Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
Archived 'pieces'
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My brother Bill called
to tell me how wonderful his life is going.
About his trophy wife,
his beautiful girlfriend, his incredible job,
his great house, his totally low taxes,
and all the other crap that seems so important to him and his kind.
So smug…

So I told him about my beautiful harem,
and how the president, had finally,
at my insistence,
stopped asking my advice on the important issues of the day.
I can only imagine his face when I told him about how,
my recording career had graduated to the next level,
that my multi-platinum album sales were now regularly uranium
radio-active and explosive.

I told him any number of other things
about my spying for America – and Japan
and how I was about to market my new designs for speed-pants,
that could make you fly for short periods
bursts of freedom and levity
that anyone would desire.

I told him so much about my existence
until finally, he CLAIMED his baby was calling ,
and he had to leave.
So anyway, it was a long call,
talking to him collect from his Newark office, so
do you mind getting the next beer?

I'll get you back on payday…