A Patient's Guide to Chondrosarcoma

What locations in the body are chondrosarcoma tumors commonly found?

Chondrosarcomas may develop in any part of the body, but most are commonly found in the pelvis, rib cage, arms, and legs.Although any bone can be affected, the long bones (legs, arms, fingers, toes,) pelvis and shoulder blades are the most common. While the face and skull are generally unaffected, it is not unheard of. Occasionally chondrosarcoma has been found in the spine, or skull. It is extremely rare to find chondrosarcoma in any internal organs. If Chondrosarcoma metastasizes, it usually spreads to the lung.

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This site was created in loving memory of Raj A. Megha.


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copyright 2001 by Elizabeth Munroz All rights reserved.

Last updated: November 20, 2004