Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
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Look, when you left, I didn't know what to do, so I did what any red-blooded american male does when facing heartbreak of hitherto unknown proportion:

I got addicted to Tetris.

Now, you may laugh, but you're a girl; you can't possibly understand what that game means to us broad-shouldered, he-men who can never let our guard down.

Day after day of yearning, struggling to be potent and virile, can be quite a strain, see? Those little figures, floating on down, they can be a salve like you wouldn't believe.

No longer do I have to be Macho Jon, the Hairy Guy. With Tetris, I can be free of society's constraints, a man with excellent hand-eye coordination and a spatial sense like none other.

I have scored higher than 5,000 points, and on Level 9 to boot!

Sure, it's been lonely, without you around, but the evenings just fly by, between me, my computer, and the flies.

We barely miss you at all.

Oh! A long one!