Jonathan Berger's Poetry: Poem of the Day
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To honor you
I have written a dozen poems
a thousand words long
and I have attempted to etch your essence
on canvas and cloth  and blackboard
so often,
so ineffectually.

And countless times I have thought of you
fantasized of you
and stroke after stroke after glorious
solitary stroke of rhythmic respect
has been dedicated to your eyes
your ears
your erotic navel.

In all these forms
in all these media
with all these utensils:
pen and paint and pointless other protuberances
I have thought of you
remembered you
presented you
all to no avail
all failing to do you justice.

And I would trade them all
each effort would pale before one simple stroke
of your hair
your cheek
your torso...
My lifetime of strokes is nothing
except maybe that dirty limerick
which, really, was quite good.