The following sites have links to the Sabertooth paper airplane!

Jim Cornish's paper airplanes Jim Cornish's paper airplane site. Thanks Jim!
Los Angeles County Office of Education The Los Angeles County Office of Education offers links to several paper airplane sites and some information on aerodynamics rated 6.8 out of 10 by visitors to! Thanks for the comments, folks!
For all those curious at heart. The website has an excellent section on how airplanes work.
Family Education Network Surfing the Net with Kids 3 Stars from Surfing the Net with Kids and the Family Education Network!
Spacestation42 Links to many paper airplane sites, and also offers a free paper cat and other great paper sculptures!
Chris Veness's site Thanks to Chris Veness for providing alternate, clear instructions. Don't forget to trim the length on that A4 paper! :)
Berit's Best Sites for Children 3/5 rating from Berit's Best Sites for Children
Alex's Paper Airplanes Alex Schultz's collection paper airplane designs found on the net. 13% of the visitors (1223 out of 9461) voted Sabertooth as their favorite paper airplane! See the poll