This poem was put out on the newsgroup a short time ago. It was written by a son of a woman with endo. Believe it or not, this sweetheart of a son, is just 17 years of age....He's got more compassion in him at that age, than I've known of doctors at least 3 times his age. They could all learn a lesson from him. Thank you Jerry for writing this and allowing me to put this on my page. *HUGS*

A poem for the Ladies with Endo

The pain sometimes too much to bear
hurting you from here to there.
Life is changed from good to bad
cherished are the pain-free days you had
never-ending, always inside
you'd like to, but you know you can't hide

Never fear, they are here
the ones you love and want near
no matter how puny you may feel
we believe you, we know the pain is real
We will listen, when you talk
we will comfort when you cry
we will love you when you hurt
we will help you when you need us

When the pain is at its worst
turn to those for whose love you thirst
though love will not cure the pain
it will help keep you sane
to all the ones who from endo suffer
the love we have is all we can offer.

Author: Jerry Bradway

Again, Jerry, I thank you from deep in my heart for the privilege to post this here.

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