Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
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It's hot here.
Hot as your mother on a Saturday night.
I mean it's steaming.
Water rises like on a hard afternoon of fucking your mom
on those soft satin sheets that she puts out
when I come to stay.

The sun is blazing like her chest
after I've done that lick motion with my sandpaper tongue
she so often begs for.
The sun beats upon all of us
just like me on her last weekend.
The sun, even while going down
is still ejecting heat
just like I do when she is going down.
Do you hear what I’m saying?
It’s HOT!

The fires all around us on this hot day
can be cooled by no air-conditioner
can be calmed by no man-made source
can only be alleviated by beloved mother nature
and she – like your mom –
is a bitch that CANNOT be sated.

So we’ll just have to sit here
you and me, son
sweating it out
as we wait for night to fall
and for relief to arrive.
the pleasure that avails us.