The Protagonists

Japanese Name: Ichigo Momomiya
English Name: Zoey Hanson
Japanese Age: 13
Brithday: March 15
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 42 kg
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Saki Nakajima
English VA: Amanda Brown
Red Data Animal: Iriomote Wildcat
Japanese Weapons: Strawberry Bell; Mew Aqua Rod
English Weapons: Strawberry Bell, Rose Bell, Strawberry Sceptre
Japanese Attacks: Ribbon Strawberry Check; Ribbon Strawberry Surprise; Ribbon Aqua Drops
English Attacks: Strawberry Bell, Full Power; Rose Bell, Full Power; Strawberry Sceptre, Blue Aqua Drops
First Appears: Episode 1

Momomiya Ichigo was your average 13 year old girl, until on her date with her crush Aoyama Masaya, she was combined with the DNA of a Red Data Animal, an Iriomate Wildcat.

Now, every time she is given a kiss by anything (even including licks from dogs) she turns into a cat and the only thing that can change her back is another kiss!

Japanese Name: Mint Aizawa
English Name: Corina Bucksworth
Japanese Age: 13
Brithday: October 3
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 42 kg
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Yumi Kakazu
English VA: Andi Whaley
Red Data Animal: Blue Lorikeet
Japanese Weapon: Mint Arrow
English Weapon: Heart Arrow
Japanese Attack: Ribbon Mint Echo
English Attack: Unnamed
First Appears: Episode 2

Aizawa Mint is the rich ballet girl who's parents are usually away, leaving her lonely. Though she can be a typical snobbish brat she ends up getting along with Ichigo who she did not think highly of in the beginning.

Japanese Name: Lettuce Midorikawa
English Name: Bridget Verdant
Japanese Age: 13
Brithday April 29
Height 161 cm
Weight 47 kg
English Age: 15
Japanese VA: Kumi Sakuma
English VA: Bella Hudson
Red Data Animal: Finless Porpoise
Japanese Weapon: Lettuce Castanets
English Weapon: Combat Castanets
Japanese Attack: Ribbon Lettuce Rush
English Attacks: Deep Sea Surge Attack; Tidal Wave Rush; Underwater Surge Attack (All for the same attack! --; Bakas...)
First Appears: Episode 3

Midorikawa Lettuce is a timid girl who apologises profusely to Ichigo when they first meet (Ichigo ran into her but she apologised anyway). Her friends were bullies to her, telling her to take a picture of a 'ghost' at their high school at night. Ichigo immediately befriends this girl after finding out her fear of her newly found powers. She enjoys reading and is talented, loves to cook and sew.

Japanese Name: Pudding Fong
English Name: Kikki Benjamin
Japanese Age: 8
Brithday: August 7
Height: 138 cm
Weight: 32 kg
English Age: 14
Japanese VA: Hisayo Mochizuki
English VA: Kether Donahue
Red Data Animal: Golden Lion Tamarin
Japanese Weapon: Pudding Ring
English Weapon: Golden Tambourine
Japanese Attack: Ribbon Pudding Ring Inferno
English Attack: Tambourine Trench
First Appears: Episode 7

Only in elementary school, Pudding is the youngest of the Tokyo Mew Mews and though she's eight years old, she manages to look after her five other younger siblings ever since her mother died. She's multi-talented in doing tricks like ball-balancing, spinning plates and breathing fire even! Though she does tend to be a brat because of her age.

Japanese Name: Zakuro Fujiwara
English Name: Renee Roberts
Japanese Age: 15
Birthday: September 6
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 49 kg
English Age: 17
Japanese VA: Junko Noda
English VA: Mollie Weaver
Red Data Animal: Grey Wolf
Japanese Weapon: Zakuros whip
English Weapon: Purple Dagger
Japanese Attack: Ribbon Zakuro Spear
English Attack: Unnamed
First Appears: Episode 10

Fujiwara Zakuro is the star of the group. A multi-talented, supermodel, actress, dancer, singer etc. She appears warm and kind to the media but in reality is unsociable and first refused to join Tokyo Mew Mew. Ichigo ended up persuading her by risking her own life for her.

Japanese Name: Masaya Aoyama
English Name: Mark
Japanese Age: 13
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Megumi Ogata
English VA: Scottie Ray
First Appears: Episode 1

He and Ichigo are obviously in love though he has many wild fangirls that watch him at his kendo matches! Masaya is environmental and will do all he can to protect the environment. Unknown to anyone, even himself, Masaya has two alter-egos...

Japanese Name: Ryou Shirogane
English Name: Elliott Grant
Japanese Age: 15
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Kouichi Touchika
English VA: Sean Schemmel
First Appears: Episode 1

He appears to be unsociable but deep down, is willing to do all he can for the Tokyo Mew Mews. He was even willing to test the Mew Project on himself before combining DNA with any of the members. He and Keiichiro have been working together on the Mew Project ever since his parent's death by the Chimera Animal. He also has the ability to turn into a cat but only for 10 minutes or else he'll permanently be stuck in that form.

Japanese Name: Keiichiro Akasaka
English Name: Wesley J. Coolridge
Japanese Age: 21
English Age: 17
Japanese VA: Hikaru Midorikawa
English VA: Andrew Rannells
First Appears: Episode 1

He's a brilliant chef and an expert at avoiding difficult questions and often seen cheery and charming unless it comes down to the subject of aliens(dub=cyniclons[cyniclons?? get serious... --; bakas...]). Whenever asked a difficult question by Ichigo he'll offer her to try cake which she can't resist.

Japanese Name: Masha
English Name: Mini Mew
Japanese VA: Junko Noda
English VA: Tom Wayland
First Appears: Episode 1

Masha warns the Tokyo Mew Mews if aliens(or cyniclons --;) are in range or if Chimera Animals are around. He is R2000 but Ichigo renamed him after Masaya.

Japanese Name: The Blue Knight (Ao no Kishi)
English Name: The Blue Knight
Japanese Age: Unknown
English Age: Unknown
Japanese VA: Megumi Ogata
English VA: Sean Schemmel
First Appears: Episode 17

He seems to appear every time the Tokyo Mew Mews are in grave danger(or when Mew Ichigo is in grave danger, ne? ^^). He rescues Ichigo and always advises her on how to defeat a particularly difficult enemy. He also manages to seriously tick Kisshu off.

The Antagonists

Japanese Name: Kish/Kishu(Kisshu)
English Name: Cyniclons Dren('Nerd' backwards ^^;)
Japanese VA: Daisuke Sakaguchi
English VA: Andrew Rannells
First Appears: Episode 3

He is the first of the aliens(cyniclons --;) to appear, using the Chimera Animals. At first, he is fond of Ichigo, thinking her as a good toy but as time goes on he realises that he's fallen in love with her! Though slightly mentally unstable at times when in battle, he'd rather not kill Ichigo unless she refuses to be 'his'.

Japanese Name: Pie/Pai
English Name: Cyniclons Sardon (Like the word 'Sardonic')
Japanese VA: Nobutoshi Kanna
English VA: Pete Zarustica
Japanese Attacks: Fuu-Rai-Sen (Windy Thunder Fan); Fuu-Hyou-Sen (Windy Ice Fan)
English Attacks: Aerial Tempest; Ice Wind Blast
First Appears: Episode 13

He is very devoted to Deep Blue and is loyal to whatever plan his master may have, no matter what it is. He's the most serious and the oldest out of the three aliens(cyniclons) and is very intelligent and skilled at using technology.

Japanese Name: Tart/Taruto
English Name: Cyniclons Tarb ('Brat' backwards --;)
Japanese VA: Asai Kiyomi
English VA: Jimmy Zoppi
First Appears: Episode 13

He's the youngest yet hates being called a kid. (Once he called Ichigo an 'old hag' who made him equally as mad and upset when she called him 'chibiko' or runt in English.) He's very playful even in bad situations and has a click-clack sort of toy for a weapon. He and Pudding appear to be friendly even if he says she's annoying and always interferes.

Japanese Name: Deep Blue
English Name: Deep Blue
Japanese VA: Megumi Ogata
English VA: Scottie Ray
First Appears: Episode 49 (first speaks: episode 2, silhouette appears: episode 26)

Deep Blue is the leader of the aliens(cyniclons) and his true form/identity is not revealed until the end of the series. He plans to have the aliens eliminate the humans off of earth.