Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
Archived 'pieces'
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She says she hates her glasses.
I say, “I love your glasses, but please
take them off.”

She says her shoes are  too tight
  the color’s  too light
they don’t  fit right.
I coo and ah over the tan slingback mules
but say, “If it don’t fit, get out of it.”

She says her coat makes her hot.
I agree, say “Me, too. I’ll hang it up.”

And it goes on:
her loathing
her revulsion
her disrespect of things that I hold dear
is irksome and insulting
and frustrating
and I wish I could slap her down, around,
throughout the town
and tell her
“Your clothes, your hair, your cosmetics
are all wonderful.
They are part of you. To shun them
to shed them
like a lizard
does little good
as they always return.
And like a snake
they’re hard to shake.”

I want to say this.
I try to say this.
But then she starts talking about her worn/torn dress.
And in a paralytic state of shock, serendipity and desire
I shut up.