Remember US?
We are the men and woman who answered our countries call. Most of us did what we had to do. We came back home and asked for no special favors. We got married, raised a family, went to work, paid our bills and obeyed the law.
We are also the men and woman who, after combat trauma, were not able to deal with life as we all wanted to. We are those who live in hospitals with missing legs or arms. We never have anybody visit us except maybe twice a year on our days? We are the homeless, who fought to protect our homes only to have no place to live. We are the ones whose minds go back to those horrors of war endlessly.
We are the ones who wonder why most care more about homeless animals or care more for those who have self-inflicted wounds to their minds and bodies. Most of us would be happy just being visited or if you brought a little something to make our lives a little brighter like old magazines to read, toothpaste, soap, shampoo etc.
We know it may bother you to see us like this. Just remember that's what war does to you. Please don't forget us!
Chaplain Howard Flexer
Vietnam War Veterans
Flagstaff &memorial
Danielson, Conn.