Spirit of God
A child of God has dreams and visions fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. So many of the dreams the Father gives vanish from the child's heart at daybreak. While some are pushed from the memory in fear of trusting what we can't see. But, God never changes. He continues to pour out His Spirit on those who will speak it. "Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary wiith forbearing, and I could not stay." Jeremiah 20:9

I hear the crying souls
Of a million infants slain.
Though their bodies were destroyed
And to death too early chained.
One day they will leave
This shallow earth of clay.
They'll open their eyes to God
And on angel's wings escape.

There are those without a prayer.
Another took their life away.
You and I we still have hope.
We still have a prayer to pray.
When troubles surround us,
We can leave them all behind;
And close our eyes to God,
And on a prayer escape.

I see people around us,
To a drug or drink they're bound.
They trade their freedom for a bottle.
Their sorrows they try to drown.
They can walk out of their prison,
Free from chemical slavery today.
They can close their eyes to God
And on a prayer escape.
The Words We Live

I didn't hear the words you preached.
I listened to your actions when you went home at night.
I was running from a world of darkness and pain.
I didn't study your dogma; I was searching for light.

When people see us do they see Christ?
The words we live burn like a fire in the soul.
Does our kindness fill their empty heart?
Or have we mauled their soul with angry words?

Like the wind in its strength, we can't see God;
Only the changes brought when He moves in men's lives.
Do others see His power in us?
Or do they only see our hatred and strife?

Have we become as "painted sepulchers?"
Do we hide dead bones, thinking no one knows?
Do we wear the clothes of visible holiness;
But deny the power of God to cleanse our souls?

Father of us all, teach us the art of love;
Lest we in eagerness try to cleanse our brothers with a sword.
Let us love each other as you have loved us.
Only the gifts we give can be our reward.

This world is spinning fast,
No time for me to slow down.
I hurry through the days,
Not knowing where I'm bound.

Time and life are not waiting.
The days speed hurriedly by.
Like the sand through an hour glass,
Toward the day when we die.

We live life on the brink,
So afraid that we might fall.
Unaware that the boundary before us,
Could be the threshold to God's call.

The Father stands before us,
He waits with arms outstretched.
His voice speaks tender reassurance,
"Jump child, I'll catch."

We look at the gulf between us,
But with a father's love He stands.
In faith, we close our eyes,
And fall into His waiting hands.
What Will You Do With Today?

Each day is a blessing, a gift from the Lord.
God counts our life by the days.
Don't spend your minutes counting the years.
What will you do with today?

Yesterday, today, and many days more;
Add up to a lifetime we pray.
One day at a time is all you can live.
What will you do with today?

Remember to number your days with care.
Your life is not years, but days.
Remember your days are determined by God.
What will you do with today?

God counts the stars and the grains of sand.
The hairs of your head are numbered each day.
He's measuring every single day that you live.
What will you do with today?
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Acts Church Website
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Online Bible Concordance and Translations
Audio Bible Online
Cartoons for Christ Site Cyber Hymnal Website
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Sermon Index Website
J93 Atlanta's Christian Radio Station
Aesop's Fables Website
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CCM MIDI Megasite by NSO
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