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***Michael Wayne Richardson's Personal Quiet Times***

Welcome to the page where my bestest friend, ever, puts his heart on a platter and offers it to God... and the rest of us lucky dogs.The words written here are Mike's thoughts when he wakes up in the morning... (usually) over a cup of Cuban Espresso! Aaahh!

Read all about it and tell him what you think!

WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)The Fog
WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)Peace, Joy & Comfort through the Word
WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)Heaven
WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)The Making of a Man (or Woman) of God
WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)The Purpose of Eternity
WB01501_.gif (476 bytes)Gratitude


Has anyone of you guys ever seemed like your heart, your mind, your life was a in a fog? Discouraged. Directionless. Not knowing what to do or where to go. I think we all do sometimes. I wanted to share with you guys something I read in my quite time this morning, from the book "No Wonder They Call Him The Savior" that expressed, in the writer's words, "what was perhaps the foggiest night in history" -- Jesus in the garden. It so amazing that whenever we go through something, no matter what it may be, we can know FOR SURE that Someone, Jesus, went through more. Be it fog, or pain, or hurt, or suffering of any kind. I'll use the writer's words to describe the scene. (See also Matthew 26:31-40; II Corinthians 1:3-9)

"The writer of Hebrews would later pan, 'During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with LOUD CRIES and TEARS to the one who could save him from death'. The next time the fog finds you, you might do well to remember Jesus in the garden. The next time you think that noone understands, reread the 14th chapter of Mark. The next time your self-pity convinces you that no one cares, pay a visit to Gethsemane. And the next time you wonder if God really perceives the pain that prevails on this dusty planet, listen to him pleading among the twisted trees. Here's my point. Seeing God like this does wonders for our own suffering. God was never more human than at this hour. God was never nearer to us than when he hurt. As a result, time spent in the fog of pain could be God's greatest gift. It could be the hour that we finally see our Maker. If it is true that in suffering God is most like man, maybe in our suffering we can see God like never before. The next time you are called to suffer, pay attention. It may be the closest you'll ever get to God. Watch closely. It could very well be that the hand that extends itself to lead you out of the fog is a pierced one."

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I wanted to share with you guys somethings I saw in my quiet time this morning.

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus Christ the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are -- yet was without sin." Hebrews 4:14-15.

This scriptures clothes me with comfort. It is the "inexpressible and glorious joy" and offers the "peace that transcends understand", the fact that Jesus has been and was tempted in every single way that I am, yet was without sin. He is my representative before the Creator of Life, the Universe, everything -- and pleads mercy. I can hear Him (Jesus) speaking with God for me, "Please Father, I know how he is feeling, the anxiety, the pride, the selfishness, I know Father -- it is hard." And then all He (Jesus) does is raise His hands to show the marks paid for my mercy. My own personal mercy. That is so unfathomable. I am a very thankful man this morning.

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Good morning family. I really want to thank Claudia for the message she sent to us last night, thanking our Father for all He has done. It made me really start to think about Heaven. What is the first thing you want to do when you get there? How do you picture the rooms (which will probably be WAY more than just rooms) that He has prepared for us? In Corinthians, it says that our minds cannot even conceive what He has prepared. Does that not build your hopes and faith? It absolutely does mine. I just recently listened to the tape series that Gordon Ferguson did on the book of Romans, which I highly recommend by the way, and something he mentioned in it so inspired me that I must share it with you. It's really simple -- he was explaining what a disciple's reaction will be when we go before God for judgment. "All I will do, is plead the mercy of Christ." Man, even as I type this I realize how much I don't deserve that. No goods deeds will matter. "I plead the mercy of Christ."

To answer the questions I asked above, the first thing I want to do is to hold Jesus for quite a long time and look into His eyes and say a whole-hearted 'thank you'. I cannot wait for that day. I just pray that I keep my own eyes focused on His suffering and on His promises.

You guys have a great Friday and weekend.

Claudia's Letter:

Hi everyone, I just really want to take some time out to thank God for all that he's done for me. I am so grateful to be a part of this  wonderful kingdom. Thank you so much my God for loving me. You're everything to me. I pray that I can do so much more for you everyday. I  also pray for all of my brothers and sisters around the world. I pray  that they will not lose their heart for you and that they will continue  to fight the good fight that you have called us to fight. Help us God to  always remember that you're on our side. I am so happy to be fighting  for you my God . I love you so much, love your daughter \ Claudia

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Good afternoon family...

I wanted to share a bit of my quiet time this morning... reading I & II Samuel and the Psalms with the help of a book entitled "The Making of a Man of God - Studies in the Life of David". I love reading about David and have been attracted to him since day one of being a disciple, but I never really knew that, through digging deeper, God foreshadows the life of Jesus through the life of David in the sufferings he went through. What I was reading today was I Samuel 22, when David fled to the cave with his men and Psalm 34, which has written by David while in the cave. I wanted to share with you something from the book I'm reading that describes the big picture, relate it to the story of David in the cave...

"In the purpose of God from before the foundation of the world, Satan's destiny, as a member of God's heavenly hosts, was to be regent of this world, to govern this little planet on behalf of the King of all the universe. However, this great created being rebelled against the authority of the One who created him. In Isaiah 14:12 we are told that he exalted himself and sought to be as God, to sit upon the throne of the whole universe. Therefore he was rejected, disowned, and cast out of heaven. In order to replace him, to find another to supervise the affairs of this little planet on behalf of the Almighty, God made a man in His own likeness and image and, as the psalmist says in Psalm 8:4 and 6, "What is man, that you are mindful of him? That you have set everything under creation at his feet? The prince of this world, however, persuaded the man whom God had made to share in his rebellion and to revolt against God's authority. The result was that this planet - though in orbit physically, in the material sense moving with the whole solar system in the universe -- is spiritually out of orbit. From this little globe there goes up constantly to the throne of heaven a cry of suffering from the human race which, because of its rebellion and wrong allegiance, has become alienated from its Creator.

But God launched a dynamic counterattack in the person of Jesus. He conducted a full-scale invasion, because He became a man and lived as God intended men to live, in complete submission to His will. He lived a perfect life and died as a man in place of all other men to pay the price of our rebellion and to uphold the justice of the throne of heaven. He rose again as a man into the place of all power and authority..."

These few paragraphs in this book made me realize the BIG picture -- the true spiritual battle. It is definitely not flesh and blood, but between rulers, authorities and things that are WAY more powerful than we are. The extremely comforting part is that the war has already been fought... and won. It is so important (and honestly very challenging for me sometimes) to realize this, because when the challenging times come, in my relationship with my fiance, with other brothers and sisters, at work, wherever, to realize that the evil forces are desperately trying to get into my own walk with God and any other relationships I have and wreck it up. It also helps me have HUGE amounts of compassion for the lost. They are still victims -- I was pulled from the rubble and rescued. There are others still stuck under the devastation of sin and I have the rope to pull them out. I'm very convicted even as I type this because I see my lack of compassion towards the hurting. Please pray for me that I may have a deeper, deeper compassion. Thanks for letting me share my heart with you.

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Good morning man. I wanted to send this to you -- I was amazingly inspired this morning. It is from the sermon that Marty Fuqua preached in December 1996 at the Convention Center -- deeply impacting. I want to share my faith with everyone I see today!

Also, please excuse the table in the living room, I'm going to take that and the boxes I have at your house to our apartment tonight, so that it will be out of your way.

Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to this earth to save mankind from eternal damnation. Did I hear that right? That was ETERNITY. First of all, my mind cannot even conceive what eternity really means. That must be the reason why anyone, deep down, searches for the beyond. The greatest fear of anyone, I would guess, is fear of the unknown. Not knowing what's happening next. What happens when I die? Is life just a series of up and downs and that's it? I don't understand, why am I here? There IS a reason and if you listen really closely, God may open your mind. God's ultimate plan for the redemption of man has already taken place. The work is done. He (God) made himself like a man and became obedient to death, EVEN death on a cross (Phillipians 2). That's the part that breaks my heart. The cross. My sin, my wrongs, my selfishness, was paid for by the very being that made me and everything else. Amazing! The part the follows, though, is the final plunge of the knife through the heart of evil... forever. The Risen Lord. Those three words changed everything. Jesus' death on a cross was horrific and breaks my heart, but the resurrection... that changed EVERYTHING!!! The space that once was a HUGE valley between man and God was bridged. In the words of Him, "It is finished". Now is time to tell everyone about the Gospel or Good News!!! The disciples that followed Jesus were very, very confused though. "What just happened?" Can you see them scratching their heads? Broken-hearted. Thinking that the One who had promised them a new and eternal kingdom had just died a horrific death. "What do we do now?" I believe that's how the disciples were for most, if not all, of Jesus' ministry. Confused. And Jesus knew this... and did something about it. In Luke 24:45 it says that, "Jesus opened their minds." He opened their minds!!!!!! Now, for the first time, they understood EVERYTHING. "OH!!!!" "That's what it means!!" They, the disciples were absolutely on the ground floor of spreading this Good News to the whole earth. Realizing that, "I'm not just one of the guys... I'm one of THE guys!!!!" I relate to this story so, so much. It is how I have been my entire life, up to the point of sitting down and studying the Word of God and hearing it speak to me and genuinely opening my mind. I SEE NOW!!!! I DO... MICHAEL WAYNE RICHARDSON... SEE THAT IT'S NOW UP TO ME TO SPREAD THE WORD TO THE ENTIRE LOST WORLD!!!!!! In Romans 8, God tells me that I not only have an inheritance and am a co-heir with Jesus Christ, which is completely enough, but I'm also a son of God!! He loves me, He likes me, He wants me!!! He also has trusted me with finding all of the rest of His lost, hurting children that have wandered away from home and can't find their way back... at least not by themselves. I must help them!!! After all, someone helped me. I am so inspired to share, unconditionally and fearlessly, the best news to ever be uttered by mankind... HE IS RISEN!!!!!

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Good morning family...

I wanted to share with you guys a way that my faith has been completely built up over the last few months. I'm so thankful about it, that I can't keep it to myself... it is impossible.

I asked my best friend, Gina Perlas, to marry me on November 1 of last year. The fact that she said yes is faith building enough. At the beginning of this year, we sat down and drew out a budget of what we would need to put a wedding together, at which time neither of us having a cent saved for the wedding (I'm not promoting not saving for a wedding, please don't take it that way, don't do as I did). We prayed and simply knew that God would provide because I really believe that He wants us to get married and have a great wedding and marriage more than either of us do. So, over the course of the last few months, God has allowed us to have and save up over $7,000. This is NOT because either of us is extremely great with finances or a result of us really doing much. We sacrificed a good deal, but I believe that God simply answered our prayer. It does work. Prayer does work.

Another source of gratitude that I must share is the conviction that God is allowing me have at a deeper level in regards to the lost. Honestly, the scripture "to whom much has been given, much is expected" really rings true in my heart. I feel like I have been given more than I could have ever, ever dreamed in my wildest dreams, honestly. Knowing this, I look at the world around me and it completely breaks my heart in two. Even now, as I sit here in my cubicle at Honda, I know that the folks around me are just helpless and harrassed. They look great on the outside, but inside... a complete mess. I can see it in their eyes... when I really look. I guess what I'm saying is as God continues to bless my life, all the ways He does, my compassion for the lost has been growing with it. I pray that I may continue to grow in this and humbly, extremely humbly realize that I was just a beggar looking for food... and found some. I'm still a beggar, I just know where the food is.

Thank you guys for reading. Have a great Thursday!

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Good morning guys! I wanted to share a some of the insight I saw in this book I'm reading, "The Making of a Man of God - Studies in the Life of David" by Alan Redpath. I highly recommend the book.

"All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, "We are your own flesh and blood. In the past, while Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns. And the Lord said to you, 'You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler." When all the elders of Israel had come to King David at Hebron, the king made a compact with them at Hebron before the Lord and they appointed David king over Israel..."

II Samuel 5:1-3

"When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel, they went up in FULL FORCE to search for him, but David heard about it and went down to the stronghold. Now the Philistines had come and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim, so David inquired of the Lord, "Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?" The Lord answered him, "Go, for I will surely hand the Philistines over to you." So David went to Baal Perazim and there he defeated them..." "Once more the Philistines came up and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim so David inquired of the Lord, and he answered, "Do not go straight up, but circle around behind them and attack them in front of the balsam trees. As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you the strike the Philistine army." So David did as the Lord commanded him, and he struck down the Philistines all the way from Gibeon to Gezer."

II Samuel 5:17-25

It's amazing the insight that the writer of this book I'm reading has. He relates everything that happened in the life of David -- all the situations and circumstances in his life -- to the life of Jesus. As we see in the first scripture above, David was anointed king, approximately 13 years after Samuel had anointed him and told him that he would be king one day. David has some incredible patience and reliance on God. I think to myself, what would I do if I were David here? Be impatient and just take what was promised to me -- "God told me I would be his leader. I'm ambitious, I want to please Him, I will now take my kingship and rule the land." That would probably be my natural (a.k.a. sinful) reaction. David was made king. He learned from his suffering with regards to Saul and that he wasn't going to make ANY move without God completely making it obvious. What's cool about this is when David was finally anointed the king, he just sat back and the people of Israel crowned him themselves. He took nothing. Isn't that amazing! I know that God loves that heart.

Another realization that I gleaned from this story in the second scripture above is that IMMEDIATELY after he was crowned and anointed king of Israel, he was attacked by Israel's most notorious enemy, the Philistines. It says in verse 18, the they came in FULL FORCE. Relate this to our lives. When we make a decision to make Jesus Lord and crown Him King of our heart, mind and soul, we will IMMEDIATELY be marked by satan and his army will come after us in FULL FORCE. We are no match for him without God. Period. We will fall. This realization for me has helped me to be WAY more desperate for God in every aspect of my life. I also know that this battle for my soul just started when I studied the bible and got baptized. It will continue every single day of my life, until I leave this earth. I know that satan will not admit defeat and will pursue me like a lion constantly and persistently. What's comforting is that the war as already been won. All I must do is keep my eyes focused on the cross and let Him lead me. As I am no match for satan, satan is no match for Jesus. If I allow him to, Jesus will defeat him every single time. That gives me such hope.

The last aspect of this scripture that convicted me is that David did exactly as God commanded him and he was victorious. Exactly. No excuses or shortcuts. Isn't it painful and hard to really do exactly what we are commanded sometimes? It is for me. The other thing is that the two different occasions when the Philistines attacked and David inquired of God, the answer from God was different both times. So, for me, I realized that I can't always rely on what I learned yesterday to fight my battles for today. If I really and truly inquire of God and want His Spirit to lead me, I won't always receive the same directions. Amazing.

It was a very impacting quiet time and it changed me. I hope some of his helps someone also. Have a great Monday!!!

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Songs From The Closet ©1997