Incompletely Conspicuous: The Pursuit of Happiness

This site is dedicated to the Canadian power pop band The Pursuit of Happiness:
how they have been perceived, some of the nice people who hang with them,
what the hell's been going on since you thought they went off the radar...

...and why did you think that, anyway? past reunion pics in the Reunion Gallery! reunion mp3s and video on the audio page! get mp3s and 
video on the Audio page see pics in the Reunion Gallery read a Moe interview in the Features Index track how it 
came about in the Updates get mp3s and 
video on Audio page see pics and get Moe interview in reunion gallery track it all 
in the Updates

Updates Album Reviews and Lyrics Pursuit Pals - associated bands When We Ruled: the Canadian greatest hits Sex and Food: the American greatest hits Summer's Over - Moe Berg's solo album Monteforte - the crazy cover band!

Welcome to Incompletely Conspicuous. Thanks very much for coming.
And hang in there as we prepare to move and try to look a little better.
Mrs. Berg wins an award and Moe chats with Todd fans online.
Get the details in the Updates.
No matter your experience with the band,
there's plenty here to explore and enjoy and learn and complain about.
So make your way around, and if you have any suggestions
or material to contribute, let me know.
Thanks to all of you who have so far.

Click on the MapleMusic logo to buy Moe/TPOH stuff! Buy Moe/TPOH stuff from MapleMusic!

The materials contained herein are protected under various laws, soooo... Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.

/ Album Reviews / Live Reviews / Updates / Biography / Pursuit Pals / Audio /
Reunion /
Sex & Food / Summer's Over / When We Ruled / Monteforte / Contact

Last updated: December 31, 2008
"There's only so much I can't be told."
Going into our 10th year of telling you how.

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