Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
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Leilani told me what happened.
She told me everything.
I know what you did
what she felt…
I know it all.
Leilani told me everything.

And I'll tell you something now.
You may feel good about yourself,
or you may feel repentant
it doesn't matter. I don't care.
However you feel today,
you will feel a thousand times worse tomorrow
and a thousand times worse soon after.
Maybe not tomorrow in a literal sense, but someday soon,
and for the rest of your life.

For Leilani's sake
you will suffer
and I will make it so.
And you may think this unlikely, and you may think me a fool
but this is my oath
and this I swear
you will feel the guilt and shame that you so rightfully deserve.
You will beg for forgiveness, and for mercy
and not from me,
for mercy will not be mine to give.

No, it will come from her
from sweet beautiful Leilani, the one you offended
the one you transgressed
It is she who will decide your final fate
not I
for I
will only do her will
Whether she states it or not.
For you see, Leilani told me everything.