: tight-rope walker.
tylfot: the swastika.
gair: corner of unploughed land.
galactophogist: milk drinker.
galericulate: covered with a hat.
gammadion: a cross resembling the swastika of four capital gammas.
gapo: a forest near a river partly flooded every rainy season.
gelogenic: laughter-provoking.
geocentricism; belief earth centre of universe.
geodesic: shortest distance between 2 points on sphere; arc on circle.
ghee: buffalo butter (poured off)
gillygaloo: mythical bird that lays square eggs.(slang)
glycilimia: craving for sweets.
gossoon; french waiter; garçon; young man.
gregal: pertaing to gregarious.
gynandry: 1.hermaphroditism; 2. woman looks like a man.
havelock; a cloth sun-shade hung from the back of a cap.(military)
hebephrenia: puberty schizophrenia and extreme silliness.
hegemony: dominance of one nation over another.
hemeralopia: day blindness; see only at night.
hereditepy: seeking legacy; inheritance.
hesternal: pertaining to yesterday.
hesternoophia: pathalogical yearning for the good old days.
hirsutorufous: red-haired
histrionomer: expert history.
hogmonay: Scot New Years Eve.- children cadge lollies.
homonym:: word pronounced like other; spelt differently.(opp homograph)
hopple: tie animals legs together.( hobble?)
horrant: expressing horror. vs abhorent?
hustlerati: mercenary racist writer (slang).
iatramella: medical negligence.
iatrapistia: lack of faith in doctors or medicine.
iconolagny: sexual stimulation from pictures or statues.
ideation: process of forming ideas.
ideogram: pictorial symbol for an idea rather than word.
idiograph: trademark.
igneoous: pertaining to fire (ignite); produced by underground heat.
illission: striking against something. (cf collision)
illth: poor or miserable; opp of wealth.
illutation: mud bath.
imbrication: overlapping like shingles or fish scales.
impart: to confer with opposing counsel prior to out of court settlement.
imsonic: onomatopoeic.
inchoate: to begin, start, initiate.
ingustable: tasteless.(also- insapory)
insecable: cannot be cut with a knife.
interpellation: demanding explanation of a government official's act or policy.
introjection: throwing oneself into one's work.
inumbrate: to shade.
invalescense: being an invalid.
isocracy: government where all have equal political power.(cf isosceles)
janiceps: two-headed monster facing opposite directions.
jerrican: fivegallon container.
jigamaree: thingamajig.
joss: chinese house god.
juggernaut: something huge that crashes through everything in its path.
juvenescent: growing young.
kalon: the kind of beauty more than skin deep.
kanaka: South Sea Islander imported to cane-fields.
karma: fate; destiny.
kashruth: the state of being kosher.
kava: alc drink made from Australasian pepper.
kedge: move a boat by throwing anchor and hauling up to it.
keraunophobia: fear of thunder and lightning.
kia ora: Maori toast to health and happiness.
kinology: physics of motion.
konimeter: instrument for measuring dust in atmosphere.
labret: lip ornament.
lagan: stuff thrown into sea and markes by buoy. (also- ligan)
lallophobia: fear of speaking.
lalochezia: talking dirty to relieve tension.
lapidate: to kill by stoning.
larrikin: city tough; urban slob.(also hooligan)
latrobe: special stove that can heat the room above as well as the one below.
lazarous: leprous.
lecheur: devotee of oral intercourse; licker.
letch: passion.
lethologica: inability to remember right word.
lethomania: tendency to forget names.
lexiphanic: using pretentioous words.
liparoid: fatty.
lipectomy: surgical fat removal. (cf liposuction)
lipsanographer: someone who writes about relics. (holy)
literatim: letter for letter; literally.
litigious: pertaining to liturgy.
littoral: coastal region.
locum tenens: substitute; temporary replacement.
logology: the science of words; esp puzzles.
loof: the palm of the hand.
lorimer: saddle-maker.
luciferous: illuminating- literally and figuratively.
luminiferous: transmitting light.
lygophilia: love of darkness.(N.B.phobia vs philia)
lygophobia: fear of darkness.
macromastic: pertaining to large breasts.
macrotus: having big ears.
migisterialness: pompus; haughty
mahout: elephant trainer
makimono: picture or wriing scroll rolled up, never hung.(Jap)
malapert: impudent; out-spoken
malism: theory that the world is all bad
mancipate: to enslave. cf e-
manx: pert to Isle of Man.e.g manx-cat.
maquis: WW2 French under-ground; the resistance
matima: god-mother
matrilocal; pert to marriage where husband lives with wife's family.
mechanograph: copy of art produced by mechanical means.
matuolypea: getting up on the wrong side of bed.
melissophobia: fear of bees
mettlesome: fiery
mimp: pursing the lips; to speak affectedly
mimsy: prudish
miniver: an ermine in its winter white.
misandry: dislike of men
misogamy: hatred of marriage.
misomania: hatred of everything
monition: advice; warning cf admonition?
mort: death
mulligatawny: strong East Indian curried soup.
muise: wine boiled and mixed with honey
musard: absent-minded dreamer or fool
mymy: aboriginal hut see miamia
nappy: downy cloth (nap); froth on beer
narcosynthesis: sleep therapy
nasillate: to speak or sing through the nose
natuary: hospital obstetrics room
neanimorphism: looking younger than noe's years.
neanthropic: pert to modern man.(neanderthal)
necessitarianism: inevitability resulting from hereditary or environmental causes.Opposite of free-will.
nelipot: going bare-footed.
nepimnetic: childhood memory retained in subconscious.
nexus: connection, link
niktate: to wink
nimptopsical: of 227 synonyms by Benjamin Franklin pert to drunk.
nobble: to drug a race-horse
noesis: ideational or conceptual knowledge; cognition (psyc)
noetic: reasoning only in abstract or intellectual terms. (non emote)
noology: the science of intuition. feelings
noseconology: study of hospital administration
nosocomephrenia: depression from prolonged hospital stay.
nulliparous: pert to a woman who has never foaled.(given birth?)
nympholepsy: trance incurred by erotic day-dreaming
obambulate: to wander about
oenology: the study of wines
olamic: infinite, eternal.
olent: fragrant
olid: fetid; stinking
olivet: an olive grove.
omneity: allness (total)
omnifarious: pert to all kinds
omphaloskepsis: meditation while gazing at one's navel.
oncology: the study of tumours. (cancer)
ornithology: birds
osculant: embracing; clinging; kissing.
ostler: stable boy.
otiatrist: ear specialist.
otology: the ear and diseases.
otosis: hearing malfunction.(ear)
ouch: a brooch or setting for precious stone.(jewellery)
ovine: pert sheep.
oxymoron: two contradictory words. terribly nice. awfully good.
pacation: appeasement
paddling: collective noun for mallards (see adenda)
palliasse: straw mattress.
palamate: web-footed
paleoanthropic: pert to earliest types of human beings
palindrome: same neaning backwards and forwards. able was I ere I saw elba.
palladian: pert to wisdom and learning.
panache: flair; verve;style
pandemic: pert to all people; universal
pangram: cont every letter of alphabet- the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.; Q.V. Schwatzkop,Jr.,bungled my fix.
paradigm: an example or model
paraleipsis: mentioning something by saying you won't mention it; apophasis
paraph: flourish at the end of a signature (against forgery)
parvanimity: pettiness; mean-ness. opp of magnaminity.
pasigraphy: universal written language using signs and symbols instead of words.
pasilaly: universal language.
patroclinous: having characteristics inherited from the father.
patronymic: paternal name with suffix meaning 'son of'
peccable: liable to sin; susceptible to tempation. (vs im...);peccant
pentheraphobia: dislike of one's mother-in-law.
penumbra: half-shadow
percuss: to strike violently or smartly
pripatetic: pert to wandering; rambling speech
periphrastic: pert to circumlocution; wordy;(cf convoluted)
perseity: independence; self-sufficiency
phaeochrous: dark-skinned
pharology: science of signal lights; light-houses
philematology: study of kissing
philodox: loves own opinions; dogmatist.(philodoxical)
philomath: lover of learning esp. mathematics
philonoist: searcher for knowledge
philtrum: the vertical groove dividing the upper lip
phonophobia: fear of noises; and of speaking aloud
phreatic: pert to well or underground water.
piaffer: a dance step for horses
pica: craving for strange foods; one sixth of inch (print)
picadilly: nineteenth century winged collar for men
pimola: olive stuffed with sweet pepper; stuffed olive.
piscatology: science of fishing
podobromhidrosis: smelly feet.
polesis: creation; creative power or ability
pollard: animal that has lost its horns
polylogy: wordiness.; many words
poriomania: wanderlust.
positron: positive electron; sub-atomic particle
praxiology: the study of human conduct; (praxeology)
prehension: grasping; seizing.(apprehension?)
prescind: to separate in thought; consider individually; abstract oneself;
(cf objectivity; objective vs subjective)
preterist: one whose main pleasure is reliving the past.
primipara: woman having her first child. (birth)
procacious: impudent; petulant (cf proco....)
proctalgia: pain in the arse (also rectalgia)
prolapse: collapse of an internal organ
prolegeron: the childbearing period in a woman's life.(birth)
prosopopy: personification of inanimate objects.
psilosopher: superficial philosopher
pudency: modesty; extreme prudishness.pudic. (impudent?)
puniceous: bright red; purplish red
purdah: screen or material for hiding women from public (India)
putti: cupids in sculpture or painting.
pygal: pert to buttocks.
pyriform: pear-shaped
pysmatic: pert to questioning; always asking questions.
radicate: to plant firmly; establish.(e.......)
raisonné: arranged systematically; ordered
recussant: disenting; antidisestablishmentarian
reify: to make real; to materialize
religate: to tie together
reversicon: a reversed dictionary listing the definition as entries (words)
rhonchisant: snorting; snorong.
ruction: a rough or noisy fight
rurigenous: born in the country. (non-urban; rural)
sapidity: flavourful; tastiness (food)
scaramouch: cowardly buffoon; fool (Italian comedy character)
scenography: the art of perspective.scholia: marginal notes; explanatory comments.also- wise sayings
scissile: capable of being cut
scrimshaw: to engrave and colour ivory or shell
selenian: pert to moon
serendipitous: ability to find a cloud's silver lining. optomistic
sibship: relationship between siblings; sisters and brothers
sideral: pert to stars
singultus: to hiccups
skewbald: patches of white and one other colour.
smarmy: over-polite; outrageoously flattering; (obnoviously nice)
soceraphobia: fear or dis-like of parents-in-law
solipsism: theory that only the self is real and knowable
sophomania: delusion of super intelligence (smarty)
sophophobia: fear of learning
sorbile: drinkable, sorbent?
sous-entendu: implied but not stated (inferred? hint?)
spatchcock: bird split and grilled immediately afteer being killed
spectrophobia: fear of looking in mirror. (self)
speleogy: caves with two openings (in one, out another) vs caveneering
spiloma: birthmark or mole
spintry: male whore
spirated: cork-screw shaped (spiral)
storiology: study of folklore; social history
sybarite: someone overfond of luxury and pleasure.
symphoric: accident prone.
synthesia: reaction to one sense triggers another.colours to sound. (drooling; lick chops; salivate to sight)
talaria: the winged shoes of Mercury.
tangram: chinese puzzle game - square cut into seven pieces
tautegorical: saying the same thing with different words- opp allegory
telarian: web spinning (spiders)
telekinesis: mind over matter; thoughts cause movements.
teleology: the "fact" of design in nature
teratology: study of monsters
terraqueous: land and water; pert amphibian
tesselatted: marked like a checkerboard
thanatism: belief in life before death, not after it. opp reincarnation?
thob: rationalize one's thoughts; from- THink +Opinion+Believe.
tinnitus: ringing or buzzing in ears
tonsure: to shave the head
tontine: group of beneficiaries- last survivor gets the lot.
tombolo: connecting island to mainland
toponymics: the etymology of place names or place derived family names
topolitan: limited to certain area. opp cosmopolitan
toxophily: love of archery. (bows and arrows)
tragomaschalia: smelly armpits
traulism: stuttering
tricerion: three branched candlestick symbolizing Trinity
tsunami: tidal wave caused by earthquakes or eruptions.(Jap word)
turbinate: shaped like a top; spirated like some shells
tychastics: science of industrial accidents (work, job)
tychism: theory of evolution variation purely fortuitous.
usufruct: the right to use another's property, land- not changing or harming it.usufructuary: one who does this.
uxorious: doting on a wife
valgus: bowlegged or knock-kneed. (leg)
vector: line both magnitude and direction vs scalar (mathematics)
verbicide: word murder.mangling or perverting a word.
verism: the theory that ugliness is valid in art or lit as long as it is true.
wether: castrated ram (sheep)
windrow: row of racked up drying hay.other rows of things drying
wort: anything fermenting. the liquid.
xenophobia: fear of strangers, foreigners. (pert racism)
yahoo: oaf, boor (from Gulliver's Travels-Swift)
yang: the good (male) half of Chinese twins - yin and yang
zeitgeist: general intellectual, moral and cultural level of an era.
zephyry: soft, gentle wind.
zoetic: pert to life
zoopsychologist: for animals
zzzzzzz: to rest!!
* ©1998 Compiled by, Charles Gossage.(4,000 words)


ANIMAL TERMS - Collective Nouns
Apes: shrewdness of apes
Asses: herd or pace of assess Badgerscete of badgers
Bears: sloth or sleuth of bears
Bees: hive of bees; a swarm, drift,
or bike of bees
Birds: flock, flight, (dial.) parcel, pod, fleet, or dissimulation of
(small) birds; a volary of birdsin an aviary
Boar: sounder of wild boar
Boys: blush of boys
Buffalo: herd or gang of buffalo
Cats: clowder or glaring of cats; adowt (= ?do-out) or destructionof wild cats
Cattle: herd, drove, (dial.), or (US & Austral.) mob of cattle
Chickens: brood, (dial.) cletch or clutch, or peep of chickens
Choughs: chattering or clattering of choughs
Cobblers: drunkship of cobblers
Colts: rag or rake of colts Cookshastiness of cooks
Coots: covert of coots
Cranes: herd of cranes
Cubs: litter of cubs
Curlew: herd of curlew
Curs: cowardice of curs
Deer: herd or mob of deer
Dogs: pack or kennel of dogs Dottereltrip of dotterel
Dovesflight, dole, or piteousness of doves
Ducks: raft, bunch, or paddling of ducks on water; a team of wild ducks
in flight
Dunlins: fling of dunlins
Elephants: herd of elephants
Elk: herd or (US) gang of elk Ferretsbusiness of ferrets Finchescharm or chirm of finches Fish: shoal of fish; a run of fish in motion
Flies: cloud of flies
Foresters: stalk of foresters
Foxes: skulk of foxes
Geese: gaggle or (in the air) a skein, team, or wedge of geese
Giraffes: herd of giraffes
Goats: flock, herd, or (dial.) trip of goats
Grouse: pack or covey of grouse Hareshusk or down of hares
Hawks: cast of hawks let fly
Hermits: observance of hermits
Herons: siege of herons
Horses: stud or haras of (breeding) horses; (dial.) a team of horses
Hounds: kennel, pack, cry or mute of hounds
Insects: flight or swarm of insects
Kangaroos: mob or troop of kangaroos
Kittens: kindle of kittens
Ladies: bevy of ladies
Lapwing: desert of lapwing
Larks: exaltation or bevy of larks
Leopards: leap of leopards
Lions: pride of lions
Magpies: tiding of magpies
Mallard: sord or sute (= suit) of mallard
Martens: richesse of martens
Merchants: faith of merchants
Moles: abour of moles
Monkeys: roop of monkeys
Mules: barren of mules
Nightingales: watch of nightingales
Nuns: superfluity of nuns
Partridges: covey of partridges
Peacocks: muster of peacocks
Pedlars: malapertness (= impertinence) of pedlars
Penguins: rookery of penguins
Pheasants: head or (dial.) nye of pheasants
Pigeons: kit of pigeons flying together
Pigs: herd of pigs
Plovers: stand, wing, or congregation of plovers
Pochards: rush or flight of pochards
Porpoises: herd, pod, or school of porpoises
Prisoners: pity of prisoners
Ptarmigan: covey of ptarmigan
Pups; litter of pups
Quail: bevy or drift of quail
Racehorses: string of racehorses
Ravens: unkindness of ravens
Roes: bevy of roes
Rooks: parliament or building of rooks
Ruffs: hill of ruffs
Seals: herd or rookery of seals; a pod of seals
Sheep: flock, herd, (dial.) drift or trip, or (Austral.) mob of sheep
Sheldrake: dopping of sheldrake
Snipe: wisp or walk of snipe
Sparrows: host of sparrows
Starlings: murmuration of starlings
Swallows: flight of swallows
Swans: game or herd of swans; a wedge of swans in the air
Swine: herd of swine; a sounder of tame swine, a drift of wild swine
Taverner: glozing (= fawning) of taverners
Teal: spring of teal
Waterfowl: bunch or knob of waterfowl
Whales: school, herd, or gam of whales; a pod of whales; a grind of bottle-nosed whales
Widgeon: company or trip of widgeon
Wildfowl: bunch, trip, or plump of wildfowl; a know (less than 30) of wildfowl
Wolves: pack or rout of wolves
Women: gaggle of women
Woodcock: fall of woodcock
Wrens: herd of wrens
........................................©1998 Compiled by, Charles Gossage.(700 words)

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