Dance Training
First Girls

Updated 08-24-01
Training and Trainers

" 'She must learn Gorean,' said Kamchak to me. 'Teach her "La Kajira".'
'You must learn Gorean,' I told the girl. She tried to protest, but I would not permit it.
'Say "La Kajira",' I told her. She looked at me, helplessly. Then she repeated, 'La Kajira.'
'Again,' I commanded.
'La Kajira,' said the girl clearly, 'La Kajira.'
Elizabeth Cardwell had learned her first Gorean.
'What does it mean?' she asked.
'It means,' I told her, "'I am a slave girl.' "

Book 4, Nomads of Gor, page 40 ~才

"I was pleased with how well, in the past months, Elizabeth had done with the language. Of course, Kamchak had rented three Turian girls, slaves, to train her; they had done so, binding her wrists and leading her about the wagons, teaching her the words for things, beating her with switches when she made mistakes; Elizabeth had learned quickly. She was an intelligent girl."

Book 4, Nomads of Gor, page 60 ~才

"I looked to one side and was startled. Watching us was a woman in Pleasure Silks, of remarkable beauty, yet with a subtle hardness and contempt about her. She wore a yellow collar, that of the House of Cernus, and yellow Pleasure Silk. The slave bells, a double row, were locked on her left ankle. About her throat there hung a slave whistle. From her right hand, looped about the wrist, there dangled a slave goad. She was fairly complicated but had extremely dark hair and dark eyes, very red lips; the movement of her exquisite body was a torment to observe; she looked at me with a slight smile, regarding the black of the tunic, the mark of the dagger; her lips were full and magnificently turned, probably a characteristic bred into her; I had no doubt this black-haired, cruelly beautiful woman was a bred Passion Slave. She was one of the most rawly sensuous creatures on which I had ever looked.
'I am Sura,' she said, looking at me, 'I teach girls to give pleasure to men.' "

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 150 ~才

" 'Kneel,' said Sura to the girls, in Gorean.
'Kneel,' said Flaminius to them, in English.
The two girls, freshly branded, tears in their eyes, struggled to their knees. Sura walked around them, and then she regarded Elizabeth. 'Take off your clothes,' she said. Elizabeth did so, drawing at the loop on the left shoulder of her garment.
'Join them,' ordered Sura, and Elizabeth went to kneel between Virginia and Phyllis.
'Bracelet her,' said Sura, and the guard snapped slave bracelets on Elizabeth, confining her hands behind her back, like the other girls.
'You are lead girl?' asked Sura of Elizabeth.
'Yes,' said Elizabeth.
Sura's finger flicked the slave goad on. She rotated the dial. The tip began to glow, a bright yellow.
'Yes, Mistress,' said Elizabeth."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 151 ~才

"Sura turned to Ho-To. 'The Tuchuk girl,' she said, 'keeps quarters with the Assassin. I do not object. Take the others to cells of Red Silk.'
'They are White Silk,' said Ho-To.
Sura laughed. 'Very well,' she said, to cells of White Silk. Feed them well.' "

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 154 ~才

" 'Translate for me,' said Sura, to Flaminius, as she turned and faced the three kneeling girls.
She then spoke to them in short sentences, pausing for Flaminius to translate.
'I am Sura,' she said. 'I will train you. In the hours of training you are my slaves. You will do what I wish. You will work. You will work and you will learn. You will be pleasing. I will teach you. You will work and you will learn.'
Then she looked at them. 'Fear me,' she said. Flaminius translated this, as well.
Then without speaking she flicked on the slave goad and rotated the dial. The tip began to glow brightly. Then suddenly she struck at the three kneeling girls. The charge must have been high, judging by the intense shower of fiery yellow needles of light and the screams of pain from the three girls. Again and again Sura struck and the girls, half stunned, half crazed with pain, seemed unable to even move, but could only scream and cry. Even Elizabeth, whom I knew was swift and spirited, seemed paralyzed and tortured by the goad. Then Sura dialed the goad down, and turned it off. The three girls lying in pain on the stones looked up at her in fear, even the proud Elizabeth, their bodies trembling, their eyes wide. I read in their eyes, even those of Elizabeth, a sudden terror of the goad.
'Fear me,' said Sura softly. Flaminius translated. Then Sura turned to Flaminius. 'Have them sent to my training room at the sixth Ahn.' she said, and turned, and walked away, the slave bells flashing on her ankle."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, pages 154 - 155 ~才

"The training of a slave girl, like the training of an animal, tends to be a grueling task, calling for patience, time, good judgment and sterness. These numerous latter qualities Sura possessed in plenty. Many were the evenings, particularly in the beginning, when Elizabeth would return to my quarters, and Virginia and Phyllis to their cells, in tears, stinging from the slave goad, confused, convinced that they could never please their harsh mistress. Then they would make some small progress and be rewarded with a kind word, which they found they could not help themselves from receiving with joy. The techniques employed were relatively transparent, much as the kennel technique had been with Virginia and Phyllis, and the girls objectively, rationally recognized what was being done to them, but yet, to their frustration and anger, they could not help, in the moment, responding as they did."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 194 ~才

" 'I fear the goad,' Elizabeth told me one night. 'I am afraid of it. I know it is foolish, but I am afraid. I will do anything that woman tells me, if only she will not touch me with the goad. I hate her. I know what they are doing. But yet I cannot help myself. I want desperately to please her.'
'It is not irrational to fear the goad,' I said. I had once been struck with a tarn goad and knew substantially what her pain must be; further, the shower of yellow sparks, though perhaps in itself innocuous, was, conjoined with the sudden pain, terrifying."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 194 ~才

" 'I'm being trained like an animal,' said Elizabeth, putting her head to my shoulder.
I held her head on my shoulder. What she said was to a large extent true, for she was being conditioned to certain responses by pain and rewards. Indeed, sometimes the girls would be forced to compete among themselves, with small candies as prizes, and each would find herself, to her subsequent horror, striving eagerly to outdo the others, that it might be she to whom Sura would throw the sugared pellet. Sometimes Sura would let the men observing determine which girl should receive the pellet, that they might learn how to win men's pleasure."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, pages 194 - 195 ~才

"The conditioning, of course, was subtle, as well as gross, being a combination not simply of torment and reward, but including the intended inculcation of an image and understanding of themselves as well. In its most primiative expression this was begun in the first weeks of the girls' training."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 195 ~才

"The first week, suprisingly, consisted of nothing but the girl kneeling before the great mirror, in the position of a Pleasure Slave, for several Ahn a day. During this time they wore only their collars, and in the case of Virginia and Phyllis the slave anklets on their left ankles. The point of this, as Elizabeth and I supposed, was simply to accustom them to seeing themselves as slave girls."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 195 ~才

"The second week, they knelt in the same fashion, but had been forced to repeat, out load, incessantly, the ritual phrase, "I am a slave girl. I am a slave girl. I am a slave girl." Virginia and Phyllis must needs do this in English, Elizabeth in Gorean."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 195 ~才

"In the third week, the education became somewhat more subtle and Flaminius visited the girls for their training hours, and discussed, with ingenius subtlety, first in English and then in Gorean, certain views of history, of natural right, of orders of human beings and of relations among the sexes. The upshot of these disquisitions, predicably, was that what had happened to them was appropriate given certain laws of intraspecific competition, of conflict and dominance, of the rightful orders of nature. They were the women of interior men who had been unable to protect them; such men would be conquered when one wished; their women belonged to those who could take them, who would be the victorious; hence they were of slave stock, by nature; that this sort of thing had occurred always, and would always occur; that it was right and just; that as natural slaves they must now bend all their efforts and intelligence to the pleasures of their masters; there was also a strong dose of masculine superiority thrown in, and the common Gorean contention, and arguments relating to it, that women are by nature slaves, deserve to be such and are fully content and pleased only when this is so. Flaminius, for a time, accepted and encouraged counter-arguments, patiently, as though waiting for the girls, when their simple minds permitted it, to understand the truth of what he said."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, pages 195 - 196 ~才

"All three girls, in the last week, were taught certain standard answers to certain standard questions put to them by Flaminius, whether they agreed with them or not. These questions, to which simple, standard, memorized answers were to be promptly volunteered, were put to them over and over, until they, even Phylis, responded without thinking. Certain of these questions and answers suggesting their nature, would be:

Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl.

Q: What is a slave girl?
A: A girl who is owned.

Q: Why do you wear a brand?
A: To show that I am owned.

Q: Why do you wear a collar?
A: That men may know who owns me.

Q: What does a slave girl want more than anything?
A: To please men.

Q: What are you?
A: I am a slave girl.

Q: what do you want more than anything?
A: To please men.

There is, beyond these, an entire set of questions and answers, some of them considerably more detailed, and involving standard responses to simple questions pertainint to such matters as history and psychology."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, pages 197 - 198 ~才

"the entire next week was spent again before the mirror, seeing themselves as slave girls, and repeating, aloud, these questions and answers, as though putting them to themselves; as thought, with Flaminius gone, it was they themselves, the girls, who were putting these questions to themselves, and responding with almost hypnotic automatism;"

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 198 ~才

"The sixth week of the training was spent, as several of the former, before the mirror, but this time repeating over and over, aloud, 'I love being a slave girl. I love being a slave girl.' At least after this cruel and almost interminable repeatition, utilizing simple psychological principles, intended to brand into the girls' psyche the identity of a Pleasure Slave, the girls began the period of exercises, many of which would, for certain periods of the day, be carried through the next months."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 198 ~才

"During the next weeks and months the lessons of Flaminius were never again touched upon, except occasionally, for her amusement, by Sura, who would suddenly cry to one of th egirls, at the same time brandishing the slave goad, such a query as 'What do you want more than anything?' to which the girl, to her shame and astonishment, would find herself crying out in fear, 'To please men!' Then Sura would say, 'Then learn what I am teaching you,' and they would respond, fearing the goad, 'Yes, Mistress!' "

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 198 ~才

"In the hours that Virginia and Phyllis were not in training, and the training hours are only five Ahn a day, they were, particularly in the beginning, intensively drilled in Gorean.....Later, when the girls became reasonably proficient at Gorean, they were permitted the freedom of the House baths, which they enjoyed, and the liberty to move about the House rather as they pleased, saving that they must be locked in their cells by the eighteenth bar."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 198 ~才

"The foods given them also changed with the advance in their training, and the desire to have varied, tasty fare, and sometimes a small bowl of Ka-la-na with their supper, drove them to perform well. Further, each must eat the same, so pressure was brought on each to come to a given level, for the food of all remained the same until each had attained the desired next level of training. By the end of the twelfth week of their training they were eating well, and by the end of the fifteenth, very well, generally low-calorie foods, nourishing, a good amount of protein, diets supervised as carefully as those of racing tarns or hunting sleen;"

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, pages 198 - 199 ~才

"In the beginning, when moving about the house, the girls had been permitted only the garb customarily worn in the sweat and motion of the training, a rectangle of silk, about a foot long, thrust into a silken string knotted about the waist; Virginia and Phyllis would not even leave their cells so clad until Elizabeth called upon them, so clad herself, ordering them forth; Phyllis had been tearfully furious that she should be so seen, Virginia terrified; but, on the orders of Elizabeth, who spoke with authority, they followed her forth, frightened, but heads high and shoulders back, and soon they were delighting in the sights of the house, for they had seen little but the kennels, the training room and their cells; it had been a good day for them; each was female and Elizabeth had taught them that this was a permissible thing to be.
'These men are slavers,' Elizabeth confided to them. 'They have seen women before.' "

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 199 ~才

"Later, in the eighteenth week of their training, they were given brief silken slave livery, sleeveless, fastened by the loop on the left shoulder. Virginia and Phyllis were given white livery, Elizabeth red. It was at this time also that Virginia and Phyllis had been given their lock collars, white-enameled, and that the slave anklets, the identification bands, had been removed from their left ankles. Elizabeth, at the beginning of her training, had simply exchanged her yellow collar for a red one. She had already been a lock-collar girl."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, pages 199 - 200 ~才

"By the twentieth week of their training the girls could converse rather adequately in Gorean, and Virginia and Phyllis continued to imporve. Elizabeth, of course, was totallyl fluent in the language. Elizabeth's accent was interesting, for it was, in effect, Tuchuk; the accent of the girls was that of Ar. I noted, however, that Sura had insisted that the girls not refine their accents overly much, for it must remain clear they were barbarians; further, Virginia and Phyllis were encouraged to slur and lisp certain soudns, it being thought appealing in female slaves; on the other hand Sura, who did not slur and lisp these sounds herself, did not insist on it, for some reason, with the girls; accordingly Elizabeth, Phyllis and Virginia, not being forced to do so, did not adopt the affectation. I learned independently, from Ho-Tu, that this particular form of speech defect was, however, no longer in style; perhaps if it had been Sura would have more adamant."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 200 ~才

"...'when Sura asked him to stand forth that one of us might approach him to administer the First Kiss of the Captive Slave Girl'..."

Book 5, Assassin of Gor, page 201 ~才

"The training of the slave girls progressed. It had begun, following the period entirely consumed with excercises, with such small things as instruction on how to stand, to walk, to kneel, to recline, to eat, to drink. Grace and beauty, following Sura, and I would scarcely dare dispute such an authority, is mostly a matter of expression, both that of the face and body. I could, week to week, see the change in the girls, even Elizabeth. Some of the things they were taught seemed to me very silly, but I, at the same time, found it difficult to object."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 203 ~才

"One thing of that sort I recall is a trick where the girl feeds the master a grape held between her teeth. She may or may not have her wrists braceleted behind her back for this particular feat. One leg is folded beneath her and th other is extended behind her, toes pointed, and then she lifts the grape delicately to your mouth. Elizabeth and I used to laugh heartily over this one, but I think it was effective, as I seldom got beyond the third grape."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, pages 203 - 204 ~才

"...'the twelfth way to enter a room.'
I had ovserved. It was not bad. But I think I preferred the tenth, that with the girl's back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature.
'How many ways are ther,' I asked, sitting cross-legged in the center of the compartment, on the stone couch, 'to enter a room?'
'It depends on the city,' said Elizabeth. 'In Ar we are the best; we have most ways to enter a room. One hundered and four.'
I whistled.
'What about,' I asked, 'just wlking straight through?'
She looked at me, 'Ah,' said she, 'one hundered and five!' "

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 204 ~才

"A good deal of the training of the slave girl, surprisingly, to my naive mind, was in relatively domestic matters. For example, the Pleasure Slave, if she is trained by a good house, must also be the master of those duties commonly assigned to Tower Slaves. Accordingly, they must know how to cut and sew cloth, to wash garments and clean various types of materials and surfaces, and to cook an extensive variety of foods, from the rough fare of Warriors to concoctions which are exotic almost to the point of being inedible."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 204 ~才

"Elizabeth was, however, to my satisfaction, taught a large number of things which, to my mind, were more appropriate to the training of slave girls, including a large number of dances, dozens of songs, and an unbelievable variety of kisses and caresses. The sheer mechanics of her repertoire, theoretically outfitting her to give exquisite pleasure to anyone from an Ubar to a peasant, are much to complex and lengthy to recount here. I do not think, however, that I have forgotten any of it."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 205 ~才

"One thing that I thought was nice was that Elizabeth had asked Sura about the dance she had begun to perform but could not finish, when we had first come to the house of Cernus, the dance which is accompanied by the Tuchuk slave song. Sura, who seemed to know everything, taught the rest of it, song and all, to her, and to the other girls. For good measure she also taught them the independent dance, sometimes called the Dance of the Tuchuk Slave Girl, which I had once seen performed at a banquet in Turia."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 205 ~才

" 'Know that you are beautiful,' Sura had once said to them."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 205 ~才

"Elizabeth, Virginia and Phyllis had been shown its ruidments, as well as something about the lyre, but they had not been expected to become proficient, nor were they given the time to become so; if their master, at a later date, after their sale, wished his girls to possess these particular attributes, which are seldom involved in the training of slave girls, he himself could pay for their instruction; the time of the girls I noted, was rather fully occupied, without spending hours a day on music."

Book 5, Assassins of Gor, page 207 ~才

"As a warrior applies himself to the arts of his weapons, so I applied myself to the arts of the female slave, which I was. I became sleek and more beautiful from the diet and the exercises. I learned things of which I had not dreamed. Our training, because it was limited to a few short weeks, did not include many of the elements that are normally included in a full training. I remained ignorant of Gorean cooking and the cleaning of Gorean garments. I learned nothing of musical instruments. I remained ignorant even of the arrangements of small rugs, decorations and flowers, things that any Gorean girl, slave or free, is likely to know. But I was taught to dance, and to give pleasure, and to stand, and move, and sit and turn, and lift my head and lower it, and kneel, and rise."

Book 7, Captive of Gor, page 169

" 'She will have to learn Gorean, and quickly,' said Samos, referring to the blondish girl.
'Let slaves, with switches, teach her,' I said.
'I will,' said Samos. There was no swifter way for an Earth girl to learn Gorean, providing that candies and pastries, and little favors, like a blanket in the pens, were mixed in. Learning was closely associated, even immediately, with reward and punishment. Sometimes, months later, even when not under the switch, a girl would, upon a mistake in grammar or vocabulary, wince, as though expecting a fresh sting of the switch. Goreans do not coddle their slave girls. This is one of the first lessons a girl learns."

Book 10, Tribesmen of Gor, page 13 ~才

" 'How are her lessons in Gorean coming along?'
Sasi shrugged. 'I am teaching her as I can,' she said. 'Barbarians are so stupid.'
I had had Sasi, at the invitation of Ulafi, spend several hours a day tutoring the blond girl in Gorean. Sasi enjoyed this, standing over the blond girl with a strap, striking her when she made mistakes. When she had had a good session Ulafi would sometimes, when he thought of it, throw her a bit of cake or pastry, which she would gratefully receive. She would then kneel before Ulafi and kiss his feet, clutching the bit of cake or pastry. 'Thank you, Master,' she would say. She would then kneel before Sasi, her teacher, and offer her the bit of cake or pastry, which Sasi would take, taking most of it and returning a portion of it to her. 'Thank you, Mistress,' she would say, for Sasi was first girl. She would then creep to her cage, and be locked within it. She would lie curled up in it, a lovely, helpless slave, and try to make the bit of cake or pastry last as long as possible."

Book 13, Explorers of Gor, page 77 ~才

" 'Paga Master?' she asked, kneeling before me, the metal cup held before her, in two hands.
'Yes,' I said.
She proffered the cup to me. She knelt back on her heels, her knees wide, and extended her arms to me, the cup held in her hands.
'Did you not neglect to kiss it?' I asked her.
She drew back the cup pressing her lips to it, kissed it.
'Is that how a slave kisses the cup of a Master?' I asked.
She again turned her head to the side and pressed her lips softly, lingeringly, against it. Then she kissed it. I saw a tremor course through her body. I think then, for the first time, she had begun to understand what it might be truly, to kiss the cup of a Master. Then again kneeling back on her heels, her knees wide, extending her arms to me, the cup in her hands, she proffered me the drink.
'Your head should be down, between your arms,' I said. She put her head down. Again I saw a small movement in her body, a tremor, subtle. She had put her head down before a man. Another consequence of this position is that the girls eyes, in the specific act of her serving, do not meet those of the Master. they are lowered before his, as one who submits. This is reminiscent, in an experienced girl, of her training. Often in training, a girl is not permitted to look into the eyes of the trainer, unless he should specifically extend this permission. Indeed, in some cities, the girl in training may not raise her eyes above the trainers belt, unless, again, specifically accorded this permission."

Book 13, Explorers of Gor, pages 159 - 161 ~才

" 'Do you know, ultimately,' I asked, 'who will prove to be your one best trainer?'
'No, Master,' she said.
'You, yourself,' I said, 'the girl, herself, eager to please, imaginative and intelligent, monitoring her own performances and feelings, striving lovingly to improve and refine them. You yourself will be largely responsible for making yourself the superb slave you will become.'"

Book 17, Savages of Gor, page 210

" 'Stand straight,' called Grunt to the coffle, which, now, in our pause, had put down its burdens. 'Keep your heads up, but do not meet his eyes. It is you who are the merchandise, the beauties, the slaves, not he. It is not yours to examine, but to be examined, not yours to consider, but to be considered.'"

Book 17, Savages of Gor, page 257

"Sometimes in training, incidentally, or as a discipline or punishment, the slave is not permitted to look into the eyes of the master. Indeed, sometimes, in training, she is not permitted to raise her eyes above the belt of the trainer. Also, it must be recognized that many slaves often, and perhaps all slaves sometimes, find it difficult to look into the eyes of the master. He, after all, holds total power over them and they fear to displease him. What if he should interpret her gaze as suggesting the least insubordination or insolence? Are they truly prepared to have the soles of their feet lashed or to live on bread crusts for the next five days? But, on the other hand, there is, on Gor, in circles of the mastery, no discouragement, commonly, of eye contact between masters and slaves."

Book 17, Savages of Gor, page 258

"Mira had shown her how to kneel, lower her head and proffer the tray, properly. Tuka, I saw, would be an apt pupil in bondage. Slaves learn quickly. They are beaten if they do not."

Book 18, Blood Brothers of Gor, page 269

"The slave, for example, and this is commonly included in their training, seldom bends over to retrieve a fallen object. Rather she flexes her knees, lowering the body beautifully, and retrieves the object from a graceful and humble crouch. "

Book 21, Mercenaries of Gor, page 207

" 'I do not think you have beaten her much lately,' said Boabissia.
'No,' I said.
'Why not?' asked Boabissia.
'She is now pretty well trained,' I said.
' "Trained",' said Boabissia.
'Yes,' I said, 'ideally, once a girl is trained, suitably trained, of course, there is not likely to be much call for beating her. She may also, of course,' I said, 'be beaten at the master's pleasure, for any reason or for no reason.' "

Book 21, Mercenaries of Gor, page 233

"We had also received lessons in the proper performance of domestic servilities, such as cooking, sewing, laundering, cleaning, and such. Other lessons were almost lessons in customs, manners and decorum. For example, we were taught how to serve at a table, deferentially, skillfully, unobtrusively and, for the most part, silently, and how to move and walk, and kneel and rise, gracefully, and even such tiny, interesting things, as how to pick up a fallen object, by crouching down, retrieving it, rather than bending over. We were being taught, it seemed, to be graceful and beautiful. Too of course, we were taught our place, and proper relations to men. A significant portion of our training was intimate and erotic, or sexual and sensual, in nature, ranging from such things as make-up, body ornamentation, cosmetics and perfumes, to techniques, psychological and physical, generally a combination of both, of pleasing men."

Book 22, Dancer of Gor, pages 69 - 70

" 'Sometimes,' he said, 'one encounters an Earth female who believes, at first, for a short time, that she may be resistant, in some respect, either secretly or overtly, to masters. Are you such a female?'
'No, Master,' I said.
'In any way?' he asked.
'No, Master!' I said.
'Such recalcitrance is detectable,' he said. 'It is betrayed by subtle body cues, uncontrollable, and unmistakable.'
'Yes, Master,' I said, looking down.
'There are drugs too,' he said, 'which are pertinent to such matters.'
'Yes, Master,' I said.
I had not known that. I had known about the other sorts of things. They had been graphically illustrated to us in the house of my training. Some had to do with skin blotching and nipple erection. One simple test had been with five of us, one of us, not known to Ulrick, to take a ring and hide it. By holding her hands and looking into her eyes he had almost immediately determined the 'guilty girl.' He had then, merely by holding her arm, had her guide him, involuntarily, to where she had hidden the ring.
These things were done primarily by acute observation and differential muscle tensions, indexed to the girl's knowledge and inward states. The meaning of the lessons, however, had been clear. If our slavery did not go through us, so to speak, if it was not complete, we could not conceal that from the Masters. Our choice then, in effect, was to be complete slaves, whole slaves, total slaves, or die. I, and, I think, my entire class, interestingly, had rejoiced in this knowledge. We knew we were slaves in our hearts, as we has learned in our training, and we wanted to be slaves."

Book 22, Dancer of Gor, pages 141 - 142

" 'Master?' said the new slave.
'Yes?' I said.
'Was I pleasing?'
'Yes,' I said.
'Do you think another man might find me pleasing, as well?' she asked.
'It is possible.' I said.
'I am not now as stupid, as ignorant, as I was, am I?' she asked.
'No,' I said.
'I am a much better slave now, am I not?'
'Yes,' I said.
'I am grateful for my training.' she said."

Book 25, Magicians of Gor, pages 340 - 341

"I myselt prefer a more graceful, sensuous disrobing on the part of a female slave," he said.
'I would generally agree,' I said, 'if there is time.'
It is a delight, of course, to have a slave disrobe before one, gracefully, sensuously, displaying herself, revealing her master's property to him. Women are excellent at this sort of thing. They seem to have an instinct, or a natural sense, for it. And I think that they are not always, averse to noting the effects of their unveiling upon the master, to note how they, in this revelation of their beauty and loveliness, can drive him wild with desire. In such things I think a slave has great power. Yet, in the end, it is still she who is owned.
In slave pens, incidentally, girls are trained to disrobe, and indeed, robe gracefully. Slave girls are not permitted to shortchange their beauty. They must fulfill its promise. There is something to be said in favor of the swift disrobing in certain contexts, of course, aside from its more unusual employments, as in plans such as mine. For example, a master, whip in hand, may order a slave, usually a new slave, to disrobe instantly, and then robe, and then disrobe, and so on.
This may be done fifteen or twenty times in a row. This is useful in teaching her that she is now a slave. It also of course, gets her used to disrobing before her master. Another use is when the slave desires to surprise her master with her beauty, perhaps before begging use. she might then utilize a particular moment to disrobe, perhaps one in which he has merely turned away. When he turns back, she is naked. She then kneels before him."

Book 25, Magicians of Gor, pages 416 - 417

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